+33 Someone has to have seen their storage unit get torn apart in storage wars. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Would have, if their TV wasn't in storage.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm betting it's all staged, all reality shows are staged.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

nuh-uh! not the ones I like!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You are correct. I read an interview with one of the people involved in Storage Wars who said exactly that. They at least salted the storage units because most people only store boring junk in there.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Pretty much. Show crew used to purchase entire unit outright and then add interesting collectibles. I think now they work with specific storage locations who let them film before the storage units go up for regular auctions.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Storage wars is the show where I realized reality TV is staged, one group found some priceless artwork in a unit one episode and it was shown that they earned like 30 million, then they where back next episode.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're correct

by Ill-Procedure 2 weeks ago

I remember hearing that a good amount of them were soldiers who were killed overseas ☚ī¸

by SquareAny1823 2 weeks ago

I'm betting it's mostly hoarder-ish people who are out of sight out of mind, and eventually quit paying on it. Like my mom. Lol. She did it all the time when I was a kid and then once when I was in my 20's she had put me as the emergency contact or whatever, next of kin, I don't know what they ask for... The storage company called me to say the back rent had to be paid by a certain date or it would be sold. I went and paid the rent and got the stuff out of the storage. She was shocked when she came over and I had her sofa im my living room. 😃 When she died, my sister and I had to clean out two storage units. We let our aunts, uncles and cousins come along and take whatever they wanted. My sister sold the rest. I kept one piece of furniture.

by SeaworthinessHot 2 weeks ago

not really because none of them are real

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

And probably going that $1000 painting IS NOT MINE!!

by Artistic-Pipe1547 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

TV show or not, lets honor those who lost their lives for real. Sad truth in between the staged scenes.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

And they will hear Mary say "trraash" about their things.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Depressingly, I have found that most of the boxes they open has all the same crap I have in my house.

by Forsaken_Attitude 2 weeks ago

I imagine a worse part is someone knowing they're losing family treasures because a deadbeat sibling didn't pay their bills

by harveysofia 2 weeks ago