+37 People who want long term relationships with no "forever together" goal aren't cool, they are weird. amirite?

by ReasonableSimple 2 weeks ago

I mean it depends how upfront someone is. I always tell someone after a 3rd date that I don't ever see myself being married or having kids but that I like going on dates with them. If they choose to keep going on dates with me, they're saying they're okay with the prospect of never getting married or having kids, and would be in the wrong for expecting me to change. If someone is stringing you along by saying they're waiting for the right time or that they just need to know for sure then yeah they're being an asshole. Most people I've met though are pretty upfront about what they want out of a relationship. I'd even go as far to say NOT talking about what you are looking for in a relationship before getting into one should be a red flag for the other person. Obviously you can ignore this and assume your dating goals align with someone else but I don't think you can then blame your partner for you assuming what they want.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago