+35 Most of the "successful" people are bullies. amirite?

by Cristianlebsack 2 weeks ago

Or you could be like the Governor of South Dakota. Shoot your untrained 1 year old dog in the head because you were annoyed that it wasn't trained. And then tell this story expecting people to be on your side.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

And they'll be because of the powerful R

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I always view the way people treat animals as a proxy for how they treat humans

by elianebosco 2 weeks ago

bullies and/or even psycopaths, the dark triad is real

by Darwin27 2 weeks ago

It's VERY rare that a person becomes ultra successful without screwing over people.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure even if they aren't that way now, they were exceptionally been that way at some point when climbing the ladder.

by Cristianlebsack 2 weeks ago

The system rewards cruel cold behavior.

by Aidamacejkovic 2 weeks ago

this and nothing else. people that talk about successful people like theyre all the same are just people coping with their inability to turn their life around

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yea it's the same every time. "Oh I'm not successful because I'm too nice." Hate to break it too you but I know a ton of very kind successful people

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You don't need to be a bully, what you need to do is choose your best interests and what gets you closer to your personal goals over all else. That's where "nice guys finish last" comes from, if you're spending all your time caring what people think, and are more worried about stepping on toes or offending people than achieving whatever goal you've set out for, you'll never make it.

by Upper-Department 2 weeks ago


by katrina30 2 weeks ago

Unless you know those "successful people" you're talking about personally, I have no idea how you could make that assumption. Too many people believe that the public image of celebrities is the same as their real-life personality, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

their real personalities are usually ten times worse

by Bjohns 2 weeks ago

The tier of success to which you're referring does go hand in hand with bullies. It's almost a prerequisite to get there, and to thrive there. Non-bullies likely wouldn't be able to exist in that environment as it would cause them moral injury and internal conflict. Conversely, if you look at success more objectively, instead of "CEO" etc, there's plenty of successful people who do not waver on their morality to obtain comfortable professional and personal success.

by Burnice24 2 weeks ago

Not necessarily. Met quite some highly successful people. While working in luxury hotels and some tutoring of super rich kids. People with a couple of million were generally assholes and narcissistic. Most of the really rich (the 100 million plus and some billionaires I met) were generally very nice in person. They would be decent to you when making mistakes. I saw some deals take place as the coffee and table cleaning guy. And it could be really intense, but never felt shady. You can backstab yourself only so far in life. But it seems like you really have to build something to get significantly higher in net worth. The world becomes smaller the higher you get, and if you fck someone over, they and their friends will never work with you again. Politics is something entirely different. What I heard those people say behind each other's backs was astonishing.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

agreed. unsuccessful people always find a way to "hate" on successful people. its just a defense mechanism for their own failure. doesnt matter if you're poor or rich, being a bully or screwing people over is a personal choice which doesnt have anything to do with money or success. there are just as many poor people try to screw people over

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Can I ask how you personally define a successful person?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Obviously I'm not the OP but good question. I wrote out something but realized that I only think of successful people in a negative light. I tend to think of preachy people who talk down or forgot where they came from instead of people who are just successful in their life.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People do bad things because it helps them get ahead or they think that it does. Doing whatever you need to do to be successful without considering morality is an advantage.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I was also raised in religion to believe that being humble, giving, kind, were qualities to aspire towards and I agree with you that the people who seem to be successful were raised with different values.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

women love a man who appears to be kind and giving but is really good at stabbing people in the back with a smile. it's been this way since like Cain & Abel

by Salt-Astronaut-2343 2 weeks ago

This. We are no different than caveman. We live by the same rules. But different era and theme. We just made it to "look a little fair". Which is the same by its core.

by Cristianlebsack 2 weeks ago

Are we taking billionaire? Or just like mid six digits?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It depends how you define success. Gaining success through bullying and abuse does not lead to peace, happiness, or healthy relationships. Those three qualities are the best definition of success in my mind. That and making the world a better place. Dying knowing you have.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most successful people are not bullies. Successful people know how to work with others well and empower others to get things done. Lying, bullying, hypocrisy, exhibitionism and ESPECIALLY arrogance will transform a self claimed "successful" person into a poor fool quickly. They are like a person that built their house on the sand and when a storm came, the house collapsed and washed away. You need strong bases and foundations in your life. Building your foundation on evil things only brings your own destruction when the first storm shows up

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Define successful. Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger are not bullies. These guys are billionaires and very down to earth people. These two guys are worth more than 90% of your definition of successful people. Success is relative.

by Next_Secretary1468 2 weeks ago

Don't hate what you were taught, which is right, but hate evil people for rewarding evil people.

by pvonrueden 2 weeks ago

Good behavior is important if you are dealing with the same people over a long period of time. Which is necessary to be successful with any partner in business IMO.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Religion tends to skew the definition of good a bit. A truthful person can come off as rude when they correct someone. This doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. From my experience, unless someone has an inherent competitive advantage (i.e family member in family business), the 'bullies' never get too far and end up in middle management type roles. The good people end up leading them, and using them for their 'dirty work'.

by Darrin90 2 weeks ago

It's very disheartening in 2016, I kept telling my kids bullies never win. Then the biggest archetype of the world became leader of the free world. I'm convinced that (more than Covid) is why people and especially kids have a sense that nothing matters. It's hard to tell people being good and doing good matters when we put the blatantly worst person in charge.

by dejahilll 2 weeks ago

Predator vs. Prey

by gloverarmani 2 weeks ago

They literally proved with science bullies make more Money

by jbaumbach 2 weeks ago

Nice guys finish last

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago