-31 A majority of steam game's "joke reviews" are unfunny and annoying, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I find the vast majority of steam reviews garbage, jokes or not. - Close to no playtime making judgements about things they can't possibly know. - Hundreds or thousands of hours played claiming the game is garbage. - Complaining about performance without sharing PC specs. - People who are pissy about getting banned by devs or dissatisfied with the outcome of customer support ticket. - People who don't recommend because they have issues with the publisher and not the game directly. - People who recommend because they love the publisher and not the game directly. It's just 99.999% irrelevant verbal diarrhea.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Reminds me of Realms of Ruin. The truth of the game? Solid 6 or 7 out of 10 RTS, and one of my main gripes was actually patched so I'd bump it up to an 8 personally. The reviews (last time I checked)? 90% of the positive reviews were from people who like the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar setting and want the game to succeed because of the setting. 90% of the negative reviews were from people who are still pissy about the End Times happening, so have a hateboner for the setting and want the game to fail because of the setting. (Or it's the classic "this is an RTS that isn't a reskin of Starcraft 2 therefor it is bad" crowd.)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

i'm so sick of seeing negative reviews with 'can't sex the ____'

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago