-27 Everyone has an inner monologue, amirite?

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Well, it's a recognized medical condition so it doesn't matter how you define it it's a real thing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So are you telling me that you're gagged and have your hands tied with this condition, you don't know your home address, your phone number, or remember anything anyone has ever said to you or you've read? It doesn't sound plausible

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I don't believe this condition affects memory recall so what are you talking about?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you're thinking your address or someone told me "to get untied wiggle your wrists" or whatever you are thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I just think everyone is able to think in words. They may not do it as often but they do it. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to plan what they say at all and everything they say would be blurted out without thinking it through

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Most of the time I'm talking, I either do blurt things out without thinking, but usually with a general "sense" of how what I'm saying is going to land, or plan ahead but think conceptually more than literally about what I'm going to say.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What if you have to memorize a presentation?

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Do you know the definition of an inner monologue?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's thinking in words and sentences

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Those two things are like the opposite of each other. If you can't picture something but can describe it, that literally means you remember it as a set of describing words. How can you think if you're neither thinking pictures nor words. You have to think something. And like you said, you are able to think words, so whenever you need it for reasoning or planning you do have an inner monologue

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I can only explain to you what happens in my head. I can't explain how it works, you'll need to ask someone more clued up on how brains work. I do sometimes use words. Like if you ask me what the 17th letter in the alphabet was and I did it in my head I would word it out A B C D while counting with my fingers. But like general thinking like "What's the best way to the train station" I'll not picture or use words". The best I can say is a I sorta feel it but that's not right either. I can't explain, it is just sorta in my head. And while I could describe the train station, I can't picture it.

by Reasonable_Lion860 1 week ago

That's interesting. It does seem like you have very little inner monologue, but ultimately when it's necessary, you can have it, you're just using other workarounds most of the time

by johnathonward 1 week ago

You can also think in symbols, memories, pictures, etc.

by Candid_Bite2281 1 week ago

Some things you can, some things like your home address or a book quote are inevitably in words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Picturing your address written down is a bit different than thinking in English

by Candid_Bite2281 1 week ago

No it's not, it's so words. That's like saying people who think in sign language don't have an inner monologue, they do it's still words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

So there's no such thing as picturing something in you head?

by Candid_Bite2281 1 week ago

Yes, there is. And the difference between music and a sentence, a painting and sign language, is that one is words and one is not

by johnathonward 1 week ago

You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I do know what I'm talking about

by johnathonward 1 week ago

This is just complete ignorance and lack of understanding. You are not the center of the universe, just because it's not part of your experience doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else. Everyone's brain does not work the same.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think you would be able to function, as in remember your address or plan a conversation, without thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Think here is the key word… you just don't know.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's just logically how can you memorize a set of words without thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

It's logically like that in your head because that's how you are doing that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I still haven't spoken to anyone who truly claims to be incapable of thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I really think they exists even if you have never spoken with one of them lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't see how they would function

by johnathonward 1 week ago

You don't need to know or understand either

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes I do if I'm gonna believe it's possible to never think words despite knowing how to speak

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I've never spoken to someone from Madagascar but that doesn't mean they don't exist

by Alvahkassulke 1 week ago

I don't have that good a reason to think someone like that exists though

by johnathonward 1 week ago

And? Again, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

by Alvahkassulke 1 week ago

Nor does it mean they do

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Well in this case it doesn't really matter what you think. That's like saying that no one is blind just because you can't understand what it's like to not have vision.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, it's like I think if you really need to, you would be able to think words and I don't see evidence otherwise

by johnathonward 1 week ago

You are clearly unable to comprehend my point.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Your point is not particularly hard to comprehend

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I think the problem is you are defining the term differently than everyone else. You seem to think that simply being able to think in words is the same as having an inner monologue. When you define it so broadly then it's pretty obvious that you're going to have disagreements with other people about whether everyone does this or not.

by Antonette26 1 week ago

I see your point but how else would you define it, that's what monologue means, words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I mean, what if you're imagining a conversation you're going to have or a presentation you're going to give and taking questions. It takes sentences

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I don't know what it is like for people who don't have an internal monologue. Based on what I've read, it's not that those people are incapable of thinking in sentences. It's just that they don't have an ongoing internal conversation going on.

by Antonette26 1 week ago

I get that people may not have it as much, but there comes a point where you need it

by johnathonward 1 week ago

you should watch more police cam videos. lots of people not thinking at all

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean maybe sometimes they don't think and are impulsive but if they never think they wouldn't be able to get through a single day in society

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Do I have an inner monologue..? I don't think I do... but maybe...

by Master-Hawk 1 week ago

Lol that's you thinking words XD

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I binged the whole series of "Koala Man" twice and mine switched from my own to having an Australian accent for over a week.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by johnathonward 1 week ago


by johnathonward 1 week ago

I believe them, seems plausible to me. Meanwhile I have the opposite the extreme inner monologue i swear to god even when im walking im like left... right.... left.. right...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh that sounds annoying

by johnathonward 1 week ago

you can do all of these things without needing sound if you go by imagery. it does make it harder to pronounce longer words, I have words memorized as their written syllables.

by Outrageous-Cold-6226 1 week ago

How do you remember your address by imagery? Writing is still words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

monologues are defined by sound, it comes from the greek monos "alone" and legein "to speak" I find my way back based on my surroundings, so do you, knowing the physical address means almost nothing unless you've got a card on hand.

by Outrageous-Cold-6226 1 week ago

I don't care whether you disagree with the definition of what a monologue is. if you're following directions on a card you're not using an internal monologue, that's external.

by Outrageous-Cold-6226 1 week ago

Yeah but maybe you're just thinking about the map. Or about a conversation you're planning to have

by johnathonward 1 week ago

you don't need to hear a voice in your head to contemplate the written descriptions on a map, you read these and then look at your surroundings.

by Outrageous-Cold-6226 1 week ago

You need to think words to remember words you aren't looking at (and yes writing is words) and if you memorize like a presentation you're going to say you have to think the words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

again, I don't care whether you disagree with the definition of what a monologue is. internal monologue is a voice, in your head, recalling writing is not an internal monologue.

by Outrageous-Cold-6226 1 week ago

That would be like saying sign language isn't an inner monologue. Of course it is

by johnathonward 1 week ago

So my brother has had aphantasia his whole life, so i know it's a real thing.

by Double_Hunter 1 week ago

Aphantasia is when you can't picture things, so you rely on thinking words even more

by johnathonward 1 week ago

not necessarily. as he explains, he doesn't see the words or hear the words in his head. and that has a direct correlation to aphantasia which is doesn't see things in his head or he can really plan future things, he has no problem with memory recall, he says it's more like his brain knows how to answer the question when it's asked right away. he says it's like a google search. Question is posed, if he knows it he just answers. if he don't, 404 page not found.

by Double_Hunter 1 week ago

Even if he doesn't have a strong sense of the sound or the letters I think inevitably he's still thinking the words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

i mean he literally has this problem, but your right. what does he know.

by Double_Hunter 1 week ago

Like I said, he wouldn't be able to plan a conversation or remember his home address without thinking those words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

i mean literally him and loads of medical journals, doctors, scientists say otherwise. but sure man.

by Double_Hunter 1 week ago

How would he plan a conversation or memorize a presentation with no words ?

by johnathonward 1 week ago

like he said. his brain just knows. like the example i gave. as for conversation, it works pretty much the same way, but i assume he hears what's said and brain shoots out answers. like google. enter question, if he knows the answer, he will answer. if he don't, it's just blank.

by Double_Hunter 1 week ago

Okay but say he was gagged. He wouldn't think the answer in his head?

by johnathonward 1 week ago

That is what an inner monologue is, how else would you definite it other than thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I'm not arguing you with this. Others already are trying to explain to you. You do not get to redefine something so that it makes sense to you. You're wrong. Own up to being ignorant on something or continue showing everyone here you're a stubborn fool

by kennamurazik 1 week ago

You don't even have another definition

by johnathonward 1 week ago

This is an actually scientifically proven medical condition. Your overtly wrong opinion on the matter is inconsequential to whether it exists or not.

by Grahamrosalind 1 week ago

I've spoken to someone on here who seems to have it and they still can have an inner monologue if it's really needed apparently

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I literally think in pictures, naturally, but I also have mild Audio and visual hallucinations (unmedicated) so my inner dialog I know for sure, is not mine. Sometimes you just don't have an inner voice or you have to strive for it. I'm a reader too and my brain just comprehends the words I read without voicing them in my head.

by Grahamrosalind 1 week ago

The difference is that I actively have to strive for it as opposed to people whom have it naturally. It doesn't come naturally and I had a hard time reading in my head when I was a child because of it. I could only read and comprehend what I was attempting to read out loud up until I was in middle school and sometimes still I find myself still whispering words to myself as I read. I trained my brain to make an inner voice but I don't use it all the time like people with inner personal voices do because I don't have to.

by Grahamrosalind 1 week ago

That's really interesting, so like for some people they have to work hard to learn to have the minimum necessary inner monologue

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Yep and quite frankly, it's overrated.

by Grahamrosalind 1 week ago

That's interesting but multiple people seem to think some people don't think in sentences at all and I don't think that's the case

by johnathonward 1 week ago

no they don't. they're explaining to you that they don't hear a voice speaking those sentences and instead only visualize them. what i said was just meant to illustrate it closer because you're incapable of understanding that thinking doesn't require internal perception of a voice. another way to conceptualize it would be this: a deaf person who was born deaf doesn't know what a voice sounds like. when they read written text they perceive only the visual aspect of it. some hearing people are the same.

by whitney72 1 week ago

No, you're misunderstanding me. I've been writing this whole time I consider writing and sign language just as much words as spoken

by johnathonward 1 week ago

but that's your problem. you consider it something and refuse to understand that your opinion on this is not the reality. i will leave you with a resource, you can do with it what you want, but let me just say, being this stubborn about keeping your assumptions in the face of being corrected ad nauseam is not doing you any favours in life. resource: Also referred to as "internal dialogue," "the voice inside your head," or an "inner voice," your internal monologue is the result of certain brain mechanisms that cause you to "hear" yourself talk in your head without actually speaking and forming sounds.

by whitney72 1 week ago

i'm not getting angry. also, there is a vast difference between unpopular opinion and uninformed one that blatantly ignores scientific research.

by whitney72 1 week ago

No there isn't a vast difference, and I don't think my opinion is ignorant. Your personal attack makes me think you did get angry and you aren't the only one and I think that's silly

by johnathonward 1 week ago

"Being stubborn isn't doing you any favors in life" that one Even if my opinion were uninformed, it would still absolutely fit the meaning of "unpopular"

by johnathonward 1 week ago

That's interesting. If you really try to remember a sentence without talking you can though right?

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Well, I still consider writing or sign language to be words. If you're so good at picturing you might be able to learn sign language as a foreign language

by johnathonward 1 week ago

In my inner monologue if I want it to sound like a specific voice and accent it can but most often it's just neutral words. No I haven't seen peep show

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Some people thinks with image not words. I guess you can say that monopoly still is just uses different "language"

by Mysterious-Berry 1 week ago

What if you are thinking your home address or planning a difficult conversation

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I have no idea. I'm not one of them. Some people have strong visual memory, someone told me that the don't see individual words or sentences just whole as an image or smth.

by Mysterious-Berry 1 week ago

I've heard that only 1 in 4 people have an inner monologue. Might explain why everyone is a music addict.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That sounds unrealistic but I have an inner monologue and I'm a music addict

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I don't understand what you are not understanding about this? People think in different ways and have different logics. Your address logic for example, you can think about the address without "speaking" the words in your own mind, hence the lack of inner monologue.

by jacinthedickens 1 week ago

The address is words. You're thinking the words whether written or spoken or signed. Doesn't mean you have to hear a detailed voice but you're thinking words

by johnathonward 1 week ago

No, literally that's like saying sign language isn't an inner monologue of course it is

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Well no it isn't, its thinking about sign language. What your are saying is akin to deaf people "hearing" someone signing to them.

by jacinthedickens 1 week ago

You're wrong, sign language is words just as much as spoken

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I honestly am trying to understand your point but you seem to want to be semantic. You seem to want to argue about inner monologue being "about words" but people think in different contexts. I have aphantasia so I cannot picture things or use my "minds eye", this doesn't mean I cannot think about an object. By your logic that would be impossible as "everyone" can picture things, or how would they remember what things look like.

by jacinthedickens 1 week ago

I mean, if you were deaf, and only spoke sign language, the only way you could function is to be able to on some occasions picture words in my opinion

by johnathonward 1 week ago

The keyword here being "picture" not hear. Inner monologue is hearing the words not just seeing them.

by jacinthedickens 1 week ago

I completely disagree with that. Sign language is language just as much as spoken

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Yeah my monologue changes person a lot. I believe that people can have a lot less internal monologue than usual but I still think they're capable of it and in some situations it becomes necessary

by johnathonward 1 week ago

Yea but that not the default, just because they can doesn't mean it's easy or natural for them to

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can agree with that but I just don't think you could not have it at all

by johnathonward 1 week ago

No one has ever said they don't have it all. They said they don't have an internal monologue because they don't unless they have to. Their default isn't a monologue or full sentences.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Multiple people have told me they think some people can speak yet are incapable of thinking in words, I disagree with that

by johnathonward 1 week ago

I can agree with that

by johnathonward 1 week ago

There are some human interactions that require thinking in sentences though

by johnathonward 1 week ago

This is just solipsism with extra steps

by arnaldo93 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago