+40 Being in the delivery room while a woman is giving birth isn't "a beautiful moment", it's actually disgusting. amirite?

by Afraid-Health 2 weeks ago

Can't even tell what gender OP is, I was the only one with my wife during the birth, with our midwives. I couldn't imagine having anyone else in there with us. We didn't even invite people to visit us in the hospital. There doesn't need to be any extra people in the delivery room, I agree with that

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Imagine being on the table giving birth and your partner invites a mini party of people to see you pop out a kid. Like, the half of the Damn family

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

and they're eating pizzas and burgers while watching with their eyes wide open

by Sea-Heart-366 2 weeks ago

Oh lord.. I'm a woman and i'd never wanna see a birth vag, how Can you observe it😭

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Thats is why they are in the room

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Good point. Let's remember why giving birth on your back is a thing

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've given birth twice (soon to be three times) and I never want to "see" it haha, the midwives offered a mirror to see and I was like "no…. Why would I ever want to see that" and they laughed πŸ˜‚

by Serious-Season1502 2 weeks ago

Reminds of that scene from shameless when Karen is giving birth while half of hospital is watching and the kid turns out to be of someone else

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I know some women (especially first-time moms) prefer to have their moms around as well, which I understand. I don't have kids yet, so I can't say what my preference would be, but I can see the appeal of going through that process with the moral support of someone who has experienced it herself.

by Amertz 2 weeks ago

Childbirth isn't a spectator sport. My bossy MIL was so offended I didn't want her in the room. Like bitch, I can barely stand you on a good day. It was me and husband only.

by Big-Guarantee-6206 2 weeks ago

πŸ˜‚ the second to last sentence. And staring at ya hoo-ha!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's like your mother in law getting mad she can't watch your open heart surgery or appendectomy. For a lot of women it's a major medical procedure. I don't really like the weird romantasizing around it.

by Then_Employment9191 2 weeks ago

It sounds like you actually want way more people to be in that disgusting room with you than most people would consider normal. Your friends?? Isn't it usually just your partner and the medical staff?

by Fermin20 2 weeks ago

I've heard of someone having their best friend there but it's often in a situation where the baby daddy isn't in the picture and maybe they aren't close to their family or don't have family.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's almost always just one person. It could be anyone you choose but it's usually just one. The staff doesn't want a bunch of people in the way. Hell, I was asleep in a chair when my wife's monitor showed slowing heart beat. They busted in like the police and rolled my ass to the side like I was garden trash can. They are not entertaining spectators

by Alyciajones 2 weeks ago

The other thing is that it's not exactly a quick process. If everything happens on schedule it takes hours. For my daughter we spent almost a week hanging out at the hospital waiting. Are you supposed to bring all your friends over the entire time?

by Different-Stick5215 2 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure a child wrote this

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This person Cleary has no clue what they are talking about

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

reading skills are important. they said they would want to be there FOR their friends who are giving birth. not have their friends in the room while THEY are giving birth

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You are correct, but same difference, right? I'd never expect any friends to ask me to be present.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

My MIL went on and on to me about how she's been in the room for all of her grandchildren's births. I said "you won't be there for mine." Absolutely that woman would make it 100x more stressful for me and I'm not close with her to have my birth vag on full display to her

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The good ol birth vag

by No_Barracuda8745 2 weeks ago

Comically making father's faint since 1963

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Makes interns faint too.

by schillermanuela 2 weeks ago

The look of shock on my ambulance officers face was hilarious. I burst out laughing at the horror she just witnessed

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

In my experience, mainly the big athletic looking ones were the ones who would avert their gaze, get sweaty and then pass out. I never saw a nerdy looking desk jockey do it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Why did I think you were referring to vaginas when you said "the big athletic looking ones" 😭😩 Thankfully I continued reading.

by ContributionTop7029 2 weeks ago

She's got that oorah hooha πŸ’ͺ

by Small-Meaning 2 weeks ago

Can this be my flair?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh no. No. Just no. She needs to leave. And I'm stepping on her phone.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Facebook Live

by Exciting-Set134 2 weeks ago

world star!!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh god. I can almost hear my MIL giving me suggestions and pointers to improve my pushing πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ I would have held the baby inside me until my MIL was out my god the horror!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's the only reason my mother wanted to be in the room. Pervert.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Who is demanding to come in to watch that wasn't invited?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've seen a lot of stories about mother in laws. Some cases of moms. Usually it's a relative who feels entitled but makes you uncomfortable.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

A LOT of stories about mother in laws!! the most stressful hours of your life being watched & potentially interrupted by someone you don't even really know that well? absolutely tf not

by Suitable_Part 2 weeks ago

My MIL threw a giant hissy fit because I didn't want her in the room while I pushed a literal baby out of my vagina. That was the hill I was going to die on. I had my mom and my husband, I can't imagine having anyone else in the room.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's a generational thing. Women being there to support other women while giving birth is very normal across time and cultures.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Okay. Then I want MY mom in there. Or a sister or best friend. Not my husband's mom I may not even get along with. Usually the stories of them insisting the relationship is strained and that's why it's a problem.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Is that an American thing that relatives and friends want to be there? In my country it's mainly husbands who are there, sometimes a very close female family member instead, but any more people would be an unwelcomed crowd. The rest just wait outside if they want. And I've never heard of any woman allowing her MIL in the birthing room.

by gemmerich 2 weeks ago

I think it's just a weird people thing. Most people it's the father and yeah, maybe a mother or sister who is there in the room. Some people are just crazy and feel entitled because it's their grandchild. Most people just wait in the lobby.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

A lot more mothers, mother in laws, sisters, sisters in law, aunts, grandmas way more than you would think. Pretty much if some relative has given birth there's a chance they will just assume they can go in.

by Aglaerempel 2 weeks ago

We used the "covid rules they weren't let lifted" to restrict the room to just us. 10/10 recommend

by Dgulgowski 2 weeks ago

My mother in law tried to be forceful to come in. Her reasoning was that she watched all her other grandchildren be born... by her daughter. I was 18, pregnant from a fling with her son (married now). She was a stranger to me and she was so offended that I would deny her that "right". I dont understand using labor and birth as entertainment. I felt very violated.

by Holiday-Search-3067 2 weeks ago

I find mothers observing their daughters vulva stretching for hours extremely weird. Kind of incest vibes or something. Would never allow my mother there, staring at my genitals. Iwouldn't want my husband there either. Like yeah if it is a long process he can keep company, but when the action starts he'd just be in the way, and no I wouldn't want him to stare at all the stretching and bulging and tearing and feces and slime etc. Don't see any appeal in that, don't see any need for that. And for those saying it's the man's right to be there I'd say it's the woman's right to decide who is there or not, she is the one suffering and doing the work and potentially dying.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Mother in laws. My dad's mom went into the room despite my mom telling her not to when I was born, my mom was in so much pain she just gave up after yelling at her a few times so she stayed.

by External-Travel-898 2 weeks ago

I might use that to divorce my husband because he failed at manage his mom.

by wwillms 2 weeks ago

They did end up divorcing, not just because of that though but it was part of it amongst a lot of other things. I don't have anything to do with my grandma/ his mom because she's a crazy and I can't stand the way she treated my mom so it definitely didn't work out for her either.

by External-Travel-898 2 weeks ago

Women get absolutely roasted on AITAH if they even consider not inviting their husbands no matter how nervous or unhelpful they expect him to be.

by ResidentSeesaw8670 2 weeks ago

The father should be possibly the only person (other than the mother and maybe father of the mom giving birth depending on their relationship) expected in there. OP mentioned friends, which I guess in specific scenarios where some friends are some people's support system, I guess that's fine, but even then it is a bit much. I understand some fathers might make the situation more stressful, and the old fashioned men who just can't or don't want to (which in that case yeah I understand not wanting them there), but a lot of fathers (of the baby) nowadays are extremely good support systems to have there. My wife wouldn't let me not be there for her and seeing my children be born was a beautiful experience, despite seeing through the gross things. I was the only person there with her. Any other person should not be there. The more people there, the more chaotic it is.

by Fhilpert 2 weeks ago

Yeah we didn't let anyone know when we were going to the hospital and gave everyone a week late due date. It was a beautiful, but gnarly experience. We waited a few days to let everyone know our son arrived

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yea like the exes demanding to be present. Who in their right mind wants their ex in the room at their most stressed, traumatised vulnerable moment, looking at their birth vag.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The mother, classically.

by Independent_Cause533 2 weeks ago

Quagmire, that's who. Giggity Giggity.

by qhegmann 2 weeks ago


by Qbeahan 2 weeks ago

Were you in the room? I was with my wife on two occasions and while there were gross parts they were probably the two happiest times of my life- and I'll mention I'm still happily married to her before I rank our wedding as a close 3rd.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

i was too busy giving birth to feel insecure about any of this.

by Glum-Cress 2 weeks ago

I am totally okay with loads of medically trained strangers, but I absolutely did not allow anyone in who I'd have to have dinner with later (husband being the obvious exception). It wasn't the number of people for me (also had a big student group), but who the people were.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Same. It's not about the amount of people, it's about the relationship of the people. If it's someone I'm already uncomfortable with, I don't want them there where I'm feeling my literal worst physically. I have no energy to deal with the mental part of it . Complete strangers, I don't care because they don't affect me in anyway.

by Connelise 2 weeks ago

Some mother in laws would rather die right there on the floor than to allow you to have an ounce of attention on you while giving birth.

by Aggressive-Lab 2 weeks ago

It's very natural..as nature intended. It's honestly a shame that we are shamed to feel otherwise.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I own cattle, and even they want to be alone when they give birth. It's a vulnerable position for any mammal and the natural response is to crawl away from the herd and do it in private so a predator doesn't come along and ruin everything... I guess that includes mother in laws.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Same here and every once in awhile I have one that comes to me to 'help' deliver which I relate to them seeking their mamas out to aid them or for comfort? Other than that, unless a female animal in labor seeks you out frantically, you give them space!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

and the natural response is to crawl away from the herd and do it in private so a predator doesn't come along and ruin everything... Wouldn't the lone cow be more vulnerable?

by Hot-Resolution 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

yes. how many births are you possibly going to be invited to?

by Lee39 2 weeks ago

something that happens only 2 times in your life is pretty uncommon

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It is really amazing to me how hard human birth is. It seems like such a traumatic experience even when it is relatively easy but that isn't often.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Soooo you wrote an entire essay on this but you've never actually been in a room to witness a birth??

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think the person who wrote this is approximately 12

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is why it was just my husband in the room. It wasn't a spectacle to behold.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I saw the birth of my first child 3 weeks ago. It's a bloody mess and am glad I didn't have to push him out. Got me wondering how in the world do women decide to repeat that painful process.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

doesn't matter if you're black or white! hee-hee

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Ask any doctor whose helped a woman give birth, they'll tell you how gross it actually is. If you're repulsed by bodily fluids, naked bodies, and the sounds of labor, sure. When I've helped deliver babies, the moment baby makes contact with mom, you can see the pain turn into joy in mom's eyes in real time. That is the beautiful part. Sure, it's not a Victoria's Secret shoot type of beauty, no one means that. No one should be gawking at mom and making her feel uncomfortable. I don't think that's why people think childbirth is beautiful though.

by Western-Cycle 2 weeks ago

Sure, it's not a Victoria's Secret shoot type of beauty, no one means that. Yeah. OP seems fixated on the visual, and has a narrow perspective of "beauty". A lot of people don't consider the philosophical or the nuanced moment of a stressed out, exhausted, sweaty, etc mother connecting with her baby, that shift in expression that isn't 100% relief, but a good bit of a sort of existential "Oh wow, this was worth it."...not to mention the multiple thousands of generations of mothers that have been doing exactly that. It can be a very powerful thing to be along for if one can get past being uptight over things that don't matter like a little. Though as others have said, it should be a personal thing, a spouse or family or a particularly close friend..invited by the mother..and not people inviting themselves in like that nasty mother in law or whatever.

by Chemical-Ad-7522 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I find OP's use of "gross" and "disgusting" offensive. My two deliveries were messy but neither gross or disgusting. There is a raw beauty in the strength and effort required to bring a baby into the world. It's unlike anything else in life.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Very nicely said.

by lbaumbach 2 weeks ago

The only people I want to be in the delivery room with while they give birth are my friends I know 0 people who have invited friends in for the birth of a child. Parents, doctors, MAYBE grandparents.

by Prior_Dot 2 weeks ago

My mom was there for her best friend because the dad wasn't around.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not beautiful because of the physical actions of what's going on. Nobody thinks the pooping is beautiful. Nobody thinks the sweat and the screaming is beautiful. Nobody thinks the blood and sterile instruments are beautiful. What's beautiful is watching the moment a life greets the world. What's beautiful is seeing pure, unadulterated joy and love on the faces of the parents. What's beautiful is the laughing and crying from everyone in the room, even the old semi retired nurse who has seen 10000 babies delivered, when the baby takes their first breath and cries out the first sound they will ever make in the world. What's beautiful is the raw emotion absolutely POURING from the mom as she holds the child who has been inside her for 9 months for the very first time. It's not beautiful, but it's the most beautiful experience of my entire life.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I was drugged out of my mind for my c-section, so I only remember having an out of body experience thinking "whose baby is my husband holding?", but with my second (VBAC) it felt so incredible to finally meet the little person I had bonded with without even knowing them. I saw her and everything about her made sense. It was magical. And I say that as someone who pushed wearing gloves because of my OCD.

by No_Concert6298 2 weeks ago

Is vbac the one where they suck it out of your hooha with a vaccum?

by caleighbuckridg 2 weeks ago

Vaginal Birth After Caesarian. Vag vacuum optional.

by Brave_Extent_8637 2 weeks ago

I wanted nobody, note even my husband, with me when I gave birth. My hubs has a very weak stomach, and I wanted the doctor's focus on me, not my puking (or passing out) husband. I was just fine without "support" from family.

by bertrand49 2 weeks ago

Blame Louis XIV for starting the voyeuristic trend of watching women give birth.

by Murray41 2 weeks ago

So so inhumane

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

When my wife was pregnant with our first I always said I wouldn't be able to watch because I would probably pass out due to how intense it would be. But the nurses had me in a position where I kinda had to watch. And to this day I'm so glad that I did. Yeah it was an insane thing to see. But seeing my first child be born was literally the craziest thing I've ever experienced, in the best way possible. Maybe I'm different, but I was so overcome with emotions that the "grossness" of it all didn't affect me in the slightest.

by Reichelscot 2 weeks ago

Hey you, are you me? I guess you described it perfectly. I was so scared of the "intense part" that i forgot about the beautiful. And when the moment came, all i could see was the beauty of it. The fear was gone. I'm so glad i could see her coming to this world. June 7th, saturday, 8:38 in the morning, after two long hours, my precious came. And my daughter ROCKS! Hell yeah feels good to be a father!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Guys talking like this is so annoying. I'm glad you came around but seriously the least y'all could do is watch after doing essentially nothing to create life

by Legitimate-Video 1 week ago

Were you trying to hit a minimum word count? This is really redundant and reminds me of something my kid would have wrote when little.

by Feisty-Pen 1 week ago

Was thinking the same thing. The person who wrote this is a teen, so yeah.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Here is a different perspective... I'm a dad and was there during the birth of all my kids. Was this a beautiful time, as in "This stained glass window is beautiful" or this flower is absolutely beautiful"? No. Was it beautiful because I was in awe, this woman that I loved with my whole heart was not only doing something miraculous, she was so strong. She was determined. She persevered. She went to places where she had to push herself to the brink and keep going. The amount of love, reverence, honor for her, and amazement I had during these moments - they made it beautiful. So yes, it absolutely a beautiful moment - each time. Perhaps not in the way you might define it, but it was for me.

by Hot-Profession-9629 1 week ago

"hey honey while You're going through hell to push out our child, I'm gonna leave you to it and chill outside because it's gross, have fun" is a really fast way to get divorced

by lkoch 1 week ago

just rid of the folks who don't matter as much Friends matter less than the people more typically there. Does OP think people are inviting random acquaintances?

by EndAlternative3630 1 week ago

… half-fainting? Sounds like some pretty weak-ass men you got over there. It was just my wife and I for ours, and I'm so thankful I was able to hold her hand and be some small part of it.

by Geraldinesenger 1 week ago

It makes sense why you would have the father in the room considering he's half of your childs dna

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think you may want to add that this is for vaginal birth. Cesareans are fun as hell to watch, it's like a George Romero movie

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Gabriel Susan Lewis

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Definitely unpopular opinion if you replace "beautiful" with "incredible." Watching your child grow, kick, punch, move in the womb for months then be born... it's nothing short of incredible. I didn't even notice the placenta, fluids, and such honestly... but it'd be super gross if it wasn't my child/my wife.

by Distinct_Brother6666 1 week ago

I just want to be there for support in any form possible, I don't care about how disgusting it can be my sole purpose is to be a pillar for her. I understand what you're saying though

by Unlikely-Length 1 week ago

It's stupid to have anyone but the patient and staff in the room during any kind of treatment. I don't know why relatives always want to be present and get in the way

by Beautiful_Menu4269 1 week ago

I agree. I find it weird and odd that people take photo or video of childbirth. I don't get it.

by mireillecarroll 1 week ago

Maybe to feel less like the physical toll was for nothing. This is why I would want it.

by caleighbuckridg 1 week ago

Ive been around many livestock births. Its gross and messy and painful and ugly. Then there was my turn on the wagon, twice. Same. No different than heifers dropping a calf. Women routinely used to die during childbirth. There is nothing to romanticize.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Women routinely used to die during childbirth. Isn't that more reason you would want to be there, if she's your wife or daughter?

by EndAlternative3630 1 week ago

I would absolutely not be down for that lol.... but I guess it depends on the vibe of the friend group, was it an enjoyable evening?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Bahaha a lovely evening out

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't feel like this is unpopular. I think childbirth is disgusting and I want no part of it. It's my reason for being childfree and I definitely wouldn't want to have a parade of family there to watch the experience

by pedrowisoky 1 week ago

You say nobody should be in the delivery room watching the mother giving birth but then you say you're friends could be there? It's a little bit weird to me. I'm a woman and although I've never given birth but I just can't imagine inviting my friends there even for support. Only my husband could be in there because he's the one who can best support me and it's his child too. What experience you have? Where I live it's very rare that a lot of people come and watch a birth (and there would be no room for them). Especially after Covid, at some hospitals even fathers can't stay there for too long.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree that the birthing mother should have an absolute say over who is and is not present (weird exceptions, like the mother's delirium or insanity, notwithstanding). I agree that the goal should be to give her as stress-free an environment as possible. But I think framing birth as "disgusting" and "extremely stressful" is very counter-productive to that goal.

by johnseugene 1 week ago

In what world is birth not "extremely stressful"?! 🀣

by Anonymous 1 week ago

i did it four times it is disgusting lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's really such a weird american thing. I don't even understand having the husband in the room. I come from a culture where men wait in the lobby or at the bar. That's exactly how I like it. One female family member, everybody else out.

by adelbert43 1 week ago

The bar though? That would usually end in divorce lol

by Any_Replacement943 1 week ago

dunno mom and dad still married after 50 something years

by adelbert43 1 week ago

He is my husband because he is the one I want by my side for all of life's challenges, giving birth is definitely one of them and I want him as my rock. With him, I feel like I can achieve anything, I can't say the same about anyone else. Also, he already get to avoid all the suffering and then he'd get to be unaware of the gruesome part too? I'd be salty as hell. I want him to see what it took out of me.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're either too young to understand or trolling.

by Frequent-Pangolin-40 1 week ago

Not wanting to share intimate medical procedures with randos is such a popular opinion they have HIPPA laws to support it. That being said, whether birth is considered a beautiful moment or disgusting has little to do with who's in the room.

by Hyattollie 1 week ago

I think it's metaphorical in a sense where it's beautiful that a woman is bringing life into the world and when the parents meet their child for the first time!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't even want my husband watching, I told him I wanted him near my face comforting me. It ended up being an emergency c section, and he was right where I needed him and held my hand through it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You should have seen the look the doctor gave me when my son came out and I said "aww nasty!" If looks could kill I'd be dead.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Wait a min, who is in the delivery room, outside of doctors and nurses, that isn't close to the woman giving birth?

by Medium_Initial 1 week ago

I think it's just something old people like to say. The emotional aspect is certainly beautiful. But yeah, I'm not a spectacle. Birth is meant to be private.

by caleighbuckridg 1 week ago

Seriously. I didn't even want to be in the room when I was giving birth. Straight up not a good time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

OP, the fact that you would want FRIENDS there is more than most people want. You're already turning it into a spectator sport. When I have kids, the only people getting into the delivery room with me are gonna be the man who put the baby in me and the medical professionals helping get it out of me. No friends, no parents, no siblings, nobody. Anybody else that shows up can sit in the waiting room if they're that damn desperate to be there.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exactly ? Why would you want friends in there , going against the point isn't that

by justicestamm 1 week ago

Certainly sounds like it. Yes, a small number of women have their BEST friend, but usually only if the baby daddy isn't involved and she has a crap relationship with her mother, but multiple friends? With an s? Nah, most people do NOT want that

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And sometimes the doctor's sticking his or her fingers into your hoo ha and why would you want all these people in your room when that's happening

by Anonymous 1 week ago

When my friend told us his wife was pregnant when we were having beers my other friends first words were "man, you gotta get training, go find a slaughterhouse and spend a few hours there to get ready for the birth."

by Fluid-Proof-3533 1 week ago

You want friends in there, no way

by justicestamm 1 week ago

I think this became a thing because of TV. Every sitcom that has a character giving birth has to have the entire cast of the show sitting in the waiting room waiting for the dad to come out and say "It's a boy/girl!" and they all hug before immediately proceeding to go see the baby.

by Rafaelbayer 1 week ago

It is disgusting, but me and my wife are a team, and I will be there no matter what

by Scary_Display 1 week ago

People are in there for the 'beautiful moment?' It was always just my dad with my mum. I've never heard someone even express that sentiment. That being said, if a friend asked me, I'd be there to offer them support.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I was in the room during my wife's entire C-section. Blood doesn't phase me one bit. Took photos and even video of my son being born. Sure to most people it's wild. To me it was the birth of my first born and I was thrilled and happy to have him. The c section might not be natural but it was a beautiful moment that made me a father and my wife a mother.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Former birth photographer here - there's nothing disgusting about it. Cried every time. Absolutely magical.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's usually one person in the delivery room, accompanying the mother and with her express permission. Nobody can just watch unless the mother agreed. Grandma's insisting on being there can occur, but it's always down to the mother to approve their presence.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Here in my country (Pakistan ) no one is allowed inside the labor room, and tbh I wouldn't want it any other way. I had just the doctors and the nurses with. My family waited outside and it was great that way.

by Wild-String 1 week ago

Filmmaker John Waters said he never had graphic sex scenes in his movies because the in the porn movies he saw, sex looked like open heart surgery. Human functioning is sometimes messy. Birth is full of flesh and body fluid. That's the way life is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Birth isn't disgusting. If you think it is, that's fine. But not everyone feels that way. Giving birth is very personal. Ultimately it's up to the mother who she does and doesn't want there with her. Some mothers want to have multiple support people there and some don't. Everyone has different preferences and that's okay.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I passed out when my son was born. Got my second due in a month and while I love my wife I really don't look forward to childbirth again. Even tho she does all the work it is absolutely grisly to watch and I definitely am going to pass out again.

by Anonymous 1 week ago