+35 Scary PSAs need to come back. amirite?

by Xrobel 1 week ago

Ireland has some of the most harrowing road safety PSAs just around the time my friends and I were starting to drive, they were brutal but had no effect on our driving.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Around 2000s, this PSA broadcasted on our local MTV channel. On the next day, this was never broadcasted again.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

you mean unrealistically exaggerated PSA's that prophesizes your total decline but then you see people doing it for recreation without being struck down by god at that very moment? PSA's dont' need to be scary, they don't need to be exaggerated. The best PSA i saw was the faces of meth which used actual police photos over time. Simple images, facts with no flairs, giving evidence of what addiction will do over time. The scary part was the facts

by ezboncak 1 week ago

The only ones that stuck were the ones with smoking related cancer patients warning not to smoke than showing the age they died

by Anonymous 1 week ago