+42 Mel Gibson is an outstanding actor, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I watched a movie on Amazon the other day that I didn't know existed called the Bounty (quite the cast) and he was very good in it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'll have to check that out. He's fantastic in the Mad Max trilogy.

by Wunschenos 3 months ago

Apparently he never wanted to play Wallace and focus on directing. The studio pushed him because he was so popular at the time.

by keeblererica 3 months ago

Incredible performance in Signs. With all of his crazy fundamentalist stuff I'm surprised he was ok with doing a movie that mixes aliens with religion.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Incredible performance in Signs Alright, since nobody's gonna eat, I'll try some of everything

by Agitated-Addition 3 months ago

I dont want any of you spending time alone with Tracy Abernathy is that understood?

by Broderick86 3 months ago

I think a majority of people struggle to separate talent from personality and behavior. That's ultimately the crux of cancel culture. Kevin Spacey is human garbage but he's still a phenomenal actor and his presence won't keep me from watching and enjoying his past works. Same goes for Mel Gibson. He has some films that are very deserving of appreciation even if you don't like the guy as a person.

by balistrerialexa 3 months ago

Payback is a great flick. So are Mad Max and Road Warrior (my childhood jams).

by Wunschenos 3 months ago

He's also one of the best directors Hollywood has ever produced.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Love this guy

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Reprehensible behavior? Harvey Weinstein literally confirmed everything he said.

by Significant_East_782 3 months ago

Not unpopular. He was extremely popular and successful. The reason he's not in stuff now has nothing to do with his acting ability.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

He's in all sorts of stuff now. Fatman is a Christmas masterpiece

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think this is still an unpopular opinion even if objectively the truth.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah he was great on South Park

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I like how crazy he looks with his big bushy beard and big white teeth

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean he IS a great actor who IS ALSO just an asshole

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Uhh I feel like his acting ability isn't the reason people aren't fond of him...

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh yeah he absolutely is; and he is a fantastic director too. And a colossal asshole that shouldn't be able to find any type of work that can shape public opinion. There is nothing that correlates his ability with his capacity to work.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Not many people care about his acting abilities anymore. People care that he's an awful person and that's more important when choosing who to support.

by shawna49 3 months ago

Why should people separate his "faulty character" from his acting?

by No-Asparagus 3 months ago

His character is no more faulty or reprehensible than the rest of his peers in the movie biz. He's been blackballed because of his beliefs. He was supposed to be the next huge thing, he made a movie about Jesus Christ, very un-hollywood. Hollywood loves to cancel people who believe in God, look it up.

by No-Error-2192 3 months ago

He was supposed to be the next huge thing, he made a movie about Jesus Christ, very un-hollywood. Yeah, just a movie about Jesus. It definitely wasn't because he was openly homophobic, racist, and anti-semitic. Nope.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think he is an appalling actor. Seems so wooden in some scenes.

by Embarrassed-End 3 months ago