-27 Rated R movies should never be set in hs, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Somebody's clutching their pearls... If you don't like movies like that, don't watch movies like that- go to your bible study instead.

by julianadooley 1 week ago

That's real life dude, I started doing heavy drugs and living the "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" life when I was 15 years old. At 17 I was a heavy meth head who had tried every drug except heroin because I was too scared of it, and by the time I was 21 I was finally clean. A lot of people start partying, doing drugs and "sexing" when they are underage. Although I think movies shouldn't glamorize it, that kind of reckless life sucks.

by FaithlessnessFair818 1 week ago

Are you fine with all the death and violence in movies?! Just as long as a teenager doesn't have sex.

by Anonymous 1 week ago