-25 People who try to be funny but just can't or aren't are too strongly maligned considering their efforts are well-intended for the most part, ‘how's the nerve on that guy, trying ‘unsuccessfully' to splice some impromptu mirth or joy into our day?' *tutts*, amirite?

by OkIllustrator 2 weeks ago

Where do you live this is even noticed? I've never seen or heard this happen in my life. Often times the failed attempt is funnier that the joke they were trying to get out

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That person ain't trying to improve anyone's day but they own. They want to be popular, to get a laugh or be seen as funny - all to seek personal validation. I didn't ask Mr funny to spice up my day, so fair game if I ain't looking for spice and want none of it.

by Jazmin47 2 weeks ago