+41 Would you rather come across a man or a grizzly when hiking in the woods alone as a woman? amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This isn't an opinion it's a question. Did you go to school?

by Same-Lawyer8519 1 week ago

Do you also specify the color of man you are about to encounter? Lol

by Fast-Version 1 week ago

Where I live you do.

by konopelskimurie 1 week ago

This is so insulting to men, the overwhelming majority of men are not a danger to you out in the woods I would say every bear is a danger to you in the woods

by Francisco01 1 week ago

Culture war distraction.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

the common response has been based in perceived threat vs a realistic understanding of the actual threat. it highlights a lot of the ignorance and personal biases rampant on social media. but whatever it's a hypothetical question and it's not very useful

by PeachInner 1 week ago

Any human obviously has a better chance of fighting off any other human than they do fighting off a goddamn grizzly bear, but from what I understand the 'man vs bear' debate isn't meant to be taken literally. I had a woman tell me that because men can't conceptualize the fear that women feel around men they don't trust, they had to provide an example of a danger that men can conceptualize, hence the bear.

by Normal_Business 1 week ago

Lmao would you rather be driven by a bear or a woman to work

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's a loaded question for dumb people. Dumb people will say bear, because they are just thinking how a man will take advantage of that situation when in reality that's highly likely not the case and it's the bear who will always act off instinct.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I appreciate you taking the time to mansplain grizzly bears for women.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Most definitely the man for me. The vast majority of men are harmless, and in the off chance that this one isn't, I still believe I have a better chance of defending myself against him than a bear.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"majority of men are harmless" you're talking as if we're some sort of creature that won't bite.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People are forgetting the rest of the choice of the bear. "I choose the best because then at least people will blame the bear. No one will question what I did to anger it, no one will ask what I was wearing to end up mauled to death. At least I keep my character with the bear"

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Reported. Hush already

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Women used to be able to fend off bears and man.

by Low_Resolution 1 week ago

You make the mistake of assuming women are afraid a man will kill them. That's not the issue. That's sort of the entire point.

by Anonymous 1 week ago