+31 All of these AI art bans are silly because some people / corporations will use it anyway, and it will eventually be used everywhere. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"All these laws against murder are silly because some people are gonna do murder anyway." That's you. That's how ridiculous you sound.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The reason the bans are there is due to the copyright issues of AI art. You CAN'T copyright it. Hence if you own a business, and your employee uses AI art, you lose all copyright protections with regard to the artwork. This can be VERY bad, costing many multiples of the salary of the idiot employee who decided to cheat.

by Present-Feedback 1 week ago

Drug bans ARE bad for that reason though. Drug addiction is a medical problem not a criminal problem. We've literally done alcohol prohibition before, look how that turned out. Harm reduction is the way

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yea this don't work for alcohol or drugs but I see your point

by Tupton 1 week ago

first reason works the other two are literal medical issues with the affected populace so banning them will lead to more problems

by nateffertz 1 week ago

It's silly because people who use it to replace human art will get caught and lose their reputation. Meanwhile there are ways to use AI to enhance human art, doing things that couldn't be done before(like what the YouTuber Glorb does) and that should be celebrated

by Anonymous 1 week ago