+41 Payday loans have their place and work if used the right way. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They're predatory loans that take advantage of vulnerable people.

by Accurate-Opposite 1 week ago

This is why they must think of it as they don't exist, it is not for them. But I do see how they target them which is not right

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They're the only ones that need them

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The thing I don't get is the logic behind getting one. I don't have money for this unforeseen cost but I will next month? This either means you spend way more than you need to and should've saved an emergency fund or you're just buying a little more time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Take it from someone who was on the edge of homelessness: that "little more time" is the only thing to hold on to. It's a terrible cycle to get into.

by Murky-Restaurant 1 week ago

He didn't say they aren't predatory. He said they have their place which is true. If you can pay it back and not get into a cycle. He specifically said not to use them even to keep your electric on if you can't pay it back.

by Background_Cry 1 week ago

You and your privileged financial position are not the standard. Your personal experience with them doesn't make them less predatory.

by lehnercolumbus 1 week ago