-44 It is perfectly okay for adults to play video games all day, amirite?

by LeagueMobile3927 2 weeks ago

You're an adult do what you want.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Until you're negatively impacting others around you (e.g., not getting your work done, not helping your spouse or child, ignoring basic societal duties)

by Donavonschmidt 2 weeks ago

Yeah, and to be honest I have never once seen people bash spending all day playing video games… unless they're doing so while consistently ignoring their commitments and responsibilities. And in those cases it's not the video games that are the problem, it's the asshole playing them.

by Healthy_Hyena 2 weeks ago

I have seen women put in their dating profiles that they don't want to be with someone who plays games all day, but that's obviously because they probably had a bad experience with a neglectful partner in the past.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most people also want a partner that engages with them and shares experiences, not just exist in the same room/home while they do their own thing and ignore their partner's existence. Don't get me wrong, I love playing video games. Hell, I just spent the better part of 2 hours working on a building in Planet Zoo just now. There is nothing wrong with having hobbies, including having hobbies that your partner is not involved with. But there has to be limits. I've seen too many stories where a guy comes home, spends the entire evening playing games (or watching sports/tv/etc...) repeat on the weekend, and then get all pissy because his wife wants him to go with her to some event she wants to, and complains that she is making him do things he isn't interested in.

by Objective_Draft_7936 2 weeks ago

The β€˜no gamer' thing definitely is due in part to social stigma of gaming. Sure for a small percentage they may have dates a genuine addict but I'm willing to bet it's not entirely attributable to neglect because of gaming and is partially due to some holding the (unjust) assumption that gaming is an β€˜ick' and not something a grown man should have as a hobby. Think about it, a partner could be neglectful for all kinds of reasons, prefers to go to gym/play sports rather than hang with partner, prefer to hang with buddies rather than with partner. Those probably happen just as much if not more, but you never see profiles with "no athletes" or "no guy with friends he spends weekends with" and the difference is because even if there was neglect, the differentiating factor is chilling with your buddies or working out are seen by some as "normal" and "acceptable" hobbies while gaming is not. Which is even further ironic that gaming gets such flack when for many you consider it really is just a medium for hanging in chat with friends you may not get to see IRL

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is the most important part of this whole discussion. If any hobby (writing, woodworking, television, golf, softball, gardening, video games, etc.) interferes with your chores and necessary tasks to keep the domicile maintained ... That's the problem. Not the hobby itself. It's just stereotyped that golf enthusiasts and video gamers, among others, spend more time with their hobbies and neglect chores.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah I'm doing just fine ignoring my commitments without playing videogames, thank you very much.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Amongst my group it's considered an inferior hobby, to say the least. Hobbies that have a tangible outcome are considered superior. Knitting, woodworking, painting, etc. Admittedly, they're all a lot of creative types, but the idea is that video games have no meaningful outcome for your time spent on them. In that sense, it is kind of a "waste of time". I don't game much, but I don't hate them. I just definitely prefer hobbies that give you more of a sense of creativity and ingenuity in the end product than what you get from gaming.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nah, ignore your child that is just a side quest. Focus on the grind gamers

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As someone who put several hundred hours into fallout 4 before looking for... Sam? Shay? Shamone?! Whatever... I endorse this message

by gaetano51 2 weeks ago

Yeah, this is the problem People don't care if their SO plays video games in itself They have disdain because the partner will be busy, want to spend time together, and the other will be gaming constantly

by Antique_Money_2362 2 weeks ago

I used to read books all day as a kid and my mom took away my books because I wouldn't leave my room and would self isolate. I ended up simply laying in bed instead.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think it becomes an issue for parents when one parent is playing video games in lieu of taking care of their children and helping their partner around the house. I don't think people care what single adults do on their off time

by Connect_Coffee_9852 2 weeks ago

Even if you're not a parent and one partner is playing video games in all their spare time and not helping with chores around the home, it's still an issue.

by AdThin1169 2 weeks ago

Facts. My ex got to a point with his video game playing that he was academically suspended from college, I took the power cord with me one day when he was supposed to have been in class and he got royally pissed. it was like pulling teeth to get him to help with anything around the house, even the most simple things. It also got to a point, I could've (and did to test it) walked around the house butt ass naked and he didn't flinch or move.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Pretty much any time you're gaming when you have more important stuff to do

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

To the OP's point, this would be equally problematic if one parent was watching Netflix all day

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think it becomes an issue for parents when one parent is playing video games in lieu of taking care of their children and helping their partner around the house. I don't think people care what single adults do on their off time i would also argue that you almost never have nothing to do. Maybe 3-4 times a year i find myself with a day that has no plans, no house work, no groceries, nothing to do. Those days of course it's fine to do whatever you want but if you are telling yourself you have 1-2 days a week to do nothing but play video games odds are you are neglecting something in your life or depending too heavily on your partner.

by adelinebednar 2 weeks ago

I (53f) will easily binge on video games if I have nothing else I need to do. It is fun and relaxing for me like any other form of entertainment would be to anyone else. Also, I often play with my son (22), which is a way we spend time together.

by Sea_Acanthisitta6965 2 weeks ago

I also do this.

by Solid_Data_77 2 weeks ago

You play video games with her son too?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Also, I often play with my son (22), which is a way we spend time together. 😁😁

by Vickie09 2 weeks ago

This made me happy. I wish my parents were involved with gaming still, even a little bit. They were hardcore back in the day. Dad crushed Starfox and Vectorman daily. Like, he'd beat the whole game. And to most kids my age at the time: that was unheard of. Mom had the hi score for Tetris and Pokemon Puzzle League in the household. But 3D games are a loss for them. I hope you continue to enjoy playing games together.

by Pristine_Sir8668 2 weeks ago

Aw. Beat his ass πŸ˜‚ he's gotta learn. (I grew up playing with older ppl who'd beat me every day for years until I got better. In retrospect, I'm grateful and find it hilarious).

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

100% - Video games being equally bad as binging TV shows isn't the same thing as it being ok

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think the stigma is based on the games still being seen as for children, no matter how gory and xrated those games are lol I played games all through out my childhood so its only logical for me to carry it up to adulthood and i also read manga, double stigma for me since im a girl.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think it's more that it's still seen as being anti-social, which it is if you're consistently spending your free time playing games.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes its only anti social if you play games 24/7, but occasional gamers like my self also get the same treatment even if we only play before going to bed a few nights a week. I don't blame them tho, i mean i look at game streamers, especially those who also cosplay while streaming and acting cute, as childish πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Only boomers and lame, boring mainstream people have this view in my experience.

by Gstehr 2 weeks ago

Maybe. Though i cant blame those people (no matter the generation) who thinks its lame, because they are mostly uninformed or not knowledgeable of the hobby. Those adults who are unemployed and still live with their parents gaming 24/7 also does not help elevate the stigma lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah. I have a friend divorcing her husband shortly. While he does do other things, and has a job, he spends the vast majority of his time playing various sandbox and first person games -- he doesn't do housework, and is up all night shouting at people over his headset. They haven't had sex in years and she has had to take out loans and really stress over finances because he's also addicted to impulse buying and get rich quick schemes that he seems to get off Youtube. So...I dunno. That's another version of what one thinks of when one thinks of the stigma.

by fernando18 2 weeks ago

I'd say it depends what you do for work. I work in an office and steps are severely limited during the day. It means when I get home my preference is to walk the dog, go for a bike ride, do something outdoors with the family. If you have a physically draining job, and that keeps you active for 7/8 hours a day, spending the remaining parts of you day watching TV or gaming is fine in my view.

by blockfatima 2 weeks ago

I can get behind that. I have a mentally and physically exhausting job and I work a lot of OT. Still need to walk my dog and do fatherly duties for my baby. At the end of all that I'm supposed to what? I have hardly any recreational time and I only get some late at night. It's gonna be tv or video games. Nothing left in the tank man I gotta relax somehow and I don't really care how gen x or boomers feel about it. Enjoy your undeserved returns on the property you bought 20 years ago and leave me alone.

by leafadel 2 weeks ago

Not unpopular but for the boomers yes it's unpopular.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've seen so many boomers playing casual games on their iPad for hours

by RespondMajor 2 weeks ago

That's my grandma with solitaire

by National_Platypus198 2 weeks ago

"if the world's internet shut down you would all be helpless meanwhile we'd know how to do everything" meanwhile all they do is scroll on facebook and maybe tiktok for literal hours at family events

by Celiachristians 2 weeks ago

Adults can do as they please. But, people have opinions about how others choose to spend their time and money and you can't really escape that. The trick is not to care what other people think.

by Eastern-Athlete 2 weeks ago

Sitting on the couch all day isn't good, regardless of what you're doing

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I fully agree. It is just silly to me that gaming this the stigma when people binge shows on the couch all the time and it is common

by LeagueMobile3927 2 weeks ago

I feel like the show thing has basically the same stigma among anyone under the age of 60 lol. If someone told me they literally just binge tv all day everyday I wouldn't think very highly of that Everyone I know that does that stuff is wildly unhealthy

by Homenickmariane 2 weeks ago

I'm curious who your peers are that this is the stigma. My experience is video games and TV are seen as basically the same thing nowadays even among millennials with children and such.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Binge watching tv has the stigma too!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't think this stigma exists any more. At least not strongly. If, say, a father spends his free time playing video games while his wife does all the child care people will rightly judge him, but I don't think it's because the activity is video games, and I don't think most people think differently about him when the activity is TV watching.

by andre07 2 weeks ago

This is it. The activity doesn't have be to be video games but it always is

by Emuller 2 weeks ago

I saw a short where it was the father "training for a marathon". So he disappears off to the gym or running in the neighbourhood for at least an hour most weeknights. Guess who was alone with the kids to clean up after dinner, help them with homework, then settle them to bed.

by EmotionalPublic4813 2 weeks ago

idgaf what people think. I'm educated. Have a fiance. Have a job. Gaming is a hobby of mine and hobbies require time and effort. Age doesn't just suddenly make you not like video games. That's some boomer logic. Gaming is for all ages.

by Suspicious_Cut_5019 2 weeks ago

If you're an adult and you semi-regularly spend all day playing video games, there's like a 99% chance you're neglecting other things that should not be neglecting.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People (adults especially) are free to spend their days off/down time however they please. If that happens to be playing video games all day then whatever, it should be no one else's concern.

by lednermyrna 2 weeks ago

If you're in a relationship or family unit and you neglect your responsibilities to those people or prefer playing games to spending time with them, then it's other people's concern.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Exactly. Sometimes people care too much about other people's hobbies

by New_Swimmer_8283 2 weeks ago

If there's nothing else that needs doing, sure

by Lmonahan 2 weeks ago

As long as you have a job and can look after yourself or others that you are responsible for, do what ever you want in your free time

by sanfordeva 2 weeks ago

No? As long as you get your essentials done then it's okay. It's only bad if you're ignoring your health, putting off work, ignoring interaction with people. There's nothing wrong with having a day or few for games

by Wilbert05 2 weeks ago

Didn't know this was an unpopular opinion. Not nowadays anyways. I can easily say I spent the weekend playing video games without being judged for it. If there's anything people tease me for (good naturedly) is that I play games instead of being up to date with the latest shows. So I have no clue what they're talking about when they bring those up.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People absolutely judge if you spend all day watching tv. If you don't have or want a romantic partner, go for it. But it's neither attractive or sustainable for others to deal with. If it doesn't affect anyone else, what do you care what people think?

by Adorable-Respond-755 2 weeks ago

Is there though? or is it just self imagined? don't think most people really cares that much about how you spend your weekend. Sometimes people are just disappointed that the conversation just kinda ends there.

by emerson25 2 weeks ago

But why tell people on what they should do? They'll go outside when they want to go outside

by New_Swimmer_8283 2 weeks ago

No one has to listen to me. People can do whatever they want. But it's not healthy to live on screens. Our brains and bodies wither away. It's bad for mental and physical health, whereas going outside, exercising, and generally living an active and social life is proven to be good for your mental and physical health.

by AmoebaGold3162 2 weeks ago

A whole day im front of a screen is not healthy for either children nor adults.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Ths only way to avoid crisiscm is to do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Nowadays some jerk off will still give their two cents

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

what is the difference between watching movies all day and playing games all day?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No difference that's the point

by CompetitiveStop 2 weeks ago

Idk man we only get so many days here on earth. So many more leisurely things that are far more rewarding and valuable than sitting in front of a screen all day (TV or video games)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As someone that played football for 19 years, I can tell you I get the same amount of dopamine from rewarding situations in video games. Everyone's different

by YogurtclosetOver 2 weeks ago

That's not what I'm referring to when I mean rewarding. Any vice you can think of gives people plenty of dopamine. By rewarding I meant constructive and fulfilling

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you do it once a week that's fine I guess. Have a lazy day. Do it everyday then that's a different story.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If all other chores are done, why would it be bad?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As an adult who will sometimes spend all day on a weekend playing video games, I 100% agree. I work about 50 hours a week, on aircraft (love the job actually) and after doing so for 25 years, it can take physical toll on your body. Mentally as well. Sometimes after coming home from the gym on a Sat or Sunday morning, I don't feel like doing anything else. So I load up and start my laundry, then I plop down on my couch and fire up the Xbox. Granted I probably only play for a few hours throughout the day, but still. Other days, I can often be found out hiking all day in the Nevada desert, so I'd argue there is some balance.

by Jack32 2 weeks ago

It's ok if they get things done and cleaned

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's fine, or at least I'm fine with video games and most people I know are. I'm 41 if that matters.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think it's beginning to change…I find it satisfying when video games I've played and ranted & raved about get their own TV show (ie TLOU, Fallout)

by powlowskierik 2 weeks ago

it is perfectly ok to play video games all day long. anyone who says otherwise has never played a good game.

by BigMathematician 2 weeks ago

I mean, I would very gladly listen to at least one (1) argument why it would be immature.

by Bechtelarburdet 2 weeks ago

Long as they take care of themselves.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The solution is that I don't care what other people think about me anymore

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Not all gaming is alike. If I told you I spent all weekend playing Candy Crush vs playing Red Dead Redemption 2. I think you would have two different views of me.

by Effective_Pop_3089 2 weeks ago

If you're comparing it to watching TV then sure, and who cares what people think. But pretty much any other activity(reading, exercising, practicing a musical instrument or other creative outlet) is better for your brain and can have more relaxing affects on the body. I think folks these days are too obsessed with their right to do "nothing" with their time to get back at society for having to spend the majority of time working. Like it's fine if that's what you want to do but life is short and the choices you make and the habits you develop today affect how you will feel in the futures.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

True. No different than people who eat, drink, and breathe things such as sports, but since gaming is for "geeks/ nerds" it is not as widely accepted. Also, nothing immature about the video games I play, since the ones I play are for adults/ mature players.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Refreshing to see an actual unpopular opinion on here.

by Neat-Loan 2 weeks ago

Why does it matter anyway? It's the same argument with weed and alcohol (not anymore but couple of yrs ago when the stigma was still there) If you smoke weed after work or something else you are a loser, but if you have a couple of beers then it's good.

by amaraquigley 2 weeks ago

Last time I played a game all day was when RDR 2 released. Miss that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is because most people that play video games are angry virgin loser nerds. You can see their toxic behavior in many games. A normal person won't act like that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Its the same thing as if you watched cartoons all day or played with Barbie dolls.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's the boomers who have a negative perspective towards video games.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As long as responsibilities are taken care of, then I agree. My husband and I game A LOT. He goes to school in the evenings. It's never been a problem.

by More_Associate4204 2 weeks ago

100% all my bills are paid, who gives a rip what I do with my free time.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's allowed, that doesn't mean it's good.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What irks me is that boomers will sit on their couch watching propaganda on TV all day but tell everyone including other boomers that playing videogames is wrong

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You can but not at the expense of other...

by PaintApprehensive 2 weeks ago

As long as your hobby is not negatively impacting other people, such as if you have a spouse or kids, neglecting them, neglecting household chores or whatever, I don't see a problem with it. Just keep in mind, any hobby can become an addiction if it is negatively impacting the rest of your life. Otherwise, enjoy your hobbies.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is not an unpopular opinion in 2024

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes as long as you're not neglecting any responsibilities you may have. Do people really care about that?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not okay. If y'all play video games all day or watch TV, y'all need to touch grass fr...

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Learn to move past what society approves of, I promise you it's a waste of energy to care what the average lemming thinks.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes. It's my entertainment, its not hurting anyone, and it's not a drug.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If it's one weekend once in a while that you play all day it's fine. But if you have no social/workout/hobby plans every single weekend, you probably need to work on getting some.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Being sedentary is factually a bigger cause of death than smoking and alcohol. That aside, do what you want. Just don't expect anyone to value your achievements. Nobody gives a crap you're a level 100 wizard, or whatever, on some video game. People who are running marathons, learning languages, instruments, doing DIY projects etc etc are actually showing hard work and dedication video games do not take anywhere near as much to complete. You've got one life.

by IndependenceLevel602 2 weeks ago

There's going to be a stigma for sure, less because it's playing games and more because it shows you have few responsibilities or passions that come before it. Gaming is my favorite hobby, but like most adults I can't do it a ton because I have responsibilities that come before it. So i would be less worried about how people view gaming and more just that you're not putting life on hold to enjoy games. Also, as an adult you've got to get over how others view what you do for joy.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's when you say β€˜all day' that the point is kind of defeated. Why defend that? What is it going to secure

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sure, if you're single. If you have a partner and or kids. It's not

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's associated with the basement dwelling anti social adult virgin loser. That's why there's still a stigma. Like if you think of anyone who straight up doesn't work and whines about how hard life is while having their expenses paid by their parents they will generally be playing video games and masterbating all day.

by Terrible-Length6388 2 weeks ago

well I chill all day in my room and watch youtube reactions soooo Iβ€˜d say yesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

by alene61 2 weeks ago

All day? You don't have a job?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you're off work and want to veg out in front of a video game why not? I do it. Being off work is to reset and relax and if that's what that means for you, then πŸ‘πŸΌ

by hahnkendall 2 weeks ago

As long as you work and have time for your family needs who cares.

by rstark 2 weeks ago

Yeah videogames for millennials are much like crosswords/sudoku for boomers.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If I work my 40 and have my bills paid, I'll play all day.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't think this is unpopular. P sure the only people who still think this are old and crusty/detached from reality.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Not unpopular, it's 2024, people play video games and that's okay.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

When people say they spent the weekend binging a Netflix show, they don't really mean they watched TV for 10 hours a day. They just mean they watched a handful of episodes. No actual adult is watching 20 hours of TV in a weekend. Only people who game do that sort of thing.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As long as all your bills are payed it's perfectly acceptable

by Emotional-Positive 2 weeks ago

I hate the guilt I feel when I'm playing and I barely even have time to play like I maybe play once a week now it's really sad.

by ResidentOk 2 weeks ago

Because it's the hobby of choice for men who don't help their wives and girlfriends with the chores, cooking, kids and who don't spend time with them. Tv and other hobbies are not associated with this dynamic as much.

by Emuller 2 weeks ago

That's not an unpopular opinion. Most of the world is addicted to their entertainment box or phone.

by Fragrant-Low 2 weeks ago

Old people who denigrate video games will spend hours losing money at a slot machine

by Hilperttamara 2 weeks ago

I mean I think the same about someone binging TV as I do a game.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can't say anything considering I'm reading comic books from the 1960s right now (as an old man).

by rempelpattie 2 weeks ago

Now we're in the position where with all these video game adaptations it's been demonstrated how rich all these interactive stories we gamers were so enthralled in.

by Substantial-Metal 2 weeks ago

The best thing about being a adult is you can ignore people like this. If they get really bad you can nuke the relationship

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah except it's leading to an entire generation of men who don't work.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's fine. Just not too much. We need to accept that videogames highjack our games just like social media. They give you a sense of accomplishment as if you achieved goals. But in reality you didn't do anything. So as long as you are accomplishing things outside, socializing, dating, exercise, etc. No problem. I have too many friends who don't leave the comfort of their game consoles and didn't even have girlfriends or boyfriends at all in their 20s

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Tell that to our backs

by Ziemanncary 2 weeks ago

Better then scrolling tick tock all day but

by leifgreenholt 2 weeks ago

I don't think adults should be playing video game all day. πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

by Moshe64 2 weeks ago

"I spent the weekend binging (relevant tv show)." No one bats an eye but that usually means they spent 7-8 hours a day watching TV. They... they do though, especially if that's all you do every weakened. Wasting away watching TV has always been stigmatized. Just like no one is going to care if you busted through a game over the weekend. People only start giving looks when you build your identity around it. And they'll do the same for any hobby. The less familiar they are with it, and the more specific it is,the easier it is to hit this threshold. Obsession is harmful for the most part. Humans as a social species tend to ostracize individuals exhibiting harmful behavior. If you did woodworking occasionally no one would care. If you spent every free moment building birdhouses in your garage you'd quickly become "that neighbor"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So long as they dont consume your life this is true

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's fine as long as you're not neglecting other obligations like chores, your spouse or children, work, family, basic hygiene, etc. People who have a gaming disorder need help though.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You don't get to the cloud district very often do you?

by Severe-Crazy 2 weeks ago

Might worry about carpal tunnel or something after awhile.

by Emardsydnee 2 weeks ago

Haters gon' hate, Biebers gon' Bieb

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I have 3 kids, it is not okay for me to play video games all day.

by hermannjustina 2 weeks ago

It's ok in theory, in reality being an (over 30) adult means you CAN'T play video games for more than one or two hours at a time because your hands ache and tingle, your body aches from sitting in one spot for so long, and your eyes hurt and go all blurry.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Did that today with SR2022

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think people who watch tv all day are losers too.

by Zackarydeckow 2 weeks ago

Don't let a partner ever take that away from you.

by Bria56 2 weeks ago

I've played through Skyrim twice. πŸ˜‰

by Sea_Acanthisitta6965 2 weeks ago

Yes it's perfectly fine to each their own. When I was 17 I was playing an online game and to my surprise I found out mostly everyone playing that game was an adult like 30+ with kids n shi 60yr olds playin that shi too πŸ˜‚I'm talking about hours. It was weird because I was expecting kids my age like 17 or sum. So yea it's fine. Never to

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I take a day every few weeks to just sit at home, game, eat whatever and just disconnect. It's nice to just shut everything out once in a while.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

i need someone to explain to my parents that gaming can also be a hobby... i do my hw, i do my chores, i study and then in my free time i play roblox for fun... and then they're freaking out like i'm ruining my life like dude? you wouldn't care if i binge an entire webseries in a day but playing roblox for 1hour+ is me ruining my life like bfr and then they be applauding me for reading when all i'm reading is a fantasy book filled with utter delulu level mc with op powers winning every battle cause of the mc syndrome like wow what a great lesson is that teaching me :))

by Intelligent-You-8961 2 weeks ago

You do what pleases you. Nothing to do with nobody else. As long as it's legal, obviously 😁

by Minute-Bathroom 2 weeks ago

I agree! And as my husband would argue, TV is even more "lazy" because you're just laying there doing nothing when games are engaging and requires you to think, solve riddles, make decisions, etc. I also don't think TV is lazy or bad, hopefully you know what I mean.

by FirefighterQueasy 2 weeks ago

I mean, I would probably also totally judge someone who spent eight hours watching television on Saturday and on Sunday.

by ratkeottis 2 weeks ago

As an adult i wish i had time to play all day

by libbywillms 2 weeks ago

As long as bills are paid, work is done, and you've fulfilled all your other obligations, go ahead! You're an adult. Have fun. I read books, watch Star Trek, and listen to Heavy Metal music in my downtime (I also have a few beers while doing so on Saturday night). That's what I do to unwind. πŸ™‚πŸ€˜πŸ–– πŸ“š πŸ––

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's okay to play video games. I do. Just not all day. Unless you're a professional gamer, It's kind of a waste of time to have 12 hour gaming sessions. I personally would feel guilty doing that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Listen all I can say is retirement is going to be so much more fun than our previous generations retirements. You know, I'll be video gaming while in the nursing home.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago