+40 People get aroused by pixels, amirite?

by Advanced-Zucchini 2 months ago

People get aroused by photons

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And sine waves

by Anonymous 2 months ago

A well-graphed sine curve with multiples of pi, inflection points, zeros, and extrema properly labelled gets me fully chubbed

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People get aroused by moving atoms

by Elisabradtke 2 months ago

By the sight and touch of dead cells.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

By touch sensing neurons carrying an electrical signal along a chain inside the nervous system through the spinal cord all the way to the sensory cortex, so hot

by Anonymous 2 months ago

is that your photon, or are you just happy to see me?

by kylapacocha 2 months ago

Photons bouncing off a beautiful face are infussed before caressing your retina.

by ywaelchi 2 months ago

Speak for yourself. Actually serious question, what does it mean if you think of it but not physically see it? No photons involved right?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People get aroused by a lot of quarks put into a specific arrangement

by IndividualHeat 2 months ago

Don't forget the electrons

by Hot_Friend 2 months ago

I'm more of a higgs boson type of guy

by Myronortiz 2 months ago

And people have been getting aroused by cells, molecules, atoms for millions of years, what's your point?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I promised myself not to follow this link

by IllAssociation231 2 months ago

Vision is from the brain, not the eye, the eye is just a relatively simple sensor and the brain just does the best it can with the sensor's information - that's why we can trick it with pixels.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The eye is not that simple but yes

by SwimmingMonth 2 months ago

Compared to the brain?? It's very simple, relatively.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And yet when I close the relatively simple sensor I have surprisingly little vision.

by Raymondboyer 2 months ago

If you very slightly damage your eye your vision will be slightly impaired, if you slightly damage the part of your brain that processes vision, all bets are off for what happens to your sight. The eye isn't simple, but relative the incredibly complexity of the brain it's just a sensor.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

We have a winner

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This all makes my image creator confused about if it wants a 3rd eye or not.

by Own_Locksmith 2 months ago

Yup. Husband had stroke in the back of the brain Vision was permanently affected. Couldn't read, drive, etc

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People also get aroused by protons, neutrons and electrons. Your point being?

by ernestinemarqua 2 months ago

Frequently, thank you for noticing.

by Longjumping_Issue569 2 months ago

FPE fans simping for a cannibal cause she got big chest:

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I can get aroused with my eyes closed, using just my imagination. Does that mean I'm using neurons?

by Jedidiahfriesen 2 months ago

People will get aroused by a particularly curve rock.

by Own_Wrongdoer 2 months ago

Well, it's a lot of very specific pixels in a certain pattern, but yea

by albalebsack 2 months ago

People get aroused by weirder things than pixels. We're not ‘supposed' to get aroused by anything. Evolution has caused us to be aroused by some things, but that's not because we're supposed to, it's just because the population of people that do grows faster.

by SwimmingMonth 2 months ago

I'd be interested to to find out what the average minimum number of pixels is needed to get sometime aroused.

by wallacemcclure 2 months ago

Wait until you learn about the hypergeometric mean 🥵

by Ok_Customer_6734 2 months ago

I get aroused using my imagination.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Someone link the 4 lines gif

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Sports is the same thing. People go crazy watching pixels of a sporting event. It is in the mind - the image makes the fantasy possible that you are present in whatever image is on the screen.

by Flat-Obligation 2 months ago

I don't think there's fantasy with sports. You can enjoy them without being present

by SwimmingMonth 2 months ago

Yeah, I think its more on the realm of analytical thinking. I didn't care for races until I got into sim racing, now I get excited when I see a good move from a race driver. I got context and understand the nuances of driving that fast with those cars much better. I imagine it's the same for a soccer fan watching their favorite team do a play.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I find vectors have nicer curves

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People get aroused by molecules. Sexy, sexy molecules.

by InfamousEquipment393 2 months ago

I only need four pixels

by Informal-Bench 2 months ago

It's not a bug, it's an exploit. Vision works just fine for finding mating partners as long as there are no bad actors trying to game the system

by omcclure 2 months ago

Only when they're acting sexy

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People also get aroused by words. It's more about getting the idea in your mind(which can happen with more than one ways) than just pure vision

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People also get aroused by words. It's more about causing simulation in your mind(which can happen with more than one ways) than just pure vision

by Anonymous 2 months ago

(255, 0, 0) arouses me so much

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Just like that vixen of a Red M&M.

by TallPlant8317 2 months ago

mans getting turned on by the period blood

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People are aroused by electrons firing in their brains

by schoencatharine 2 months ago

People get aroused by hallucinations (ìmagination)

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People get aroused by data visualizations of ones and zeroes.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

i wouldnt call it a bug lmao. if you see footage of a really sexual act that took place it makes sense to arouse you regardless of if you're viewing it on a screen or in person. same with a statue, it's still representative of the real thing

by Zhegmann 2 months ago

People get aroused with carbon

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah, your mums pixels.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

We're all robosexuals, but we are not all brave enough to admit it.

by WildJunket46 2 months ago

I masturbate to curvy pieces of wood.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People eat molecules, like ew wtf!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Absolutely. That movie is great.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I mean if the tree is shapely enough >_>;

by Existing_Cheek_9771 2 months ago

A 3D printed bullet tip kills you as the real one does, artificial sugar tastes sweet as real sugar does. You are not aroused by the life of what you see, but of the shape of what you see, that's what we see, shapes.

by BreadWonderful7434 2 months ago

Yes if I see someone hit I can get turned on, but for me, sex is much more about how it feels (and how you make the other person feel). Someone describing how it feels is actually way more arousing to me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And you get off to light and sound waves

by Anonymous 2 months ago

more like bug in brain

by Spare-Marionberry663 2 months ago

technically the truth ;)

by Anonymous 2 months ago