+29 The Bear or Man question may have forgotten about Polar Bears, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As a wildlife biologist where I had a few summer jobs to monitor polar bears, I'm going with the bear. I mean I think we all in that argument assume it's just black bears not a grizzly or a polar bear. But the argument still stands. I'd feel more comfortable being alone with a bear vs taking my chances with a random man

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We have all heard this question circling the internet lately, but with all of the responses I have seen they seem to neglect that Polar Bears exist and if you were in the woods with them then you are "Hooped" and most likely eaten in the end. That being said I would still chance the bear as the chances of seeing a white Visage starring at me through the trees is probably lower odds then a shady dude

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Usually polar bears are not in the woods.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I feel like this just has to be some big internet troll. Like there's no way people would actually choose the bear

by Townebud 1 week ago

It's likely part of a foreign destabilization campaign because of the elections. We've seen similar in the past. The only way to win their game is not to play it.

by Separate-Leader-9761 1 week ago

Or just any real bear (other than koalas or pandas). Anyone who would choose the bear has never actually seen a real bear in the wild up close.

by Ondrickaboyd 1 week ago

It's not about picking the bear. It's about the difference in immediate responses between "a strange woman or a bear" and "a strange man or a bear", and the hesitation along gender lines. It's almost like fewer than 1 in 4 men are assaulted by women.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Personally I have seen a wild bear in the woods and it was only for a fraction of a second because the bear ran away as they do when confronted by a human. I have also come across people in the wild... they do not runaway which instantly increases the threat from basically nil to higher than that for anyone let alone a woman.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah, depends on the bear. Black bears are commonly found in human areas and rarely attack unless given no option. Stand up big and tall and make a bunch of noise and they'll generally run off. Grizzly bears on the other hand are far more likely to be aggressive. The point isn't really about the bears either, it's intended to be a bit of an object lesson to men about how perilous and unsafe the life of women can be.

by InstructionMoist 1 week ago