+22 People with ADHD shouldn't be given extra time on standardized tests, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People who have bad eyesight shouldn't be allowed to wear glasses. Why should they be allowed to see clearly? It's not fair for people with 20/20 vision. Anyone with bad eyesight SHOULD have to struggle to read books, drive their car, walk around, or recognize their children's faces.

by Firm_Butterscotch 2 weeks ago

Me and the walls are already too closely acquainted, please don't do this to us 😭😭 My pinkie toe can't handle too many more fights

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

To play devils advocate, no, it's evaluating if they can get up the stairs in comparison to others, they will fail (likely to anyways) and that will indicate that they are unable to navigate stairs to the same standard as those who passed

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I mean you can do that, but that defeats the purpose if your ability to climb stairs is the skill being assessed.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I didn't know American's get their income from taking written tests 40 hours a week.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Give it a second, let it sink in.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The assessment is rarely every assessing how fast you can answer a problem. It's usually about if you know the material.

by lilianbrakus 2 weeks ago

Its fairly obvious how it is fair. They get extra time to account for the inherent disadvantage they have due to a condition. Why is that not acceptable, but a physical disability would be to you? Do you not believe in ADHD?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion. It's just you not understanding ADHD

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I have severe ADHD and people around me think im just lazy or dumb.

by medhurstayla 2 weeks ago

Nahh, dumb behavior would be acting like a problem doesn't exist because you don't deal with it. Laziness would be assuming someone is either of those things instead of stepping outside yourself for a second to see not everyone has it as good as you.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Huh? I probably am what?

by medhurstayla 2 weeks ago

a beautiful hard working human being who is making the best of their circumstances <3 (fellow severe ADHDer)

by Raleighwaters 2 weeks ago

Thats so sweet! Thanks friend!

by medhurstayla 2 weeks ago

What does "excepting" mean in this context??

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Let me break down how adhd works for you: there's not enough dopamine in the brain. This leads to many things, way more then what is the usual person's understanding of ADHD. The deficit of dopamine makes it harder to focus at something that doesn't give instant dopamine, think of it like this: Dopamine makes you feel good, if you don't have dopamine you feel bad, aka if people with ADHD don't have stimulation trough an activity that gives them dopamine they feel bad, which makes tests incredibly hard to do without medication, because they are naturally at a deficit. This is why they seek out risky activities or are impulsive, because they are trying to fill that dopamine void that they have without medication, this is also why people with ADHD have a significantly higher chance of drug addiction if they are not medicated. This is just a simplified explanation of the most popular theory as to how adhd works. I get it is hard to understand because you can't feel what they feel, you have a different brain chemistry, but it's probably best to believe actual doctors and scientists when it comes to this

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Wait until you find out how useless standardized tests are buddy. Dumbest people I ever met in life were incredible test takers.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Hello, someone ADHD and Autism here. It just seem to me you don't know what ADHD is.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's a disability, you can call it that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

not a disease

by imayer 1 week ago

But diseases and disorders are two separate things.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

POV you just learned that equity and equality are different things

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Outrageous! Next you'll say people who are slow, shouldn't be allowed a headstart in the Olympic track competitions

by alanakoss 1 week ago

Yah, and people in wheelchairs should have to crawl up stairs.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Try having ADHD and you'll see how fair it is. "It's not fair!" Grows up and think outside of yourself.

by Drosenbaum 1 week ago

How much time do they get and how much time does a normal person have ? also, the adhd thing is selfreported or do you need a note from your doctor ?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There's a reason why test makers are considering eliminating the timed aspect altogether. Already we use something called iReady as early as Kindergarten in elementary school. There's no time limit and some of my students take multiple days to finish despite IEP status or any disability. The hardest part is making sure the students with IEPs actually take their time. So many rush through which is very frustrating as a teacher. It's my general education students that take advantage of the opportunity usually! I wish there weren't any time constraints for any testing. I personally make a testing day just that and if students finish early, they'll do busy work until every student has finished. Keeping the kids that lack empathy quiet is the hard part.

by New_Bridge_4964 1 week ago

I agree but there should be sufficient time for review and not time crunched tests. I tend to go through 1-2 times at the end to double check/narrow down problems

by Any_Plant8883 1 week ago

I'm one of those people who got extra time on exams and I have to say, I kinda agree. Doesn't really make a difference if you know the answers and actually studied. It also doesn't really translate well into the real world- there is no "extra time allowance" on work deadlines for example.

by doylekennedy 1 week ago

There's definitely extra time in the real world. Projects get dragged out all the time.

by lilianbrakus 1 week ago

I can see it being okay for the first 2 years of highschool and then the 3rd year the teachers should let them know that they won't be getting extra time in their future endeavors so they should start working on how to manage their time better now. They won't get extra time in university and high school is supposed to prepare you for that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

High school nor college prepared me for how much actual flexibility there is in the real world

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I know, right? The whole education system needs a reboot.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is why I loved my university. They gave everyone extra time. It was really weird seeing some folks with disabilities getting mad about it? Like they wanted extra time, more than others? The test was designed for an hour, everyone got 2. Super weird

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Holy ableism Batman!

by Super-Strain 1 week ago

incredibly bad take lmao

by Anonymous 1 week ago