+31 "2001: A Space Odyssey" has aged quite poorly, and should be remade, amirite?

by Quiet_Journalist9669 2 weeks ago

I don't think it has aged poorly or needs a remake but i do however find it extremely boring I like old movies like you and i also enjoy slow burning movies but 2001 space odyssey has got to be the most boring movie i have ever seen

by RoutineExternal1411 2 weeks ago

I usually find the current trend of remakes irksome in that there just seems to be a higher percentage of remakes than usual - I guess; I don't track these things That said, I love the idea of a 2k1 remake. But not a direct copy of Kubrick's vision; something in between James Cameron and Michael Bay. :D

by hillskobe 2 weeks ago

Mel Brooks did a great remake of the ape's scene, with his apes masturbating to 2001's "Also Sprach Zarathustra". That was just classic. Maybe more of that?

by amyrunolfsson 2 weeks ago

I personally think it is an exceedingly long and overrated movie. Like James Cameron's Avatar it's just eye candy, just to show off the effects of the time. I'm 100% convinced that 149 mins. to just 90 mins. without missing much.

by coleman98 2 weeks ago

I feel it's one of those movies that just hits right on the first watch, I don't really much desire to watch it again. I think it looks pretty amazing and it was one of my favourite first time watches though. Would probably rewatch high. I don't know how I would feel about a remake because one of the intriguing aspects behind 2001 was that it helped pioneer the sci-fi genre.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I have no idea what you're talking about. I saw it in a packed theater back in July, 35mm, super high on edibles, and I had a blast. I see it every time there's a showtime in theaters and it gets better every time I see it.

by According_Bus9284 2 weeks ago

For me, it's one of the few watchable sci-fi movies. And Ligeti's music is amazing.

by qboyle 2 weeks ago

It could stand to be a little shorter. There are some dull spots, but it also has a lot of brilliant memorable scenes too.

by woconnell 2 weeks ago