+26 Saying you can't exercise because you are too busy is a complete excuse, amirite?

by Hildaupton 2 weeks ago

Yes, obviously. Saying you can't do anything due to any reason is an excuse.

by QuietParking8382 2 weeks ago

"i can't walk because i have no legs" excuses, man 🙄

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can't exercise because I have no arms and no legs. I tried swimming, but my name is Bob. I got sick of hearing the same joke.

by Final_Hat_3699 2 weeks ago

Us too. Sincerely, Curt and Rod.

by Felicitagraham 2 weeks ago

Stand up for yourself

by Intelligent-Food2803 2 weeks ago

I mean, there are good excuses and bad excuses. That's a good one.

by Kingbridgette 2 weeks ago

Legit seen a guy without legs run with their arms and play football

by joaquinmurray 2 weeks ago

There's a difference between reason and excuses

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is an excuse just a valid one

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"I cant see because I'm blind". such a dumb excuse,back in my day,i grew a 3rd eye when i went blind.Kids these days just don't wanna pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work hard

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

He said complete excuse. That one's incomplete because you are missing something.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Are you saying an excuse, excuses people from a given activity!!?! Outrageous!!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Mmm, I have been severely anemic for a year

by myahhomenick 2 weeks ago

A dude from Ghana who I used to play music with would say "reasons" instead of "excuses." When telling him why you couldn't make something happen he'd say "no reasons!" Always stuck with me because I kind of love it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I work out 6 times a week but you are very lucky if you haven't met people who work multiple jobs and and are barely alive at the end of the day.

by Jolly-Square-9007 2 weeks ago

Their jobs are probably exercise in itself. A lot more so than my desk-based role. Flying fingers don't burn a lot of calories!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Depends on the job tbh. I work 3 part-time roles and 2 are desk jobs. The third is partially heavy lifting or running around, and partially sitting around doing nothing. I'm still tired by the end of the day cause I come home from doing work to hop on the computer to do more work, but it's frustrating to always be mentally but not physically exhausted.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I used to feel this way when I was younger. I was the wake up at 5am to hit the gym type. I couldn't possibly understand why anyone could not make time for regular exercise. My advice for you OP is to find a bit of empathy. Not everyone is in the same position as you? Do you have kids? Do you know what it's like to be a caregiver to a person with a chronic illness? Do you know what it's like to have an accident and experience chronic pain? Do you know what it's like to lose a loved one and fall into a deep depression? Do you know what it's like to have to work three jobs in order to survive? Do you know what it's like to have a baby/toddler who does not sleep at night and every day you run in empty? Do you know what it's like to be single parent? What about a parent of children with disabilities? Do you know what it's like to live in an unsafe community where "playing outside" is not an option? People have life circumstances that you may not know about or ever understand. It's a privilege to have the time, energy, and physical/mental capacity to exercise. Enjoy your privilege and encourage others who seek it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Meanwhile OP: "You should exercise to beat physical and mental exhaustion from all the things you mentioned!"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It Riles me up a bit when people who enjoy exercising or who obsess a bit over how they look preach to me the importance of exercise to my long-term health. I was a very physically active as a Young man but it was all because I enjoyed it. The fact that it was good for me was a mirror happy coincidence. The people who struggle to make time for exercise don't like exercise and they're only reason for doing it is probably further health only. Another way of looking at it is people who exercise for their only for their long-term health are most likely to have the most trouble with motivation. Everybody should save a third of their income for retirement. Not sure how I could manage that if I were working a low-wage job and had a couple of kids.

by Normal_Cricket 2 weeks ago

Housework is exercise too! Now I am quite privileged because I don't do much - don't cook, laundry is picked up and delivered by laundromat and groceries are delivered. BUT I have complete respect for mothers who juggle with kids and doing housework because that's extremely tiring. Anyone who thinks they're superior because they are some gymbro is trash. If they were that secure about themselves, they wouldn't need to belittle others and make themselves sound like some special little trinket. The real reason for such gymbro antics is they are highly unloved or neglected by parents, poor at communication, personality of a curtain rod and nobody would give them any attention unless they hype themselves up with gymbro and hydrohomies trash talk. Now there's nothing wrong with going to the gym and enjoying it. But people who truly enjoy exercising at the gym do not go around being condescending gymbros and hydrohomies. There is a huge difference. Such people don't realise this reveals what awful lives they lead and is the impetus for them to carve a whole identity out of moving their bodies and drinking water like it's specially acquired for them.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I look perfectly healthy, but no one can tell by looking at me that my joints are in constant pain and prevent me from being able to work out. I have an issue with my knee called patella alta, which essentially means that my kneecap is higher then it's supposed to be which can cause it to give out or dislocate. I also have carpal tunnel which makes any exercise using my hands painful

by davidgerhold 2 weeks ago

Local man has no life obligations, thinks you're a loser for not hitting the gym with a baby on your hip

by Marcel15 2 weeks ago

Yeah. I've got a nice home gym, love working out (have [had I guess] a 1350+ total). Haven't touched it in almost a year from the kid.

by raymundo54 2 weeks ago

What does a 1350+ total mean?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Probably Bench + Squat + Deadlift total # pounds lifted.

by shyannemante 2 weeks ago

Squat + bench + deadlift single rep weight total. Ex a 500lb squat, 250 bench, 600 deadlift

by raymundo54 2 weeks ago

The obligation of parenthood makes working out almost impossible I have a home treadmill and can barely get 2.5 hours/week in if I'm lucky.

by Stock_Afternoon 2 weeks ago

My "workout" consists of hauling this Velcro baby around all day. Just squats and lifts all day.

by gerry15 2 weeks ago

Get a kettle bell and a pull-up bar. Look up a minute on minute off workout. A 15 minute a day workout can kick your ass.

by Rippindeangelo 2 weeks ago

Well it's not that people don't have time for it it's that they prioritize it differently. I don't really go to the gym or exercise since it's not a priority for me

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There was a comedian who talked about the ripped dad's at the gym. You either neglect your health or you neglect your kids. Those are just muscles that aren't hugging their children.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I could never understand why people stayed late at work for no reason until I became a dad. It's calm quiet time that makes you look good or chaos and screaming after traffic. I don't do it, but I've definitely picked doing the dishes over getting the toddler ready for bed

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I get Tik Toks of a 31 yo dad training to make a pro basketball roster, and it just pisses me off lol knowing that someone else must be financially floating him and/or raising his kids while he does his silly jumping drills with a tennis ball

by Nice_Ad_3830 2 weeks ago

I would love to spend the kind of time at the gym that I used to pre-baby. But husband is away doing training for months, I work a full-time demanding job, so my time is very much consumed with a baby, pets, and a house to tend to. I can sneak a small work out here and there (thankfully I have equipment at home), but if the baby wakes up early from a nap and wants to party, I hop off the treadmill and tend to him. Also, sometimes life is exhausting and there aren't family and friends around to help out (not that they are ever obligated to). Fitness is a priority to me, but everything else is more of a priority at the moment.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As a husband, can confirm. Absolutely no time for anything in the first year, second year is a little easier. We have 3 young kids and I do a 5km run after work, and wife does 5km once I'm home.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's why I go to the gym at 4am, nobody misses me because I'm back before anybody wakes up

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some of us need sleep too.

by vernicehauck 2 weeks ago

I can't speak for each situation, but in my case, I'm a single dad, I work a full-time job, a part-time job, and I still go to the gym 4 days a week. Yes, my kids help with the dishes and bringing the laundry down, but I still wash the clothes and cook dinner 3-4 nights a week. There's no such thing as "women's work" or "men's work" there's just work, and it never ends.

by xavierlebsack 2 weeks ago

Right, some of my friends wives complain when we go out like once every other month for food, and it's like the one of the few times my friends with kids go out. Before some of my friends had kids, we did a one night camping trip and even then some of their wives were complaining that they were gone for too long.

by chase46 2 weeks ago

This makes me wonder if the moms are getting nights off and overnight trips with their friends?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's why I always say I don't exercise because I hate it and think it's stupid. I've got plenty of time for it.

by mattmayert 2 weeks ago

Hell yeh

by Neither_Frame 2 weeks ago

I was in the Marines. No one needs a gym membership to get into shape and you don't need to exercise specifically. Build a treehouse, repave your driveway, go hunting or fishing, learn to manage livestock, fix your own car, there are millions of ways to stay in shape by just living your life.

by mattmayert 2 weeks ago

I always say I like to be "tricked" into exercise

by BetterProfessional12 2 weeks ago

When I was 37 I quit my white collar job to work with my dad on his paving crew for a year. It took less than 90 days before I had a washboard stomach.

by mattmayert 2 weeks ago

I was in so much better shape when I worked retail and climbed a ladder dozens of times a day

by BetterProfessional12 2 weeks ago

You're kinda just playing semantics at that point. In the context of "I don't have time to exercise," OP obviously means people that are out of shape saying that they don't have the time to perform activities regularly to get in shape. Whether it's picking up weights or repaving their driveway. They feel that work and whatever obligations at work are in the way of being active and getting in shape (what most people would just call "exercise" for brevity.) I don't think people who are active as a part of their job are super concerned if they can't fit in gym time, too. In reality I still think your original point is true. They think being active isnt a good enough use of their time to prioritize it, otherwise they'd make time for it.

by Level-Investment 2 weeks ago

That works if you live an active lifestyle/have a very active job. 9-5 pencil pushers need to go to the gym or workout specifically because sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is terrible for your body

by Appropriate-Thing 2 weeks ago

First time in my life I was ever in shape was a few years ago after I started as a woodworker. Having to move a half-ton+ of lumber from one place to another by hand and throwing around bundles of lumber all day every day, I built up strength and stamina pretty quickly.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

hating it I understand but explain the "think its stupid" part

by zmohr 2 weeks ago

Ima be real I don't care if working out takes 10 years off my life, let alone adds 10 onto it. I just wanna look hot. Is it surface level and vain? Yeah. Is it one of the stupidest reasons to wanna work out? Absolutely. But until I can get a 6-pack by sitting at a desk pushing papers all day, work out I shall.

by dpaucek 2 weeks ago

Nobody knows when their time comes. But being able to bend down to pick up your grandchildren is a thing I feel is worth 45 min a day 5 times a week.

by LowKick6726 2 weeks ago

I'm so sorry for your future onslaught by the fitness heads. But you're so real for this

by murphydorian 2 weeks ago

Shh shh it's ok, OP is probably 15 yo using dad's WiFi

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'll say that to my dad who wakes up at 4 every morning and comes back home from work at 8-9, has two hours to eat, talk to his family and then go to bed.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Right lol I wake up at 5, work until almost 7pm, drive home for 45 minutes, make and eat dinner and do my homework, and by then I'm beat. Doesn't help that I work in a doctors office that sees 300 patients each day lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It really depends on the person. Someone working two jobs, seven days each week and neither job allows you to even jog in place but commands standing at all times (cashiering jobs, fast food jobs) and only has six hours to sleep each night really doesn't have time. If you have a desk job that is low security where you can bring in items from home you can do an under-desk pedaling machine, but that only exercises one section of your body. I know there have been times I was in meetings back to back every day for two weeks, then caught a flight that boarded right after security and then another week of working on a project 6am-5pm (ate while working and standing). Not everyone can find the time. And people hungry, working hard, exhausted, and averaging six hours of sleep per night through no fault of their own can't safely balance on a machine for 30 minutes.

by claudie89 2 weeks ago

I work out a ton nowadays. I lift 4-5 times a week most weeks and I walk daily for 30-45 mins. Super easy. 5 years ago I was working 65+ hours a week and traveling for work 40,000 miles a year. On call 24/7, swing shift, lots of stress. Zero motivation and time for exercise even though I wanted to. It's SO much easier to exercise with more free time and it isn't even up for debate imo.

by Annual-Butterfly3696 2 weeks ago

I think when most people say they're too busy, they mean they're too exhausted.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Exactly this. I used to be a meat head back in high-school and for a year or so after jacked RIPPED I had the V and all. But once I started working 12 hour days and having kids there isn't anyway in hell I'm going above and beyond. I'm loosing weight by diet and meds I don't have the "time" (energy) to hit the gym Hell I don't even leave my house unless it's to work or to purchase food.

by Western-Ad 2 weeks ago

I'm busy being tired from work. Is that good enough for you?

by Natural_Election_361 2 weeks ago

Caring about whether or not other people exercise is really weird

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Same lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Who are you to tell people how they should spend their time? 😂💀

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Why aren't you consumed with OP's attraction to your gym body?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Same thing as when people say they don't have time to cook or even go pick it up themselves. Most of those people have 4+ hours of free time a day yet act like they have zero.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If the gym had zero effect on how your body looked but still gave you the same health benefits, theyd be empty. Once your life goals don't rely on your looks anymore, there's really no incentive. Pretend you care about my "health" all you want but I don't believe it. I'm too busy taking care of my kids, running a fking business, and spending the remaining two hours of the day with my wife.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't really agree; exercise helps my mental health immensely. I don't exercise to lose weight or look amazing; obviously it's a perk, but the way it allows me to decompress and wind down is everything.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Congratulations, you know the definition of the word excuse.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'd agree for the vast majority of people. There will be outliers but most can find time if they choose. If it's not a priority to them that's fine. No judgment. For me it's a priority. Wife. Two kids. Dog. Full time job with commute. I still carve out 45-60 minutes during the week and longer on the weekend. That includes waking at 4:10am some days. It's important to me so I find time.

by PlantainSlow 2 weeks ago

Everyone has 5 minutes in their day to exercise. Just try running on the spot for 5 minutes and tell me that's not a workout.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

ITT: lots of salty out of shape people

by Professional_Lack 2 weeks ago

I'm clear in saying I don't have the attention, energy, or desire to go to the gym. I never say I don't have time.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm glad you have an easy life, OP.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Must have one of then fancy office jobs. Meanwhile I work in a factory and enjoy the nice 89 degree cool days during winter.

by Western-Ad 2 weeks ago

Plenty of thin people don't exercise.

by Lokeefe 2 weeks ago

Thanks OP! You've made me realize that the time I use to work and take care of my young child and go back to school and also find those precious seconds of "self care" while my husband works opposite shifts from me is just an excuse. I'll get right on forcing exercise in there. /s

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Dude, life is exhausting. Most of the time, I want to sit and do nothing. Sometimes, I do not have the physical or mental capacity. Sometimes, it takes people a while to figure out what kind of movement feels good for their bodies.

by Laury64 2 weeks ago

I disagree, not everyone has the time you have

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Exercising doesn't have to be a 30 minute walk or an hour in the gym. Doing 5-10 minutes of yoga, stretching, and/or calisthenics every morning adds up massively over a lifetime, especially as you get older.

by Sad-Clothes 2 weeks ago

Not necessarily true. If you have a full time job and a family to look after, chances are you'll have your hands full or wont have the energy to be able to exercise (And exercise when fatigued isn't healthy)

by Signal-Truck 2 weeks ago

Your privilege is showing

by zoila37 2 weeks ago

It's actually a good excuse for people. Exercise is a big commitment, at least if you do quality exercise and want to see real results. Sure, people could just fit in 15-30 minutes a day of something, but it's not enough unless you are already fairly healthy. When I did cross country and track in high school and college, it took up a huge chunk of my time. I was in amazing shape but I was committing a ton of my life to it those sports. You also have to factor in recovery/ rest time as well. If you're not used to exercising, it will take time for your body to build muscle and strength. I do think that people should try to find the time to exercise, but I also think people need to be educated better about physical fitness and how to approach it. I know elementary PE scared me out of fitness and until high school, most PE teachers were just angry people yelling at kids about playing dodgeball or basketball, they weren't properly teaching us about how to approach athletics. Anyone can exercise, you don't have to do sports, it's just more about how you approach it.

by chase46 2 weeks ago

Lol ok obviously OP has never juggled work housework and taking care of a critically ill family member before

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some people are too busy to work out. I guess they could prioritize the gym but that could mean not having enough to cover rent, groceries or utilities. If you have kids especially young ones it makes it harder. You want and need to spend time with them instead of the gym. If more gyms were family friendly maybe, but they aren't unless it's the YMCA. I work full time, do a side gig, and help homeschool my kids. When I get home at night I just want to relax and not do a workout especially since I already walk 5-7 miles a day at my job. Sometimes I'll do a quick yoga thing but most nights I'm too tired.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some people work multiple jobs and have kids

by Nkohler 2 weeks ago

Yes dear, obviously

by Playful_Ninja 2 weeks ago

Yeah, but it's my complete excuse.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah we know

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I get this take and honestly it applies to me. Cause I have time and don't consistently go to the gym like I should. But there actually are some people who don't have time. But beyond that I think the real issue (for the US anyway) is Americas sedentary culture. Like if our cities were walkable and had good transit we would be more active just by doing the basic chores we need to do. Instead we drive everywhere.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I am pretty busy being anemic and disabled, though

by myahhomenick 2 weeks ago

I'm a gym rat, competitive strength athlete, life long martial artist (none of these things make me cool, I just illustrating I spend a lot of time working out) This attitude towards people doesn't help anyone. When I had rough runs of business, problems with the kids, important life situations pop up you best believe the gym was one of the first things I skipped. I feel I have lived a blessed life that let me prioritize time in the gym but it just isn't that way for everyone.

by ComfortableLaugh1738 2 weeks ago

Congrats on knowing the definition of excuse. Though I think you probably meant that it's an invalid excuse. Though the more I think about it, "complete excuse" would seem to be closer in definition to "valid excuse". I wouldn't say I'm too busy to exercise, but I'm definitely too busy to work out just for the sake of working out. I prefer to get my exercise while actually accomplishing something. Like, if I have to take my car in to the shop, I'll walk the 5.5 miles home from my mechanic's instead of calling an uber or something. Little things like that. Working out just to work out will never not be boring to me, and if it bores me and doesn't pay me money, I'm too busy for it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is not unpopular it is the definition of an excuse

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Excuse? Yes. Bad excuse? No.

by iaufderhar 2 weeks ago

Thank you! I've had an an epiphany!!!!!!! <3 CFO, mom of school aged kids who are in gymnastics, soccer, jiu jitsu, girl scouts, and ccd. I'm on the exec board of PTO, and the anti-drug team, green team and environmental commission for not one but TWO towns. I cook, I clean. I run the house and my husband works +70 hrs per week. My days start at 5:30 and end at 10pm. I'm sure I can squeeze it in.

by Dora19 2 weeks ago

Ahhhh Shiiiiiiaaaaatt aaaaappp

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I work everyday but I find time either in the morning or evening to go our for a hike in my neighborhood nature reserve or Olympic park. I walk two hours to my destination, then I walk and hike for about an hour or an hour and a half, then make another two hours to walk back for dinner or brunch. Most definitely not hard to work out at least once a day. My friend also works overtime and she hits the gym everyday. When I tell people I walk 16000 to 20000 steps every day, some of them call me a liar and insult me to deny their lazy lifestyle choices and excuses. When I actually have recorded proof on my walking apps/step counter. And when I show them proof they lie that these apps and machines are faulty lmfao… just strange.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You forget how exhausting work can be for most adults. By the time they get home they have other priorities to take care of and then they just want to go to bed.

by Gaylordmuhammad 2 weeks ago

What if I work 70+ hours a week! Get out here gym bro

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most people don't work 70+ hours a week, though. I don't work out because I'm lazy and unmotivated.

by Vegetable_Radish 2 weeks ago

"Complete" excuse as opposed to "incomplete" excuse. "I cannot exercise because I ..."

by Melodic_Acadia 2 weeks ago

I have time for it, but if I had a child, wife, full time job, and social life I might not. Parents have a different life than non-parents like us

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I agree. Just say "I don't exercise cause I don't want to. I know it is healthy but I don't care"

by Bartellcandida 2 weeks ago

Try working at least 80 hours per week…

by Fun-Education 2 weeks ago

I have plenty of time, it's just boring as all get out.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is. And it's a good one.

by Available_Shop 2 weeks ago

If my life sucks the last thing im thinking about is exercise.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What supernatural clairvoyance you must have to apparently know how everyone's life is going and what they are and aren't capable of at any given time.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Meanwhile, they sit and watch hours of netflix every night to relax.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's true. It's an excuse. And a valid one for a lot of people lol. Time is a luxury not a lot of people are afforded anymore :')

by kristina76 2 weeks ago

Do you wanna come babynsit so I can go do that real quick?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sure, if I deprive myself of leisure and activities that bring me joy after a stressful day of work, then yeah I have plenty of time to go to the gym and then go straight to bed.

by Alysson16 2 weeks ago

I work as a tradesman and do physical work all day. I dont need the gym and don't have time for that lol.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sometimes it's true. For example I've worked 7 days a week 12 hour days plus 2 hours driving for almost a month straight a couple times doing electrical for a large plywood plant during shutdowns. Basically got home, ate and went to bed When I did commercial concrete I was on a job for 3 months living out of a hotel and working 16 hour days. Had weekends off but I had to recover at some point Technically I was getting exercise since those were manual labor jobs but not everyone's job is manual labor and some work crazy hours like that or work multiple jobs.

by According_Carob 2 weeks ago

It depends on the exercise.

by Jealous_Instance7663 2 weeks ago

I do the best I can. When I was a dink and before some stacked up recurrent sports injuries, that meant about 30 miles a week running at a 7mph pace plus biking all the time and I was 6ft 1 and 166lbs. Today it's a good week if I can find 4 days to get in some quality low impact (left hamstring is toast for anything remotely impacty) and a struggle to stay below 190 due to hypothyroidism that came out of nowhere and jacked my metabolism. My mil died during covid and that wrecked my wife, so I was doing just about everything around the house and at work for the year she mourned. Kids also take everything you have. You think you'll be the exception but you likely won't.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Inexperienced people like myself may feel like we have to go at certain times of day when there are fewer people, so we can take our time understanding how to use the machines and acting embarrassing. Those particular times when the place is empty are going to be times I'm usually working. Within a month, there aren't going to be very many of those times. Then if a whole month goes by, I've wasted money the whole month and I'm starting to give up again.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe but I work a 9-5 and have a commute that takes up 3 hours a day, and I have a chronic illness. But I do also get in at least 6000 steps a day and I rock climb every week.

by ZealousidealTrade 2 weeks ago

Yes and no.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'd argue it's a half maybe even a quarter of an excuse.

by Darrell86 2 weeks ago

If somebody says they never ever have time all week that would be hard to believe but they're going to be some days where people simply don't have the time

by Far_Actuator1648 2 weeks ago

I work 12+ hours a day…and I've been able to make time for 20-30 min gym sessions every day too. Yeah, there really is no excuse lol. People who be saying this be also spending 5-6 hours/day on their phone or smtin lol.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

See ...I go on hikes constantly, almost daily. Take the dog for walks, too. Do physical work. But I dont consider this exercise- I unfortunately do not have the time to get to weights at the moment and it sux. I love that pull up assist machine- the good ones are really rare to find in a gym. I miss lifting on heavy equipment.

by Curious-Coach-5373 2 weeks ago

Well, yes, but is it an unpopular opinion?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is an excuse, for sure. I could absolutely be doing better, and I only have myself to blame. At the end of working a physical day, I know I need to stretch to keep in shape, but I'm lazy. I don't have the energy, and I want to enjoy my life. I could be better, but I'm not. I want to enjoy my evenings.

by One_Sun 2 weeks ago

Some people have physical jobs and get plenty of exercise at work.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh lord don't get them started "work isn't exercise"

by Western-Ad 2 weeks ago

So two things: 1) If you go really hard in your youth, you WILL pay for it later. Your joints can't support your need to run 20 miles forever. 2) Exercise is REALLY BORING. I do it but I hate it. I would rather clean toilets than exercise.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm too busy to do anything else,as i prioritize my exercise always.And i'm keeping it that way.

by Gibsonrandal 2 weeks ago

Fair enough, but seriously why would Anybody care? It's not your life or body so somebody else's reasons for not working out are entirely their own.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can't jog due to join damage

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe just maybe people are tired. It's OK to be busy and not want to spend the last bit of energy working out. Who cares?

by AggressiveZone3981 2 weeks ago

Totally. I can manage 10-12 hours around parenting 2 kids and a full time job. It's hard but I make it work

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

But not too busy to not watch an hour or three of tik tock or fb reels a day

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Right, because we all have spare time just lying around—like when I'm deciding whether to sleep or eat after my triple shift! But seriously, it's great to stay active, but everyone's life is a bit different. Some folks are stretching every minute just to keep up. Always cool to encourage a healthy lifestyle, but let's not forget to be realistic about what's possible for each person.

by Brooklynzboncak 2 weeks ago

yes and no, it depends on the goals you expect. If you mean calisthenics for the sake of calisthenics such as say reaching 10 push ups, then yes, nearly all of us canl do such things. If you mean benching your own weight a flat stomach and good pectoral development, then not everyone can. These aren't high on the fitness list of difficult things such as a front lever, a full planch, or shoulder pressing your body weight, but they require more work than 10 minutes a day for sure.

by Twill 2 weeks ago

Are you a parent?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Could be a health related excuse. I'm busy is better then "I won't have enough energy to work tomorrow because of my health"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"Do or do not. There is no try."

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not just about having time, you also have to have the energy to exercise. As well as access to a place to work out. Not everyone has a neighborhood that's safe to run in or has the space/ privacy to do basic exercises like push-ups and sit-ups.

by East-Sir-5326 2 weeks ago

Says someone who must never be very busy.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I know, right ? Like those with disabilities or mental disorders should just get off their lazy asses and put in work. Lift heavy, right. LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Unless of course you obsess on exercise and wear out your joints, then you'll definitely be paying for it later in life.

by OkAwareness 2 weeks ago

Calisthenics is the best way to go when you have kids to look after. It's hard to do 2 hr daily commutes round trip with 8+ hours of work and have dinner ready while also looking after the kids and getting alone time. The best solution I could come up with is basic calisthenics equipment and a weighted vest. 30 mins a day is reasonable. However if you kid is a baby who needs feeding every 2hrs or less, recovery would take a couple days longer so keep that in mind. Getting some exercise however limited is better than being sedentary and getting problems at age 40.

by slittle 2 weeks ago