+336 Rainbows got ruined since their association with gays and lesbians, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

rainbows were gay, before they were gay anyways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Gay's and Lesbians had nothing to do with that. They are being judged because they are diffrent and vibrant, so some asshole decided to name the rainbow as a symbol of Gay's and Lesbians. It's a stereotype that Homophobic Assholes use to target an innocent human.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Loveall<3333): Actually, it's a sign for diversity and pride. Rainbows have a lot to do with gays and lesbians. Either way, I still like rainbows.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But they themselves didn't say that it was like that. You're right on a lot of things, and I love rainbows too. But Gay people didn't announce that the Rainbow was their thing, some homophobe did

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well look who's using it? Definitely not homophobes.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yes they did! THEY RUINED THE RAINBOW! So thanks alot Gays!!! I'm surprised the GLBT flag isn't brown, since buttsex usually involves poop LOL

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Do you see straights wearing rainbows when they have parades & protests? No, you gays are the ones protesting with rainbows. The truth hurts doesn't it?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

yeah, fuck that. every thing in the universe can be found in a rainbow. the rainbow is gods visual art masterpiece, gays are not. gay is so fucking gay. fuck that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Did you know the rainbow was once a biblical symbol, not something that represented gays/lesbians? =/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes. This is so wrong. In the beginning, it was Adam and EVE not Adam and STEVE. So wrong. God defines a marriage as a man and a woman. Not woman and woman or man and man. I'm very against this LGBTQ. Also, the rainbow was a sign from god, now its used as a sign of homosexual pride. WHO RUINED THE RAINBOW? Couldn't you have used some different mix of colors like a tie die flag or smth? Instead of ruining gods rainbow he gave to us as a promise? When I was younger, I had an interest in painting and drawing rainbows. Once it became a homosexual sign, I thought to myself, "'What if I drew this and people thought it was for LGBTQ?'" It is really messed up and I'd like it to change. Its part of Satan's plan, I CAN FEEL IT. He wants lesbian and gay so that there are no more babies. And you cant argue with that because that's what is happening. I can't go anywhere anymore without seeing pride flags. Please work hard with me to make this world a better place. -Tape

by Anonymous 1 year ago

ugh who cares?? I don't have a problem with gays/lesbians and i love rainbows.. saying it ruined rainbows is totally homophobic, and I can't believe how many people greed with your statement, I didn't think this site was full of haters, maybe I'll go back to MLIA, definitely a more tolerant site! (And no for the record I'm not gay, though wouldn't care if i was labelled as such)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Its not homophobic for saying we ruined it. We did ruin it. It used to be associated with many things, and now it's mainly associated with us. We r deleting the meanings that it once had and focusing it on us. That is like saying the swastika is a symbol of evil and only evil when that is not simply true. The swastika truly a symbol of peace, divinity, and once even the second coming of Christ, and it has been like that for 1000s of years until recently (especially in the west), but because some people made it represent them, now everyone associates it with them. If you ignore the original meaning of smth u r being ignorant and if someone is told that it doesn't mean x but instead it means y, when x is the original/other meanings, you r misinforming them. That is the part where we ruined it. Many of us r ignorant and we make others ignorant by "correcting them". Btw I'm bisexual and transgender, but I actually acknowledge the fact that the lgtbq has done good things but it also ruined things

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Guys ruined rainbows exactly the same way nazis ruined swastikas.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

way to be homophobic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It didn't ruin the rainbow, that's for sure. It's just REALLY hard to say that you like rainbows as a straight person now, because then you will be harassed and called gay and whatnot. I don't think being called gay is an insult, it just feels insulting when you're called something you're not, such as homophobic, or stupid. It feels as if you're being wrongly accused.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It annoys me because I wanted to get a tattoo on my ankle of a rainbow, but that would give people the wrong idea :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just don't like the association. Rainbows did start out as a biblical symbol and I always loved rainbows as a kid, but now that I have been made aware of what the color's represent it today's world...I back off. One almost immediately has that association, and I think it's ruined the beauty of the rainbow and what it originally stood for.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

seriously, stfu

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's just what I think. You're entitled to your opinion. Chill out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My opinion is that people shouldn't be able to express their opinions when they are so blatantly derived from prejudice, racism, or hatred of any kind. These opinions are ignorant. Ignorant people should probably stfu.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So if someone where to say I love having sex with children/animals. You would be fine with that? since you objecting to it would mean that your a hypocryte because your being prejudice. Am I wrong? Rainbow always symbolized love, tolerence, acceptance and peace to me. However, I do find it unjust for my baby sister to be a victim of hate simply because some idiots saw her wearing a rainbow shirt with a peace sign on it and automatically associated it with LGBT and started telling her that she's going to hell. I am Bisexual and I am a LGBT supporter but I am also aware of the fact that using the rainbow as our flag has it's downfalls. P.S. I told my baby sis to respond to haters next time with "If you hate rainbows then you also hate God because he's the one who created them and he loves them".

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Free speech is a thing, if it's not hurting the person who's expressing their opinion or anyone else in a physical matter it's allowable.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

STFU GLBT May homos think they're normal. Many of them are wrong.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Exactaly, I wanted to get rainbow braces, then my dentist started laughing.... when i realized what it implied.... Point made, the LGBT community associated rainbows with the wrong thing, IMO

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well over 400 people think I'm right. How about that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

homophobic is the natural way to be.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I hate rainbows they piss me off! When your sitting around & minding your own business, they march in, crawl up your legs & then bite your ass. I fucking hate rainbows

by Anonymous 12 years ago

gays/lesbians/trannies didn't just ruin rainbows, they ruined techno/dance music too! they ruin everything they touch. As kids, we all enjoyed rainbows, but now, no thanks to gays they are ruined.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So I have 4 children I an NOT HOMOPHOBIC however I completely agree the use of the rainbow flag is DISCUSTING rainbows are associated with children as a child I remember looking for pots of gold from appearing rainbows I used to paint them all over scrap paper HOWEVER THAT WAS IN 2000 it is now 2023 and my two eldest children 11 and 6 are scared to draw rainbows incase there friends think there gay shame on you selfish pieces of shit for not using a tie die flag or something original sick of the world removing basic humanity for children. Children - rainbows- ruined forever why would you associate someone’s sexuality with a child’s pattern? Cult behaviour

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The Rainbow DOES NOT MEAN diversity, love tolerance and acceptance. Where did most of you making that claim get it from???????? THE RAINBOW is the SYMBOL OF GOD'S PROMISE to never destroy the world again. It was in the sky after Noah's Ark was on dry land and the waters receded from the great flood God sent when the world was full of sin. Yes, Gays have absolutely ruined the use of the Rainbow these days. When I was a kid, we used to draw scenery with a rainbow in the sky. If a kid does this today, the first thought in most people's heads is, "He must be gay!" Thanks alot, homos!!!!!!!!

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago