-30 The solar eclipse is not that big of a deal, amirite?

by Fit_Window 2 weeks ago

It was pretty moronic how people acted like this was the first solar eclipse in history.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is literally the first time I replied with okay lol. And even if I did, what's it to you?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I agree. Most people just make fuss about it for cloat

by Ok_Yogurtcloset_9271 2 weeks ago

Depends on where you are. A solar eclipse happening in my part of the world would be pretty darn rare.

by qkoss 2 weeks ago

But it's not a rare thing that happens, you could just fly somewhere to see it every 18 months

by Fit_Window 2 weeks ago

Well... that sucks, then. They can't see one of Earth's thousands, possibly millions of breath-taking sights. They miss out on seeing the sun go out and the world get dark for a few minutes. They'll live.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think it's just a passed down celebration, imagine hundreds of years ago when these happened and they had absolutely no clue how, one of them things we don't know we why celebrate but we do🤷🏾‍♂️

by drau 2 weeks ago

I watched it too. It was fun to see. I wasn't calling in, leaving early, traveling miles. Wasn't there one not too long ago too? I agree. I didn't get the hype around it either. But it was cool to see.

by Rippinreginald 2 weeks ago

Thank you. The hype was so annoying.

by elvistoy 2 weeks ago

No where else in the world has solar eclipses. Literally, we are the only planet in the known universe. I didn't hear how anyone's lives got better or worse from the eclipse. Most people can't afford to take a couple of days off work. Do you think they can afford a flight and other costs to see the eclipse?

by Sad_Salt 2 weeks ago