-33 Gifts at Children's parties, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just go to the clearance section of like TJ Maxx and buy a dozen gifts for like $50. When she's older, a gift card is always an acceptable gift, and you can transition to letting her buy her own gifts with her own money. Who goes to two parties a week that they need to bring gifts for anyway? Your niece is clearly more popular than I ever was 😂

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I use to work with birthday parties. Parents would sometimes say "no gifts" on the invitations. Most people still bring gifts. Is just such an engrwined part of our culture, people feel rude skipping it. Last time I went to a party for a toddler I brought finger paints. My logic was it's something that can get used up.

by AmbitiousBiscotti 1 week ago

"She seems far more focused on the gifts vs the guests and the party her parents created." She's a kid. I get your point and I'd be annoyed too at being expected to buy an expensive gift that she won't even play with for 2 seconds but it's crazy to me how you blame her for normal child behavior. Maybe pick out a nice plushie or a toy from the dollar store so it's not as devastating when she ignores it. I was focused on gifts as a child. I bet you were too. She'll eventually grow out of it.

by ResponseTrue 1 week ago

Sadly because of things like cell phones, kids don't have the attention span to pay with toys anymore.

by Anonymous 1 week ago