+41 Factory farming shouldn't be a thing anymore, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People want meat, fast and relatively cheap. The problem isn't factory farming itself per se, the problem is once again us.

by Atrantow 2 weeks ago

I mean yeah I agree. It's obvious why it's a thing. But I just don't get why the majority of people don't really see an issue with factory farming.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Idk man, I feel like there's been enough PETA campaigns showing the horrors of factory farming (only good thing PETA's done) for there to be a bit more widespread knowledge about this.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

PETA is a garbage organization that kills animals just an inhumanely as farm factories.

by susanhackett 2 weeks ago

Yep completely agree. But they did fund giant ad campaigns against factory farming, so people should definitely know about the conditions in factory farms.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sure do. But it's easy to ignore when you don't have to interact with it. Just like I know certain fast food places have reputations for disgusting processed foods, but so long as I don't interact with that or think about it, I can still eat it. Like others have said. The problem is people. People created the demand for factory farms. And will continue to do so.

by susanhackett 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately PETA is considered disreputable and people are very aware of this, anything funded by or produced or unearthed by PETA isn't taken seriously, even if it's true. Also, it's mental gymnastics, I think. People are intellectually aware of how things work at these farms, but they haven't engaged with it vulnerably, directly, or honestly enough to actually feel bad enough to eat more ethically sourced meat. I personally try to only eat hunted meat recently, since my country has very few natural predators, meaning moose and boar and deer are all fairly readily available sources of food.

by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

This is the most accurate and direct answer. PETA has become a joke, it's more valuable for them to be a meme.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah I guess that's just the sad truth. Also great going 👍 can't imagine hunted meat is cheap but it sure is more ethical.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not, but we can stand to eat less of it anyway. The things we need from meat we can technically source elsewhere, and we eat it in extreme excess often to our own detriment- it's not like anyone needs a pound of flesh every single day.

by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

Oh, it's not cheap is what I'm saying haha

by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

Oooh I get it now, thanks for clearing that up 😁

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The majority of people don't think of much. Most people literally do not know how meat production works at all. Which is cool, I wish I didn't.

by Atrantow 2 weeks ago

Is this really true? Here in the Netherlands basically everyone I know knows about what factory farms are like. Idk about other countries but they can't be that different right?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're just over-estimating the intelligence of the general populace. Most people do know about factory farming and what it entails on paper, but don't really understand the actual process. And the fact that cows are far more intelligent than your stupid dog or cat. I do love steak, but I also understand the dissociation.

by Atrantow 2 weeks ago

You didn't have to call my dog stupid

by susanhackett 2 weeks ago

I'm sure they don't mind

by Atrantow 2 weeks ago

That just seems very off to me. I think at best I could be slightly above average intelligence, but even if that was so, most people shouldn't be dumb enough not to know cows are pretty intelligent.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

technology bad, so I'm doing my part starting tomorrow and getting a bow and arrows. Which of course I'll hand craft. Along with a couple of spears with the tips fire hardened in my cave's fire pit. J/K I'm just gonna smoke Wilbur's ribs with some Sweet baby Ray's BBQ sauce.

by MessFew 2 weeks ago

Amen and hallelujah

by murazikcary 2 weeks ago

We like eating meat. How will you get all those calories into the population efficiently?

by CaseExtension 2 weeks ago

In a country like america people are actually eating way too much meat anyway. I'm not saying it's insanely easy for the government to just say "ight you gotta treat animals like actual beings now". But I do find the lack of people who find factory farming conditions bad, kind of concerning.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So now you want to force us to eat different?

by CaseExtension 2 weeks ago

No I'm saying that there's no urgent need for meat to efficiently get delivered in America. Making that a bad reason to excuse factory farming conditions.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I agree but i'm also vegetarian

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's a market for meat from animals that lived a good life here in the Netherlands, so that's a huge +. Sadly the prices are almost double that of normal meat, kind of baffling that factory farms ignore animals wellbeing so much that they get the price down by 50%.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We have laws against animal cruelty We do. the conditions they are in in factory farms are okay? Yes.

by Worldly-Will-3731 2 weeks ago


by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

How long have you been a vegetarian?

by Worldly-Will-3731 2 weeks ago

When's the last time you saw a factory farm

by murazikcary 2 weeks ago

I can look one up right now, if you'd like? When was the last time YOU saw a factory farm?

by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

That's my point. You can look up and cherry pick one that suits your interests. You'll conveniently ignore any decent facilities.

by murazikcary 2 weeks ago

"Proof of mistreatment of animals is invalid because it sometimes doesn't happen" is a very shaky argument to make when nobody talked about the exact numerical frequency of abuse, which I would have to assume you also don't have numbers on, meaning by your own logic you are also cherry picking, since you are basing your entire opinion off it not always being the case- which you're currently condemning the reverse of.

by Randalborer 2 weeks ago

Is just impossible to give the cows a proper life cause that would cost money, and the consumer wants said meat relatively affordable. If we gave every cow gave the respect it deserves, prices would go up too much. Why do you think the only cows getting good lifes are the ones that their meat cost 10x the average price.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We would need to do a gradual change because if it's instant it would cripple the food industry

by Intelligent-Fee2405 2 weeks ago

Yeah ofc, that much is obvious. I'm not trying to make any plans of how to do it here though, I haven't studied economics or anything so I'm definitely not qualified to do that. Just sharing my opinion that factory farming is a big issue 👍

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It doesn't seem like a very popular opinion tbh.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I hope this isn't unpopular, you're right

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sadly people often don't understand that just because they want to do a thing, doesn't make it right. Like okay you're doing it, but at least admit that it's wrong

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sadly people often do things that they know are wrong.

by Worldly-Will-3731 2 weeks ago

If at least they admitted if was wrong it would already be progress to me

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago