+30 If you ask for a Steam refund for Helldivers after playing over 100 hours, you are entitled/dishonest, amirite?

by Strosinadeline 1 week ago

From my understanding, those people are doing it in protest of Sony on account of data related issues, as well as the fact that this screws several countries out of playing. This wasn't mentioned before.

by Olueilwitz 1 week ago

What benefit does the consumer have birthed from the decision that you need a PSN account now? Changing a product retroactively sets a worrying precedent. That´s why principles are important even if making an account is just a minor inconvenience.

by Robbiemorissett 1 week ago

Sony are the ones who are being dishonest. They claim they're doing it to concern for your safety and security but they've had so many data leaks that they won't acknowledge or fix. It is not fair to the steam player that they should expect them to expose sensitive information when Sony's own track record shows that they're too incompetent to protect it.

by Inevitable_Loan_87 1 week ago

Do you need to pay for the psn account to play the game or do you just need to sign up? If you need to pay monthly for the psn I agree with the refunds. If you just need the psn account then I see no problem. Many games switch services or just sell to another company which makes you migrate your account to a different login. Not that big of a deal unless I'm missing something

by Kelvinmcculloug 1 week ago

100+ countries cannot make a PSN account, and all other data breaches that happened to Sony. While I agree that refunding after 2 hours is a bit too much, I personally will not play the game until the backed down this requirement.

by Darlenefriesen 1 week ago

I agree with the mistrust in Sony. I can't see them budging on the refunds and in a week the player base will recover. There is no speaking with your money since the game is already bought and I doubt enough people care to make an impact unfortunately. We see a lot of people standing up to these companies but at the end of the day the vocal minority isn't enough to make a difference because your average person just wants to play the games that they find fun

by Kelvinmcculloug 1 week ago

No, you just need to sign up

by Own-Championship8385 1 week ago

Gamers bitch but they'll log on anyway.

by ImpressiveJeweler 1 week ago

So you don't understand what a boycott is?

by Prestigious-Baker627 1 week ago

Nope, if you sell a live service game, you should face the consequences when you do something like this. Keep companies in check.

by Shanny41 1 week ago

They told everyone

by Anonymous 1 week ago