+35 The head tilt people do when they're wearing a mask in a movie or show to be scary is unnecessary and cringe, amirite?

by Educational-Boat3598 2 weeks ago

A head tilt is used to convey interest, body language is so important when having masked killers in movies, because usually they can't talk because their voice could expose them and they can't Use Facial expressions because of the mask.. It sounds like you might just be desensitised to these sorts of movies, than there being anything wrong with the actual movie.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I understand there has to be some sort of semblance of a physical expression going on when a masked person is the primary focus of a shot. If a head tilt is crucial to something being conveyed in a scene, I don't think they're trying hard enough to come up with something interesting or that actually makes sense. Unless it specifically fits a written character. It's just a visual cliche at this point. I don't watch what kinds of movies this trope is common in or whatever, it's just one that's used in a lot of trailers. Maybe passable the first time or few but it's such an overused at this point.

by Educational-Boat3598 2 weeks ago

Michael Myers in Halloween did it first then Jason Vorhees in Friday the 13th then it took off from there It's a human touch that stood out more since their faces were covered

by kilbackrosina 2 weeks ago

Its a cliche because nobody unironically cocks their head and grimaces in real life. It's showing that whatever is happening is out of the ordinary, like most other stuff in the horror genre. The clichés in demon and slasher horror doesn't appeal to me, but its a staple in the genre equivalent to most boss batle fight scenes in the action genre.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago