+34 You shouldn't be able to bring up the clothing a person was wearing as a cause of a ped-vehicle collision, amirite?

by Cautious-Exchange-97 2 weeks ago

Doesn't matter if you're right if you're dead. I'll take my chances wearing something hi viz at night because I'm not stupid. Let's flip this around and see if you agree: if I'm driving at night, I shouldn't have to have my lights on just so you can see me. It's your responsibility as a ped to make sure you can see me. Does that seem fair?

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

This is actually a dangerous opinion and should be taken down. OP is indirectly encouraging people to be in self-inflicted life threatening scenarios

by Organic_Birthday_938 2 weeks ago

The difference is driving is a regulated activity and is the one that poses danger to others.

by Cautious-Exchange-97 2 weeks ago

So? If you're on the road with dangerous cars, it's your responsibility to look out for them. That's your logic. If that is wrong, your logic is flawed. Also, if cars are so dangerous, why wouldn't you maximize your safety?

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

Right, but if we're using OP's logic, it's the pedestrian's job to look for cars. If you think that's not right, then OP is not right. Unless OP's logic is flawed, and the responsibility should be shared.

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

Why do we teach children to walk on the opposing side of traffic on a road? It's so that you can see the car coming and move out of the way if you have to. That literally saves lives. Where I live, I would say 99% of transport is done by driving of some way or another if not more. We are not set up for pedestrians we are not safe for pedestrians and if you want to play these games then fine but you're not going to survive unscathed.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

OP would tell the kids to walk wherever they want because it's the car's job to see them, not their job to stay out of the way. I can't believe the cognitive dissonance of someone who would say something is so dangerous that you should remove your own agency to be safe from it. It's insane.

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

The responsibility is shared, but it's not equal. The greater responsibility belongs to the person with the greater ability to cause harm

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's a lot easier to prevent harm when people wear clothes that protect themselves while out walking.

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

Brother, if you are walking in the middle of the road (jaywlaking) in all dark clothing and get hit because I CANT SEE YOU. thats on you. this is where most people get upset about people wearing dark clothes.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Pedestrians have right of way at most intersections. The middle of the road is where crosswalks are

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's exactly because of the fact pedestrians have the greatest risk of injury in a vehicle collision that drivers have the greater burden of responsibility for driving in such a way that recognizes that fact. It is the driver's choice to drive that creates the imbalance in each parties' ability to harm the other, with the driver's ability to cause harm being greater than the pedestrian's.Traffic rules are a shared responsibility but not an equal responsibility. It's the same dynamic if you choose to get a conceal carry permit. You now have greater ability to cause harm and so have greater responsibility not to do so when it's avoidable.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

not what the term middle of the road means. intersections is not what i was referring to.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

1) Jaywalking is a made up crime by the auto industry, I'm not walking a un needed 500-2000m to get to a cross walk, because you want to move faster then your own body can. 2) if there is no sidewalk were am I supposed to walk? I'll keep to the left facing traffic. But it's a shared public space. As for not being able to see, well just slow down or get better eye sight.(or aids to improve it)

by Cautious-Exchange-97 2 weeks ago

Hard to explain to a judge when you're 6 feet under.

by helenezieme 2 weeks ago

I agree, the blame isn't on you. The same way the blame isn't on someone when they get mugged while taking a walk down the worst neighborhood in town at 2 am with a Rolex on their wrist. They aren't to blame at all, but they clearly should have used some common sense here. You can be right and still die in a stupid, avoidable accident.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Of course every driver has a responsibility to not run over pedestrians. High vis clothing is just about maximising the chance of being seen and minimising the chance of being hit. No one is blaming the pedestrian for being hit by the car (if abiding the rules).

by Content_Job 2 weeks ago

Are you from the US? Because people absolutely blame pedestrians all the time. Even when they're in the right. You're walking along the sidewalk and someone coming down the road and realizes their turn is right there so they hit the breaks and pull a quick turn into a parking lot hitting you and 9 times out of 10 people will say the pedestrian should have just been paying better attention. Same thing when you're rightfully crossing the crosswalk at an intersection and someone turns and hits you.

by Zealousideal_Big 2 weeks ago

If I want to wear a deer costume in the woods and crawl through the bushes at a game reserve that's my right, and it's your responsibility as a hunter taking part in a regulated activity (hunting) to make sure you can tell I'm not a deer

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is a terrible analogy. You look like a deer I'm shooting regardless.

by gjacobson 2 weeks ago

you look like the road I'm driving regardless.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're right. Dead right.

by Better_Welcome 2 weeks ago

If you are wearing dark, non reflective clothing at night and walking in the road you are 100% at fault. You are responsible for staying out of the roadway and not crossing in front of a vehicle you can clearly see approaching you. If you are too drunk or stupid to do that you should not be out at night.

by Honest-Nobody-606 2 weeks ago

OP you are putting yourself in life threatening situations. Please reconsider your pride

by Organic_Birthday_938 2 weeks ago

Cars have lights, if those lights are not enough for you to see the road your are driving through you shouldn't be driving at night.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Where does your responsibility end and mine begin? Can you dress in camouflage and purposely try to hide and jump out in front of my car and expect me to be responsible? The only time I've really ever had serious concerns with someone is when trying to cross a street when there is no Street lighting and I'm turning right on red. Obviously you can do whatever you think is best for you but it's dangerous. I'm only a little past 40. Older people see a whole lot worse than I do at night.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Too long for an epitaph, but I like the theme.

by Sufficient-Ad5363 2 weeks ago

How are we supposed to see you at night? Please tell us

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You are right. As a long time walker you are right. I'm still wearing reflective clothes though. But you are right. Vehicles have taken over all infrastructure and culture. It's odd.

by Keelingbridie 2 weeks ago

Sure you have the right. Not a very smart thing to do tho.

by Glennamarquardt 2 weeks ago

Just because you could doesn't mean you should. If you're tired of living don't put that "burden" on a driver.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"I should be able to do something I know is dangerous and blame others if I get hurt." Yeah, it's your "right" to walk in the dark where no one can see you. But you are still responsible for yourself, and your actions have consequences.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You could, at the very least, wear a reflector or two, or carry a flashlight or lantern, or would that wound your arrogant sensibilities?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

How can they see you if you're wearing dark and anti-reflective clothes? Those are deliberately designed so people can't see you in the dark. It doesn't matter how responsible the driver is if you're deliberately trying not to be seen. Also those reflective vest things are like $5.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago