-35 The amount of people older than you never increases, amirite?

by Jbeier 2 weeks ago

But highly unlikely to ever reach zero.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Unless there is a multiverse, then it's guaranteed

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No, it's not. The vast majority of people die before they're the oldest person in the world.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

But in a multiverse, there could be infinitely many universes. And my chances of living to be the oldest person are definitely not even close to infinitely small. So it could be.

by OccasionFast 2 weeks ago

There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2 but none are 3, that is to say just because a multiverse exists it wont guarantee any specific scenario has to happen

by CommunityLeather 2 weeks ago

This version of them, however, isn't given infinite tries.

by Immediate_Blood 2 weeks ago

Since when is a "multi verse with infinitely many universes" not infinite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What it does guarantee however, is that any possible event happens. If we're talking about an infinite multiverse at least..

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That depends on what your definition of "possible event" is. In the context of the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum physics, this would only apply to quantum events. Non-quantum events that have a non-zero classical probability might not appear anywhere in the multiverse. If we are not talking about the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum physics, then you can have an infinite multiverse where every universe is the same - i.e. just because it is infinite does not mean that it has a Gaussian distribution.

by Westwilfrid 2 weeks ago

Dis guy gets it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No he doesn't, just because every possibility could exist doesn't necessarily mean every possibility does exist.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Well there is also a theory called quantum immortality in which the reality you perceive is always the one that you still exist in. So basically if you had a near death experience you might have actually died but your consciousness just moved to the next reality where you didn't

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Quite the opposite. One person on earth is the oldest one. There will always be one of us who's the oldest. For him, it's zero.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

But that's "highly unlikely" to happen to anybody.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you phrase it like that then yes. It is highly unlikely that me or you will become the oldest person on earth.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Thank you for saving the world. What would we do without heroes such as yourself?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is why you are in charge

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If anything the number is constantly dwindling down as we speak.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

In some cases, it even goes to zero!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Physics would like a word! If you were born at the exact same time as another person, and you were a frequent flyer, but the other person never flew in a jet in their life, that other person is now older than you. Remember that time slows down at a calculable rate as you approach the speed of light!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Calculable maybe, but I'm not sure we measure time of birth to microsecond precision

by tdoyle 2 weeks ago

I don't think it would even be a microsecond unless you've flown across the world thousands of times. The Hafele–Keating experiment showed a difference of nanoseconds which is a thousandth of a microsecond.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You are age is only calculated from your time of birth. Any personal time relativity you experience will not change your time of birth.

by Crystal19 2 weeks ago

It won't change the date/time of your birth but will it change how old you are relative to others that didn't experience dilation. It has nothing to do with your birth and everything to do with the passage of time since birth. Which people don't account for relativity when they calculate age so this point is moot, but if we're gonna debate it might as well get it right.

by Far_Turnover 2 weeks ago

I mean people are still going to get hit by cars and whatnot. Even if you end up passing one person in that moment multiple older people will die

by FriendshipMountain68 2 weeks ago

jets approach the speed of light? cool!

by schultzautumn 2 weeks ago

They do. They don't get at all close to it, but they "approach" it.

by stefan41 2 weeks ago

Those born on 29 feb?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yup, that was what I was looking for!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Leap year babies can play that with birthdays as long as the population growth keeps up.

by Cautious-Wrangler686 2 weeks ago

*has never increased, it may one day if we start traveling at significant fractions of the speed of light

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.

by Nervous_Challenge_11 2 weeks ago

And the youngest you'll ever be again

by Annalise21 2 weeks ago

Unless you travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light in a vacuum.

by Nconsidine 2 weeks ago

If they all ate a tremendous volume of food each day, the amount of people older would increase, though that may be offset by the decrease in the number of people.

by Shieldslelia 2 weeks ago

If we had access to a space ship, we could make your statement incorrect. But still, this is a good one

by ApprehensiveDebt 2 weeks ago

Incorrect, let me travel near the speed of light to the edge of the Solar system and back. It increased.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If we count telemere length as age, people certainly do get older than others born at the same time. Many factors age people faster than others. Pollution, stress, biological differences, you name it. But on paper your right.

by Gullible_Custard 2 weeks ago

This isn't true. I live on the west coast of America each day every person born on the same day as me become older than me one time zone at a time all around the world then I catch up and we do it all over again.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Never say never, all of a sudden someone builds the first time traveling machine

by InternationalAir9197 2 weeks ago

The amount of people younger than you never diminishes

by Professional_Elk2662 2 weeks ago

But the number of people dying does

by davisedwina 2 weeks ago

I find this mildly disturbing

by tyreekokeefe 2 weeks ago

Tell that to Cambodia >.>

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's not true for astronauts

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

How about after you die?

by Leading_Resolve7053 2 weeks ago

Unless you are a leap year baby

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago