+33 We no longer fear strangers sending us pictures of our houses as long as they have the fries we ordered, amirite?

by Warm-Refuse-3296 1 week ago

They can send me pictures of my house if they bring me fries that anyone ordered. Including themselves.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They're not a stranger though. They're literally someone you paid to do a job, and part of that job involves taking a picture of your house and sending it to you. Nobody has ever been fearful of people doing things that they had entered into an agreement with them to do ...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They are a stranger , we know The app we used but we don't know the person coming to the door

by Anonymous 1 week ago

who used to fear strangers sending us pictures of our houses? who would do that? and how is that meant to be threatening? and how could it be taken as such?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And how would this picture have been sent? In an envelope in the mailbox?

by Geraldinejones 1 week ago

I'm sorry, maybe I don't get it because I'm old, but I don't know what we're talking about here. Someone could send me a picture of my house through any means they want and I'd just say "ok then" and move on with my day. What am I missing?

by Anonymous 1 week ago