-37 The man vs bear debate shows how many (chronically) online women lack critical thinking skills, amirite?

by Popular-Drummer 1 week ago

OP ironically shows his lack of critical thinking skills, and lack of interactions outside the internet.

by Zealousideal-Cut 1 week ago

No, it doesn't. You just lack empathy.

by Financial-Bug-6475 1 week ago

Exactly. It shows that women are seriously afraid of men, because "every man is a potential rapist"

by Equivalent-Court 1 week ago

Ive been under a rock. What the hell is this whole man vs bear thing?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Let's do the experiment yourself. You are in a house in the middle of the woods alone. You hear some noise at the night. You peek out the windows and you see a man or a bear looking right at you. Which one would be the more terrifying?

by katheryn68 1 week ago