+32 It's not that big of a deal to answer work emails after work hours, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Given that people are now encouraged to regularly job hop or are contractors more than salaried employees the supervisor can kick rocks. You probably won't be working for him in a couple of years regardless and so your relationship to your employer matters less. Which is also the point. Employers have spent the last decade and a half drilling in that they don't value employees and will do mass layoffs or deny pay raises that keep up with inflation but then demand constant availability with nothing in return for it. They get zero favors done for them by a rational person in today's world.

by Proof_Machine_9305 1 week ago

I have a private chat with my coworkers and communicate with them to agree to never agree to certain tasks, like an underground union. Works like a charm. The boss is just looking for weak targets to exploit. We do what we're paid to do, and we do that part well. But I'm not about to start changing the garbage bag in the lunchroom because they don't want to hire a cleaner. I work for a multi-billion dollar company. If I were working for a start-up or a mom-and-pop it'd be different.

by Clean_Economist_8449 1 week ago

That's not how salary life works but slay our hourly rate queen.

by ObligationOk 1 week ago

I don't work a salary job I could tell. That's why I called you an hourly rate queen. You can do whatever you want if all your work gets done. But if you're not meeting deadlines, sorry sweetheart but that's called being a professional.

by ObligationOk 1 week ago

The idea is that people don't want to have to think or stress about work when they're not working. Maybe it's not a big deal for you, but many people want a separation.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's when you work hourly not salary

by Ryley65 1 week ago

Even salary workers deserve boundaries and not answering emails unless you are on missile watch at NORAD or something.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I guess that makes sense my husband is 30 and works intl for defense dept as a tech vp lol you almost hit the nail on the head. I've never heard someone at his work say they are unavailable for emails or calls

by Ryley65 1 week ago

Sure right after my boss comes to mow my lawn after work hours I'll check his email after work hours. If he wants me to work for him for free, then he should have to work for me for free

by Electrical-Dig 1 week ago

OP: "I enjoy handing out my labor out for free so you should as well" Hey, I have a few chores around my house I need done today, it's not a big deal. Can you do them for free? I hope you don't wAnT cOmPeNaTiOn!!!

by Shoddy_Speed_7126 1 week ago

So if I sleep poorly I can nap at work. Why should I face RePerCusSiOnS? Its only a nap, I'll still be at work, dang.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Only ok if you work flexi. You need compensation or you basically just lower the value of your work

by Radiant_Flower_3498 1 week ago

Not everything is a numbers game I was under the impression I was working to get paid, I didn't realize this was a charity operation

by Electrical-Dig 1 week ago

No there is not pride in my work. That's where you are wrong. I don't get paid enough to have pride.

by Cassandra70 1 week ago

I think you're the problem not the job. Have pride in everything you do.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Then that's your fault, quit, plenty of ish in the sea.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh my God, why didn't I think of that!?!?

by Cassandra70 1 week ago

Bro companies are created because they like seeing numbers go up lmao. Doing business is nothing but a number game.

by Delaney11 1 week ago

Emails aren't intended for emergencies. Call. If a company does business at all hours there should be a system in place for after hours support if the needs are so immediate that it cannot wait till the next day. There is very little that really needs an answer right away.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"sometimes" does not mean ALL the time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As someone who gets up to 20-30 emails a day that I'm responsible for sorting, I absolutely do think it's a big deal to answer emails or do any kind of work outside of the office. I'm an attorney and I manage around 60-80 open cases at the moment- meaning there at least 100 or more people at any given time trying to contact me and ask for legal advice. If any of those people try to call/text/email after hours they absolutely do not deserve my time. There is nothing so urgent it can't wait until I'm back in the office. And I highly doubt they would appreciate me calling them to talk shop while they were trying to spend time with family and friends or relax after a long day. Lol

by Stromanjamar 1 week ago

I work in healthcare. Checking and responding to emails when I'm not at work is kind of part of the deal. It's the nature of the biz its 24hr 365 days a week. I really thinks it depends on what you do. Most things you kind of know what you are signing up for ahead of time

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Definitely unpopular. Imo it should be your choice. Once end of work day hits I dont wanna think about work so I don't. If you wanna use some of your free time outside work working on stuff power too you. But I shouldn't be forced to answer work calls or email outside of work hours just like you should be able to if you want. But I shouldnt get punished for not working outside of my daily work hours.

by Careless-Sort 1 week ago

I bet this guy is loved by everyone at the office.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And when he gets to the end of the life and wonders why his kids aren't around, well, he may find the answer here.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Emails are on phones, genius

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Keep being a jerk, everyone is terribly impressed with your 'dedication to work'. Oh, and how you're insulting to everyone around you, that makes you really stand out for your boss.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And I hear some phones have cameras now, too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hey man can you do my taxes for me? I won't pay you but since you can do it from your phone that should be fine, right?

by Letha26 1 week ago

Yeah, give me your W2 and bank information

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If they only look at it it's on them. But they shouldn't have to do work stuff outside of work hours.

by Helene03 1 week ago

Reading the email isn't so bad. I would rather not think about work but whatever. They typically require some form of response. That is more effort than I am willing to do on my time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What is your job?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No. But feel free to do so yourself. I'll be relaxing outside of work hours.

by ArtichokeMundane1717 1 week ago

Nope I only open my work email during working hours. Never on weekends or after work hours. I am not paid for that time I am not working for free.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It can wait until the morning, not like any action will be taken until the next day anyway, don't really see the point. In construction management and when I started would often lose sleep thinking about stuff that needed to be done the next day. Really had to learn to make a separation before it became unhealthy.

by FocusEffective 1 week ago

So you are going to do/think about work ....while not getting paid? Welcome to setting a horrible precedent for being a doormat, to something so impersonal as a corporation. There are some boundaries that get set, for a reason. Like valuing yourself, your family time, your free time, more than giving free time/labor to a company that wouldn't bat an eye at replacing you THE SECOND you become even a minor liability.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

lol, no. You aren't some magical unicorn cuz you've had a job since you were 14. I can claim the exact same thing and am also the same age as you. Time in bed with my spouse is sacred. We ain't spending it answering emails. Our bedroom is our sanctuary away from the rest of the world. We don't even allow screens in our bedroom. It's "us" time when we are in our bed or bedroom. Answering emails, helping customers and co-workers isn't more important than your family time or your mental down time. Those people will survive and still be there when your shift starts again and ya know what....it's perfectly healthy to learn that people aren't at your beck and call 24 hours. When you are on your death bed, you won't be laying there wishing you had spent more time working. But there is a GOOD chance you'll be laying there wishing you had spent more time and energy on your family.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't feel obligated to, but if I'd rather deal with it now rather than later I might. I agree, it's not a big deal.

by Key-Wishbone 1 week ago

Of course not. But the shedule function for sending it only on Monday morning is a must!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

From experience, one email or message doesn't feel like a big deal. The problem is when they start to come more frequently, it feels like you are always working. You can't fully relax and focus on anything, because you might get something from work at any moment. This is a big part of why I switched from a self employed work from home job to a salaried office job. The "freedom" of being self employed made me feel like I never really had time off.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm a college instructor. My department chair told us we should check email at least once a day. So that's what I do. During the day. I DO check on weekends, however, just in case there's something that needs to be graded (I do the majority of my grading during the week, in between classes).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I kind of agree with this one, we are focusing on the wrong issue when it comes to work life balance especially in America. Answering a teams message at 5pm when I got off work at 4 isn't as big of a deal as not having access to maternity leave or mandatory sick time.

by Some-Painting 1 week ago

It's not a THAT big of deal to work for free. I fixed your title for you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There should be no reason that anyone should have to answer a work related email after work hours If emails have to be handled after work hours, the company needs to look into why and if necessary hire somebody to handle those emails as necessary. If you want to be the companies lackey, good luck to you they will screw you over first chance it's good for them because they know that you will roll over and take it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm hourly.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well then yeah they shouldn't be sending emails after work

by Ryley65 1 week ago

European customers

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My wife is more important then your work email or whatever your sending me after hours.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Why do you want to do work when you're not getting paid for it? What do you gain? Not money

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Helping out other people do their jobs gives me pride.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Please try to not get burnt out. I remember being young and like this

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm 43

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're going to be 43 in about 25 years

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm 12 actually. And that was more pity for you, that at your age you still take pride in getting taken advantage of. I just… feel bad

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't understand the value of my labor and that time is our single most valuable resource?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, because you don't have a job and are trolling me

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How so?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"I think you're the problem not the job. Have pride in everything you do." As if people who choose to spend time with their families in the evening don't have pride in their work. And that they are the problem.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You can spend time with your family. I have a daughter and a wife. I also read my emails at night and will respond if needed. Big woop.

by Anonymous 1 week ago