+41 Fashion isn't real. amirite?

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

How do you explain people wearing clothes that make them look really fkin good?

by ImpressionRoyal 2 weeks ago

Some people can put on a potato sack and still be attractive. Some people can spend 10k on makeup clothes and hair and still be unattractive

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

But overall clothes make a huge difference in how you look. Someone spending no effort to put together an outfit will 95% of the time look worse than someone who actually cared and put the effort.

by ShotGoal1892 2 weeks ago

There's a quote (I forget by who) that goes more or less: Fashion is an art form so abhorrent it needs to completely reinvent itself every six months

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

But the reality is no one cares. This is false. Every human with one or more eyes judges every other human based on their appearance. We are social and tribal and communal. Also, you are giving off strong red-pill basement dweller vibes.

by Winter_Average 2 weeks ago

Maybe you're just judgemental?? I personally usually don't judge ppl on how they dress in public

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Thats nice.

by Winter_Average 2 weeks ago

He's probably a red-pill basement dweller.

by Winter_Average 2 weeks ago

You accused me of something that's not real, I'm not surprised you stick your fingers in your ears and go 'LAH LAH LAH' when you find out you're making stupid accusations

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

You've really got nothing to add why are you still going? Go back to your sad little pathetic world of judging people

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

Do you even see the irony?

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago


by Winter_Average 2 weeks ago

there's fashion and there's style. it has been obvious from the very beginning that fashion is about advertised trend

by Illustrious_Pass 2 weeks ago

This take I can get behind. Some people take the time to express themselves. Some people drop $$$ and think they're superio. But the reality they're just buying what they're told to buy

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

Style and fashion are different like someone else pointed out. There isn't any self expression involved with walking into a chain retailer and buying the same outfit designed by someone else and worn by everyone else going in and buying the same thing.

by Qbosco 2 weeks ago

People who really like fashion don't just buy designer priced up versions of 20$ regular items. Fashion is fun and is an art form. If you want to enjoy fashion you have to treat it as art, to me the expensive trashy shirts are like the canvases in museums with just a circle on it, I don't get the point and I think it's ridiculous but fashion like Japanese Lolita fashion is pretty and fun with a unique history like Norman Rockwell paintings

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Fashion is as real as a person lets it be. If they believe fashionist important, then fashion is important to them. That's how it works. It's a personal choice but you can't say it's not real.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago