+29 Actors barely add anything to movies or shows, amirite?

by EnoughTravel 2 weeks ago

They barely add anything? They're the literal product lol. Without them there isn't a movie or show. It's like saying the cereal doesn't add anything to breakfast, the box and the bag the cereal comes in do.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

For the most part, they are largely interchangeable.

by Plane-Ad4030 2 weeks ago

There's so much more to movies than actors

by EnoughTravel 2 weeks ago

Ok. List all the shows and movies that would be better if there were no actors in them.

by Opening-Pattern 2 weeks ago

All the Star Wars movies after the original trilogy.

by Plane-Ad4030 2 weeks ago

I'm not saying you don't need them I'm saying they aren't that important and get way more attention and money than people who work harder and have more talent

by EnoughTravel 2 weeks ago

I'd say most horror movies stuntman can be the leads in action movies and i wouldn't notice the difference

by EnoughTravel 2 weeks ago

I agree that some actors (actually a minority) get paid way too much, and that this money should help pay the rest of the crew better. But what??? They add nothing? Are you crazy?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

They work shifts double the length of ours, have to retake scenes hundreds of times which has to be annoying and difficult to keep it up, cant go about without being harassed, if they ain't working they are probably promoting the movie, while all acting which not everyone can do, seems like a real tough job to me. I couldn't do it.

by Hermanjamison 2 weeks ago

Sounds like OP is just jealous

by Gersonosinski 2 weeks ago

Not really I just don't get why people seem to care about them so much

by EnoughTravel 2 weeks ago

Actors are like the second most important thing to make a movie wtf

by Exact_Loquat_5544 2 weeks ago

TIL movies and shows have actors

by Sea_Explanation_6390 2 weeks ago

This is like saying that musicians barely add anything to a show... like, sure, there's a cast of thousands making them look and sound good, but nobody is going to a show if there is no act. There might be a lot more blood,sweat, and tears that go into the stage and writing process of a movie, but if acting was easy, everyone would be in Hollywood just waiting for their break.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago