+46 Hating countries for past actions is dumb. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hating other countries for past actions is dumb. Hating it when other countries don't acknowledge past actions or seem to have learned nothing from them is not.

by Jbarrows 1 week ago

OP just fundamentally misunderstands that governments like japan are hated because they refuse to acknowledge said actions. Its akin to censoring history, or trying to brainwash ur populus

by ExtensionNerve2732 1 week ago

I went to a british museum once and saw they use "trading" instead of "exploiting". As someone who learned about our country's history, it made me so mad that the british thinks they were trading spices with other countries when my ancestors have to fight for freedom in our own land.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People are still rude about Germany for past actions, even though the majority of German people are embarrassed by what their great grand parents allowed to happen (so are their parents and grand parents).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would say the USA is the unquestionable king in not acknowledging past atrocities, though. For example those against Japan and Japanese people.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean people learn something from past actions like the slave or execution in the run on but do you mean by thinking it'll be a better place

by Expensive_Culture 1 week ago

Im expecting a ratio.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Curious if the logical and sensible responses have sparked a rethink on your end?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I doubt it, and I doubt you'll get a response.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I doubt there was any intention of learning although I'm sure some do. Someone with such delusional understanding of how things are has a long way to go before being able to appreciate views different to their own. But life is a journey and everyone is capable of learning, even if they don't intend to.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Which country are you from?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because you're wrong.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are right. People should not forget what happened so it never happens again, and it is completely different to hate a group of people because of it and blame the ones who at that time were probably infants, kids or did not even exist. in some cases the actual responsable ones are either old near death, or six feet under

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lol, I agree with you - racism is hilarious 😂 /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You can blame a country, you can't really blame random individuals in the country who had nothing to do with it.

by clementina55 1 week ago

you can't really blame random individuals in the country who had nothing to do with it I mean, they totally can. And they will. They just won't word it that way.

by deannaleannon 1 week ago

Well then you're not really blaming anyone, a country isn't a living thing lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What even is a country if not a collection of random individuals? The continuity of countries over centuries is a fabricated mythos.

by Klutzy-Scratch-6645 1 week ago

What makes a country mr Lebowski?

by Outside-College-3276 1 week ago

I would blame individuals who perpetuate it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The problem is that a lot of these past actions still affect people to this day.

by Inside-Gur4809 1 week ago

And the countries that did the atrocities still benefit from them.

by Charming_Gap 1 week ago

Exactly. For example, the colonization of Africa in the Middle East affects over 1 billion people today. And France, heavily benefits from its previous colonies.

by Inside-Gur4809 1 week ago

Ok, but people pretend that countries are poor due to colonisation, or the West is rich due to stealing the wealth of other countries, which is patently untrue. They also pretend that all their issues are the West's fault even when they've been causing their own issues for decades, because it's easier for politicians to blame foreigners than take responsibility. I'm inclined to agree that France benefits somehow from former colonies, given that they care to be involved with them, but it's not exactly direct or obvious how they would benefit. The most obvious, for their military involvement, is simply fighting Jihadists to prevent refugees and Jihadists from coming to France, which isn't exactly some colonial benefit, just containing threats to everyone. People just throw around the words colonialism and imperialism as these easy populist answers to problems but they absolutely aren't.

by Klutzy-Scratch-6645 1 week ago

France literally controls the banking and money supply of their former colonies. Tf are you on about.

by Langoshgregorio 1 week ago

Go look up the Central African Franc, and how the French create money out of nothing out there.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Right. Better make them suffer to make up for it. Or you know, move on with something productive.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

True. If the british and other western nations didn't colonize other countries back then, most countries would have been more developed and full of resources of their own

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're typing that on a device that uses cobalt, which is mined in communities that use children to work in mines.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"You claim to hate society yet participate in it" moment

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

I hope you realize this is to their point right

by Anonymous 1 week ago

God DAMN that is a fantastic quote. Thanks for sharing.

by Ok_Bumblebee9671 1 week ago

Ireland do the same whenever you bring up them supporting Hitler

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I really hate the divide and rule tactic as it works

by UsualAd 1 week ago

*OP furiously Googling "WTF was the Bengal famine"

by OppositeParking5161 1 week ago

That would imply that they care.

by HotSlip 1 week ago

There IS a point, the british (in my interactions) do not aknowlege the hurt that it caused and justify it you cannot forgive for a crime that was never apologized

by Anonymous 1 week ago

but you can forget

by UsualAd 1 week ago

Why should we forget?

by Dismal_Ear_9124 1 week ago

I've studied the famine fairly deeply. Not likely they were trying to kill anybody on purpose. It's just idiocy and incompetence that was responsible, not foul play.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you don't learn from mistakes made throughout history, you're doomed to repeat them. Also, what would the cutoff be for an atrocity to be forgotten? Like 10 years?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Remembering an atrocity is different than hating the country/people because of it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Britain was committing atrocities as recently as 30 years the hell you talking about.

by Unlucky-Earth-7005 1 week ago

In my small country, they still control 31% of our oil fields and force our military to pay 50% of the expenses on British equipment. They are ingrained in our politics so much yet so discreetly

by Shot-Organization 1 week ago

What do you mean

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Do you mean the Falklands?

by karine99 1 week ago

"The tree remembers what the axe forgets". It doesn't matter how long ago it was, when you cut that tree, you made it so it could never reach its full height again, and you want the tree to forget? How about you take the wood you stole and give it back?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm from part of Pakistan which was a part of a raj that never underwent those atrocietes at that level but we deserve so much more than an apology there must be reperations

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If their opinion is not right, then I am responsible for Armenian genocide a century before I was born.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You should say sorry!! How evil of you!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You can hate the governments responsible, hating the citizens is another thing - its stupid and the mark of immature hateful people

by whiterobb 1 week ago

The biggest thing for me is that pretty much no country or group has a clean slate. Slavery for example was practiced by Europeans, Africans, Arabs, Turks, even Native Americans. It's questionable whether someone from a group that has committed atrocities has any grounds to stand on when accusing others. Jesus said it best - let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

by Elegant-Froyo-5265 1 week ago

Yep, almost every ethnic group on the planet has committed atrocities at some point... yet only white people are asked to pay reparations for past atrocities...

by Aggressive-Baby 1 week ago

I love your Jesus quote

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's not dumb at all because forgetting or dismissing the past enables it to repeat itself in the future. It's just like with genocide deniers. Those who deny a genocide that their people were responsible for are sending the message that they are ready to commit another genocide tomorrow.

by Orvillenikolaus 1 week ago

one country Germany was not the first country to go against Jews

by Bgottlieb 1 week ago

Fine it's not all Germanys fault. Jeez my point still stands that countries who did bad actions still have an effect today. Also I'm not arguing Jews weren't original settlers in Israel. I've been knowing that, I'm talking about the Jews in Europe being sent there. Germany is still the main villain of Jews. They killed millions compared to others.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

tbh hating countries at all-- take the time to be as precise as possible! is it an attitude you've attributed to an entire body of people based on a hand full of interactions you've had? the governments systemic action or inaction? let's see some intention

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No! Someone must pay! Just looking like the people who did it makes them responsible!!! /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The impacts of European colonization still have massive impacts on today and in many ways haven't ended. No, a government shouldn't be forgiven for colonization, imperialism, and genocide just because it happened 2 human lifespans ago. ESPECIALLY when they still benefit from it today.

by Status_Use 1 week ago

The British committed atrocities into the 70s on the Irish

by Professional_Net8846 1 week ago

Go home Germany. You're drunk

by Anonymous 1 week ago

i see someone mention some atrocities the British or French committed like 2 centuries ago This is why people get wound about it, when people like you pretend it was all hundreds of years ago. Colonialism was within living memory. People are still living with scars from those atrocities today.

by LingonberryLimp 1 week ago

The belgians are still abusing Congo.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I donno. If past actions lead to current issues that still aren't resolved by the present government, I think it's ok to be a bit grumpy. Just looking at all the indigenous groups out there.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's not our fault for past wrongs, but nobody can make them better other than us. And we can't make them better without knowing where we are and how we got here. It's not about hating. It's about understanding.

by SocietyNumerous6333 1 week ago

Giving nations a free pass for past atrocities just means if you can wait out your victims long enough then you can get off Scott free, even if they're still feeling the pain generations later

by Professional-Cry 1 week ago

The Japanese government loves this approach.

by Glittering_Crew_7372 1 week ago

"Buy more Nintendos and anime, please forget what we did in WW2 and how we feel about immigrants." They started an ad campaign literally called "Cool Japan" and it seems to have worked because the weebs think that Japan loves them for more than just their money.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The effects can still be seen today

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There's a difference between having an unpopular opinion, and neglecting to do the most cursory research or critical thinking in forming said opinion.

by Perfect-Battle-4917 1 week ago

I would argue this opinion isn't even that unpopular, especially in context of western countries. I feel like I've heard half of this crap from the average person a thousand times. Being casually racist and an apologist for atrocities is unfortunately not rare at all, even in people who don't even recognize it in themselves.

by Status_Use 1 week ago

Are you saying colonization has no present day consequence lmao I think you need to do some reading buddy

by Skilesvicenta 1 week ago

Tbh I can never forgive Italy for the Roman Empire and enslaving so many Brits. Sarcasm lol but ultimately just because someone is from somewhere doesn't tell me much. To assume that every person is benefitting from (or even their ancestors) and responsible for everything it's nation or region had done in the past is, in my opinion, immature. For example, the Japanese government still ignores it's part in a lot of the crimes it committed but this is not a reflection of the people of Japan. You are your own person and should not be tied to the decisions of your government.

by Low_Towel_3537 1 week ago

To be fair, a lot of the issues countries are currently facing CAN be traced back to western nations carving up continents without any concern for the already established tribal borders.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I blame that ape that fell from the tree and started walking on the ground on two feet. Totally ruined it for pretty much the entire planet.

by Colemaddison 1 week ago

No, it isnt. Oftentimes political or military decisions from 2 centuries ago still have consequences to this day

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well yes but no they are in part responsible . Haiti is also responsible for genociding their white population

by emmerichlilla 1 week ago

Why did they do that?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's not what happened tho. They revolted and got independance and after french soldiers left and once black people got in a position of power they killed all whites that decided to stay . Note that at this point those people could do nothing against any choice the black majority would do . So no not revolting against slavery especially when there is more slaves in Haiti after the french left than before the french left but it doesn't fit the narrative of white bad black good tho

by emmerichlilla 1 week ago

After years and years of being dehumanized and being used as product and torture dolls you expect people to keep a sane mind towards people that treated them as such? Even after it all ended France insisted on being compensated for lost property, including slaves which played a role in why slavery was still a thing in the place. And you expect former slaves to be nice to the colonialists that allowed and benefited off harming them to be treated nicely... By the former slaves?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Terrible answer. Not all white people of the time and place approved of slavery or benefited from it.

by Aggressive-Baby 1 week ago

In the eyes of a people abused for years it would make no difference. You can't treat people with savagery for generations and expect them to reply with mercy. And likewise, people who commit many types of crimes in the present were themselves victims of criminal abuse in the past. But most legal systems don't view that as a reasonable excuse for their crimes. Likewise, Haiti's genocide of white people should not be excused.

by Aggressive-Baby 1 week ago

Nah, for good measure.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"True peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice." - Martin Luther King Jr

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I kinda agree. We should learn and not repeat mistakes but keep on the hate isn't productive. So many focus more on being a victim instead of actually fighting for making a change or preventing mistakes. These were centuries ago. This is the importance of history lessons and not forgetting what was done. Slavery should be taught. But will you really hate the current government of a country over what that country did centuries ago before people in power were even alive? Or people who place their whole identity on their race and their disadvantages instead of also focusing on their strengths? Like how is hating the present royal family change what their ancestors did centuries ago? Or what can they do about it? Not saying they should be idolized but the amount of hate is so unnecessary. Or the current wars. The focus on who conquered whose land hundreds of years ago really justify everyone that is dying right now???? History should be taught and learned from. But people keep relieving tragedies from centuries ago and using them as an excuse for a million things and that's also not ok

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nobody hates "the countries" They're hated for their arrogance, and the adamant unwillingness to acknowledge or correct their actions.

by No-Pangolin 1 week ago

I agree with this

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Of course YOU agree with this.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

OP - how are you this dumb.

by Diligent-Draw 1 week ago

Why? How are they dumb? You think the children of a country that committed atrocities (which is the case for almost every country/ethnic group) are also responsible? even their father probably did not exist during the event.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

sure, if "chronically online" means "having at least a minimal understanding of history"

by Hesseljohnathan 1 week ago

You can understand history and still agree or disagree with OP. It's an opinion.

by Excellent_Watch 1 week ago

Past actions have consequences that can sometimes be felt to this very day. Disliking a country's government for actions they did in the past seems reasonable. Especially if they haven't acknowledged their past actions or have only half heartedly acknowledged/downplayed their past wrongs. See Japan and WW2 or Turkey and the Armenian Genocide. What's not reasonable is just hating random people from that nation. Those people have no real relation to the issues. They just happen to be from there.

by Reynoldsfilomen 1 week ago

How long before 'all is forgiven'?

by Antique-Plan 1 week ago

To think that the people of a country as a whole is responsible for, or even necessarily in favor of, the actions of its government is naive. To ask restitution of people who happen to live in said country is unfair. To ask restitution from the grand- grand- grandchildren of said people is nothing short of ridiculous. It's like asking someone to pay a fine because their great- great- uncle once robbed a bank. Sure, the bank might still be hurting from that. Still, it's not the fault of the great- great- grandchild. Not to mention that many of the people in various countries have immigrated there and aren't even related to the people who lived there at the time. That being said, I'm all in favor of re-writing the history books to more accurately reflect the actions of past governments and key figures. When it comes to crimes, we have statues of limitation for a reason.

by Great_Pirate 1 week ago

Spain did the same thing to Mexico that the English did to the US and nobody bats an eye over it

by Ok_Traffic 1 week ago

The problem is that those countries shouldn't have existed(the african ones),they had no shared culture or nationality and in most african countries theres dozens of large ethnic groups with different languege and culture,how can you manage a country that the only thing that connects the people is that they have all been colonized by the same regime 100 years ago.You also forced westren ideals and culture upon them,basically destroying any chance for cultural exchange and widespread acceptence of the actually good westren ideals.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok not blaming a country, but when i say Winston Churchill starved a lot of Indians to death and a lot ,and many compare him to India's hitler , no one should get but hurt right!? Right!?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think the only one justified is the hate towards the USA, because they keep messing around the world to this day. At any moment you are talking, there is an American soldier somewhere in the world shooting his weapon towards another man.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The conundrum of colonialism We are on sacred land but nobody who is a colonizers can go home to their homeland, it is not economically feasible as much as I am for decolonization and Ideally it should. I don't wanna be "can't we all just get along" as that is problematic in and of itself BUT reparations and restorative justice need to be considered along with sovereign governance among Indigenous and first nations It is really beyond the scope of an internet argument, in my 20 years as an internet user, these types of discussions never go anywhere. It becomes yt people arguing about things for the sake of arguing and I hate to say it but it's awfully boring

by eliane95 1 week ago

Where are you from? What is your nationality? What is your ethnicity?

by cartwrightjoaqu 1 week ago

You should look into the British Museum.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hating countries for current actions should be encouraged however.

by trinityschuster 1 week ago

The people who do this don't understand how much of a "Christian" thing it is, even if they claim to be atheists. In Christianity, mankind inherited Adam's "original sin," so you have this idea that you're guilty of something your ancestors did and you must continuously atone and beg for forgiveness for it, basically forever. Although it's taken a step further today, where you inherit the sins not just of your ancestors, but also of anyone who even vaguely and superficially resembles you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you try to name the worst person in history, chances are Hitler is one of the firdt one to pop into mind. Despite the amount of invading Poland and art school jokes, people generally don't hate Germany. Countries generally are hated not solely due to their past action but their current refusal to acknowledge such actions. Think Imperial Japan woth Nanking, or Turkey with the Armenian Genocide.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok, but most of the complains that you hear are recent - now. Is the last ~30 years ago really that long ago? There are many of the same people in power.

by InternationalBad813 1 week ago

Does England still hate Argentina for the Falkland war?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One of the most remarkable things about humans is our ability to grow. Unfortunately we all grow at different rates, some of us reach maturity when we are young, some of us never reach that point. I think that when a Country fully acknowledges their sins that's one thing. When one either tries to re-write history to make them look more favorable or flat out denies their past wrongs, they deserved to be shunned. We should be hating countries for what they are doing now. I hate to admit this because my own faith and trust in my own country and people is the lowest it has ever been but I am still glad I was born here. So many places are just like textbook definitions of human rights violations. I hate the saying, "it could always be worse", because it's an attempt at diminishing someone's complaints or criticisms but that's how I feel about my own Country right now. Unfortunately the whole, "it could always be worse" feels like an oncoming reality instead of a hypothetical situation.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Israel wants Gaza because it used to be their land

by noelia76 1 week ago

Except USA, they are the same asshole as ever

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ya right they systematically set Africa decades back of progress to exploit its resources and effects of that is still very much felt. Africa is just one example and you want everyone to forgive all of that ?

by Odd-Scallion-8895 1 week ago

As an avid historian, I have one thing to add: dude, you dumb

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It wasn't two centuries ago. It was up until 1993 which is not that long ago . the UK last colony was Kenya during the mau mau uprising in the 1960's and france is still creating chaos in the francophone countries.

by balistrerialana 1 week ago