+28 People who "tell it like it is" are usually just assholes that don't know how to communicate profesionally, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If i fail because of your feelings, then i will feel angry at you. Also, i have never sincerely cared about your feelings, and work barely pays me enough to pretend to care. Your feelings are irrelevant to my mission of providing goods and services to the customer in exchange for a profitable sum of money.

by Tobin18 2 weeks ago

Feelings only get a mention when someone brings up that their feelings are hurt. I've never met the personality you describe feeling the need to be the first to bring this up.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No, they don't. Depends on the person. And plenty of people have met these kinds of people. But to each their own experience, I guess.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't know what you're talking about, tbh

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Ok, have a nice day, bye

by Tobin18 2 weeks ago

Telling it like it is is a skill not an excuse.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I disagree, I am upfront in the office mainly because I don't have time to beat around the bush when i need to fix a problem someone else created. I don't need a long drawn out conversation about whos fault it is, I just need them to tell me what broke, and what the status of the project is at currently. however I also am aware this strategy only really applies to my line of work and certain circumstances.

by myra08 2 weeks ago

honestly people have got waaaaay too conflict averse these days. Someone can completely fail at their job and if you tell them they failed and that it's not acceptable, all of a sudden you're some mean bully. Its like people think now all you have to do is say you were stressed/overwhelmed or that you tried your best, and the only acceptable response is "well if you tried than that's all that matters!"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You are correct. And it's millennials (of which I am a member) who are mostly responsible for this. We have fragile egos and we were so used to being told we were so great by our parents and teachers that we are resistant to any criticism at all.

by Disastrous_Piano_241 2 weeks ago

I had a boss who basically said "I hate hiring people right out of college with no job experience", and it's because they've never had to work an 8 hour day and act like it's tyranny when they do. When someone asks them to be flexible, they freak out, and they act like certain things are beneath them.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yep. Entitlement. There is truth in almost everything. And there is truth in this criticism of millennials. However, many boomers are also pretty soft and entitled these days. It's not unique to one generation. They're the ones who raised these millennials after all.

by Disastrous_Piano_241 2 weeks ago

yeah i agree, when i show up its pretty much, something on the project is broken, and i need to fix it, i don't care who broke it, i just need to know what broke and why so i can fix it.

by myra08 2 weeks ago

People who "tell it like it is" often have no time to suffer fools. However, this could also describe a boisterous fool that makes everyone around them suffer.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's what OP is saying though. They never said that they're against disagreement, they're against extremely rude and unprofessional behavior in the name of "telling it as it is" (things like yelling, name-calling, insulting, etc.)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The problem is people tend to interpret "I don't like that idea" or "sorry but its time to make a decision and we're going with X" as some kind of scathing below-the-belt attack on them. People CLAIM they are objecting to severly rude behaviour but actually what they are finding rude is someone daring to politely disagree or tell them what they have to do. They find having a supervisor or boss to be an insult to their own ego.

by Either-Nectarine 2 weeks ago

That's good point. A good amount of time the boss/manager just has to say this is how it's gonna be because coworkers tend to just talk in circles and will complain regardless if it's a good idea or not

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

They say what people are thinking but are too smart to actually say aloud

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is! Everyone who actually wants to do that should go read Crucial Conversations (seriously everyone, go read it!)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Whole lot of smugness and little self awareness.

by Leopoldpouros 2 weeks ago

Depends, I would agree if this was something someone on their dating profile. That accompanied with hates drama is always a key sign they're a asshole and start drama

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What if they do know how to communicate nicely, they just choose not to in this instance for other reasons?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So the entirety of Yorkshire?

by Local_Lettuce 2 weeks ago

I've heard of colleagues regarded positively as "upfront" or "direct" when in reality they're mostly just inept at communicating their points appropriately. Is it possible the colleagues you are referring to are actually correct, hence the positive feedback, and you are the inept one?

by Chance_Highway 2 weeks ago

It's possible. I'm sure it depends who you ask.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This opinion seems pretty pointless, because it's highly situational. That said, I've sat through way too many meetings where management is complaining about a specific person but refuses to address them directly so they waste everyone else's time by dragging them along. You can be direct and professional.

by Madysonberge 2 weeks ago

Telling it like it is 🤙

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People who are actually direct and professional have no need to go around shouting about how they "just tell it like it is*

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

True but most people in high up positions don't have time to talk about it and make sure everyone's feelings are ok. That's why they are where they are. They make decisions and act and tell you the truth.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Somebody was told at a meeting their idea sucked....

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This made me laugh.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"I always prefer people to communicate with me in as brutally honest and blunt was as possible" almost never turns out to be true in practice, however much people insist before the fact

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's a huge difference between being direct and honest and being rude for the sake of rude. People who interpret "direct" as "rude" usually can't tell the difference and take an invitation to be direct as permission to endlessly insult someone, talk over them, dismiss them with their body language and so on. Direct might be, "I think policy X is a bad change and would prefer we stick with policy Y because I'm more comfortable with it and you've not convinced me the benefits are worth the effort". It is not "I think you are an incompetent idiot"

by Either-Nectarine 2 weeks ago

it is true in my case, idgaf

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Texas holdem beyonce i think

by janaweber 2 weeks ago

sometimes, often times, people need to know the blunt truth in order for them to get the message.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I prioritize outcomes over empathy. I am not here to make you feel good about yourself and dress up my language in flowers to deliver to you. I am working, I have this information for you, you can take this information and succeed in utilizing it, or you can get butt hurt about the delivery and fail to realize the more important matter, which is that you have the right information. I wont treat you poorly, but I am not going to pretend we're bffs. We all have goals and metrics we must reach and that is all I am there to accomplish. If I call something out because it sucks and we need to rethink it, then its only because that is the case. If someone wants to get upset about that, that is something they need to work on without my involvement.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

LOL this

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The problem isn't telling it like it is, but that the people who claim that title generally have a lack of tact when delivering information

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Super true

by Bitter-Insurance-599 2 weeks ago

Nothing wrong with people who tell it like it is. However, I got a problem with those who claim that they "tell it like it is" all the time as a justification for their constantly abusive behavior. Stating a fact does not make you honest.

by CutAppropriate 2 weeks ago

I mean it depends on how thier message is coming across. If they're being blunt and direct while being calm about it then they're not an asshole, but if theyre using a very condensending tone then they'll come off as an asshole even if what they're saying is true. It's not what you say, but how you say it that leads to different reactions and most people frankly doesn't have that skill in communication.

by Ricardoswaniaws 2 weeks ago

They always think everyone else doesn't act that way because they're afraid to, but really it's because there's a thing called "tact."

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago