+34 Hershey's is bad even without the vomit taste gene, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

And then he opened the Milton Hershey school He was a good person. yes Hershey's chocolate isn't near as good as European chocolate but the message behind it is what matters

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

it's not even chocolate by any other standard than american tho

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think that's an admirable cause, the product itself is just not for me. Learning that, I'm glad to see how prevalent hersheys is though

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's no scientific evidence, as far as I know, that there's some kind of "gene" for this. Everyone can taste that, it's just that some of us like it and don't associate it with vomit. It's due to fermentation of the milk, which is unique to American chocolate. I happen to like it way better than European milk chocolate, which I think tastes like plastic. It's completely characterless and bland compared to Hershey's. And also, Hershey's has a VERY detectable chocolate taste. Chocolate is literally the only flavor in it (besides slightly fermented milk).

by Altruistic_Pen1938 2 weeks ago

chocolate tastes like chocolate so i dont like it

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Milk chocolate Hershey Bars contain only 11% cocoa, only 1% more than the FDA legal minimum to be considered ‘chocolate' in the U.S. In Europe, the minimum is 27.5%, which is why Hershey Bars there are considered ‘chocolate candy'

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What about a Reese's cup?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've said I don't like Hershey's before and someone linked me to the vomit thing. I don't think it's a gene, it's more that if you grow up eating hershey's you don't associate it with vomit. It was interesting enough, but I'm American and it's never tasted like vomit to me. It's mostly the texture I think, it's really grainy. Good milk chocolate melts in your mouth.

by Thelmafisher 2 weeks ago

The gene part might be wrong but yeah grainy is a better way to describe it

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Hershey's doesn't even taste like real chocolate. Real chocolate tastes more like coffee than candy. Taza chocolate is the laughing stock of fancy chocolates, but even that is far, far better.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is terrible "chocolate". I wouldn't say vomit flavor, but there's definitely something unpalatable about it.

by Jeannewill 2 weeks ago

it tastes like slightly chocolate flavoured wax

by Rude_Drink 2 weeks ago

Never liked Hershey's, it tastes like scented wax. Didnt even taste the chocolate. I bought it once years back, never going to buy again

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is so validating, I have been saying for my entire life that Hershey's smells like vomit to me and no one else ever acknowledges it!

by Key_Drag7005 2 weeks ago

as a swiss i cant eat chocolate that isnt swiss. just isnt the same.

by Intelligent_Elk_9642 2 weeks ago

I wonder if all those European kids in WW2 movies bite into the chocolate given to them by allied soldiers, fake a smile, and then barf in their trousers after.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're British, everything y'all eat is basically vomit

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

in what way? I hate oversweetened stuff but I think the sweetness itself is fine

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I dunno, I get the same thing with other chocolates like KitKat etc. I'll eat and just start choking out, like a string zap in my throat, can't explain it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not a normal reaction. You might be allergic...

by wunschmerl 2 weeks ago

Only happens with US chocolate. If I get the same chocolates in Canada, no reaction…

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago