+33 The Office might actually be a very bad show. amirite?

by vabshire 2 weeks ago

It's a great show. If you're that easily offended then you probably won't like it

by Secret-Good 2 weeks ago

I've heard it's a great show that's why I started it. And I'm not offended, I'm just disappointed that it's not as entertaining as people say it is. Right I'm only on season 1 and even you might agree that some of the bits done in S1 are outright annoying if you revisit it.

by vabshire 2 weeks ago

Well it's 20 years old now so I guess it would hit a little different. I can say that when I watched it I never was concerned with the characters flaws, they all seemed likable to me

by Secret-Good 2 weeks ago

Season 1 sucks in comparison fyi

by markshowell 2 weeks ago

In Season 1, they were still trying to copy the style of the UK version, which was meaner. The characters become the versions people like starting in Season 2.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's the entire point of those characters. They ARE annoying, and you WOULDNT like them in real life. And in real life, most of us have worked with people like them.

by Drewcarroll 2 weeks ago

I think you're missing the point of the show. They are all kind of assholes. Its a show about working in an office. That being said. The show changed a ton towards the end. Viewers really grew with that show and characters as it grew in success. I can see where that love comes from. Where they started was alot different than where they ended. In my opinion. The first few seasons are the best.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You sound like someone that tells everyone your pronouns.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Ok got it.

by vabshire 2 weeks ago

Now I know that I shouldn't form opinions this soon. Makes oponion

by Independent_Dig5395 2 weeks ago

I mean I haven't formed a concrete opinion, I'm still hoping things will change

by vabshire 2 weeks ago

It does get better, I'm drunk and was being pissy

by Independent_Dig5395 2 weeks ago

No worries.

by vabshire 2 weeks ago

Part of the appeal is the absurdity of how awful everyone is. That type of storytelling isn't everyone's cup of tea though. If you want likable characters it really isn't the show for you.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

yeah it's boring now and when it came out.

by Safe_Description1043 2 weeks ago

Dwight is funny because he's such an asshole. People have this weird thing where they pick a random character and then choose to not like them because of the things they do in the show, acting like they are real people.

by arnoldo67 2 weeks ago

Oh thanks for the advice, I'll do just that then. Also thanks for the info bit about Dwight, pam and Jim.

by vabshire 2 weeks ago