+40 I love watching TV and I don't think we should shame people for enjoying it, amirite?

by NoInevitable 1 week ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you. As someone with ADD, it's also the only time I can switch off my brain for a minute. It truly is relaxing. Besides, imo it's not wasted time if you enjoyed it.

by Kaylahborer 1 week ago

You should shame the quality of TV people watch.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I feel like anyone that makes fun of "watching TV" as a pastime is really just targeting "trash TV" like reality TV and the like. I find it hard to believe that people would shame someone for watching popular dramas or some other heavily plot driven show. That out of the way; TV is art. Movies are art. Video games are art. It is not a waste of time to consume art. I don't watch as much TV as I would like, but it's probably my second favorite entertainment medium next to video games. I love the reliability of a good show. Too tired to play a game and just want to watch? Finding a movie sucks sometimes, I love having a show I can just reliably put on for those moods. TV shows are also easier to consume in short bursts, at most it's an hour of your time, which is perfect for an episode or two before bed or during slow spots at work if you're like me and work from home.

by Eryan 1 week ago

I don't think people look down on it as an activity itself, most people do watch TV and you can usually have an entire conversation talking about tv shows. However, that's also the very same reason people would find you slightly boring if you bring it up as a hobby since they probably expect something more interesting like sports, musical instrument or something niche like building/collecting lego sets.

by Schoensammie 1 week ago

Quite possibly the most popular opinion

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ya know, I've been reading the Anne of Green Gables books and something that always makes me chuckle is when Marilla gives Anne a hard time because Anne reads too much. It is not unlike criticism towards TV or screens as a whole. Enjoying stories is part of being human.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

100% agree I struggle with the "wasting time" aspect vs the joy I get. I always end up doing xyz chores or workouts to justify it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

beware of the thanatoids

by Many_Ad 1 week ago

As long as we accept it's a "waste of time" it's fine. Just like video games (those individuals don't like to admit it) and other sedentary activities.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As long as you can support yourself, feed yourself, pay for your own home, TV is a harmless way to fall asleep.

by Ok_Shower 1 week ago

Overconsumption is a problem with screens/tv, but that's a universal problem. Why should TV get called out?

by ella 1 week ago