+57 The Internet has made a lot of people addicted to attention. amirite?

by louisakuhic 3 weeks ago

Yes exactly, these people have mental health issues

by PrestigiousGuide 3 weeks ago

if you want anonymity try out rival

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The internet and social media especially has given a wide platform to people who like attention.

by Specialist-Piano 3 weeks ago

Affection not attention , but fair fair I do get happy every time I see a little red notification here lol

by Ok_Abalone 3 weeks ago

I think the larger issue is dopamine addiction. Rage addiction, porn, doom scrolling, over sharing, weed, alcohol... All symptoms of a larger issue.

by Interesting-Green448 3 weeks ago

And the 80s made a lot of people addicted to crack cocaine. So....

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's all in the name of money and achieving agendas for people or companies.

by upurdy 3 weeks ago