+29 "But water is a chemical!" people are boring trolls, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

When we say "keep chemicals out of food" (or the air or water supplies or whatever) you damned well know what we mean. No I don't, lol. All I have is a striking suspicion that you don't know what you mean either.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What ‘chemicals' would you like to be kept from food? You do realize that genetically engineered foods have been around for a very long time right?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, we don't know what you mean. Saying you want to "keep chemicals out of food" is hopelessly vague, and communicates nothing of value. Be more specific.

by Reichelshanelle 1 week ago

I get your frustration, but I think that using more specific language would prevent this problem. Don't just say "chemicals," name them. if it's something that's been found to cause cancer, mention that. "Chemicals" is too vague a term.

by ControlHour 1 week ago

If you say "chemical" but don't know which chemical or why, you're just fear mongering or parroting stuff you've heard but don't understand. It's like being scared of "germs."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Being vague or general is not the audience's fault.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How? Because you can argue that a genetically altered food could also cause us the same amount of harm as "food with chemicals".

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Related on a macro level, I suppose, but a different process than spraying an apple orchard with DDT (for example)

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Different process but the result is the same. Either it benefits us or it doesn't.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I guarantee if someone listed the chemical names of what makes up an egg you would feign disgust

by Anonymous 1 week ago

In organic chemistry?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, that isn't trolling, that's pointing out that the person has no idea what they're talking about. "Keep chemicals out of food" is one of those meaningless buzz-word phrases that people throw around when they know nothing about dietary science but want to pretend like they do. Much like "empty calories," "preservatives," "processed," etc. Pointing out that water is a chemical is a way of demonstrating that people know nothing about what they're talking about and are complaining about things without any nuance. There's nothing wrong with "chemicals" being in food, if those chemicals are safe. There's also nothing wrong with "processed" foods that have "preservatives," as long as everything is safe and healthful. People buy into quack dietary science way too easily nowadays, and it's frustrating.

by Schowalterernes 1 week ago

Spot on

by Anonymous 1 week ago