+46 I don't care what someones intentions are, a good act is a good act and that merits praise. amirite?

by Jblock 2 weeks ago

Millionaires donate a million dollars to charity so they can avoid paying millions in taxes to a government that could better use the money for universal healthcare and better teacher pay. Intentions mean more than the act to me. Tax write-offs for charity should be illegal.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If tax write offs for charity were illegal, charities would make a fraction of what they are. Unfortunately, incentivizing people to donate to charity is necessary in this world.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The only argument that can made in favor of this IMO is that governments are wasteful and inefficient so a direct donation, even if they are tax deductible is probably more effective. It still sounds like giving away other peoples tax money though.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Fake it till you make it

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Good acts are often done in service of greater schemes, does Hitler having highways built ring a bell by any chance? This reads like an excuse to avoid being appropriately inquisitive.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nah. It doesn't feel good to be praised for something I didn't think twice about

by Short-Brain-4781 2 weeks ago

You can say the act is good, but the person may not be good and an act of charity doesn't change that, nor does the system that creates poverty suddenly become good just because it also creates billionaires who can do philanthropy if they choose.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago