+30 You should choose optimism, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Thats what you said right before you gave Thanos the time stone!

by AbleGeologist6405 1 week ago

Oh I've never seen that movie

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Defiant-Chocolate-22 1 week ago

Yeah we do 😊

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sounds optimistic to me. In contrast to: never mind, it won't work.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah that's true

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You should choose neutrality. When you sit in a bad situation trying to force being optimistic, you actually end up upset at that gap. You are creating a desire for positivity which is going to cause suffering. When you choose neutrality, you are better equipped to handle whatever has been thrown in your face.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Neutrality in a bad situation is something i would describe as being optimistic. As you are having a more positive approach than the situation might imply. The 'forcing' part i dont find very convincing, the same could be said about forcing neutrality.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But my rating bitch face isn't forced. I just dont expect people to be readonable

by kristina23 1 week ago

This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion, but I understand why it is. Negativity can just drag you down into a never ending cycle.. we only have one life, why not look on the bright side? Hope you have a good day ☺️

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, when you fail 80% of the time, optimism is kind of a waste. I'm a lot more likely to fail.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It depends on what it is. Failing 80% of the time now does not always mean failing 80% of the time forever. Even computers and AI often learn by the simple concept of: try and try again. You could of course look at the result and ask yourself if its worth the time or if you will get more happiness in the long run by doing something else

by Rubye42 1 week ago

Failing is part of the process. It establishes a baseline for your brain to compare to. Your Brian is a comparison machine. Not a computer or a calculator or even a good memory machine. It's pretty bad at being those things, but it is very good at making comparisons. So you need to fail in order to conceptualize success. It's how your brain makes sense of anything. By comparing it to other things. Every successful person you see has failed before.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is it easier to complain? Why do many people default to this- some primal need?

by Intelligent_Bank 1 week ago

From a survival point of view, we probably evolved to look for negativity first as a means of a survival.. can't assume it's all sunshines and rainbows when a Saber toothed tiger could eat you πŸ˜‚ so it's probably in our DNA.. but we also have consciousness that allows us to appreciate the beauty in the world too :) especially these days! Even with everything crazy happening in the world there is so much to be thankful for!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"It can only get better." Maybe the word is defeatist but it's a lot harder to change that and people telling you, "just don't be depressed" deserve to be punched.

by Mysterious-Bat 1 week ago

The optimistic look at pessimism is that if you set your expectations low, then you'll be prepared for negative outcomes and unusually pleased by positive outcomes

by NoYam2319 1 week ago

I choose violence.

by runolfssonmarga 1 week ago

Joker moment

by Alarmed-Leader 1 week ago

I trained myself to always expect worst case scenario. It is great cause bad things cant throw me out. I get only pleasant surprises.

by Friedrichspinka 1 week ago

And what is the downside?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Will you be my Sith master?

by runolfssonmarga 1 week ago

Only a sith deals in absolutes'!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Peace is a lie. There is only passion!

by Friedrichspinka 1 week ago

But expecting the worse and getting the worse is such a exhausting cycle in my experience. At least being in a positive mindset that low dont feel so low.

by Apprehensive_Home434 1 week ago

You don't expect bad enough. You need to really go for the absolute worst. Like you can get a raise or get nothing. Expecting nothing isn't low enough. Expect job loss? Even lower. Expect that you will die on your way to job. That way, even if you lose your job, you're still happy course you're ducking alive.

by Friedrichspinka 1 week ago

They did I interviews about pow. The optimists suffered the worst, then the cynics, then the cautious optimistics did the best. The ones that believed that they were going home, eventually. Not the ones that believed they were going home by Christmas.

by Savanna13 1 week ago

Choose pessimism. You're either correct and prepared or its a pleasant surprise

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If its about a thing that I can control, I expect the best but prepare for the worst. Why? Because I notice I always perform better when "I know I will succeed" (Even though I dont actually know). This is because I keep telling myself things like: If I only put in a little more work or spend a bit more energy, there is no way I wont make it. At the same time I however always have a back up plan to resort it if things to turn out in my favor. And before I get to disappointed I remember the mantra "No matter what happens you are gonna be ok" "Even if the result is negative, the learning of the process was positive" And even if I cannot control something I also try to be positive. Suppose there is an amazing event coming up soon and you are going with your friends A: You think the event is amazing and it is: You and your friends show up with enthusiam and everybody is super hyped expecting the best, making the experience even better than if everybody just showed up and was like: meh its gonna be alright. B: You think the event is amazing, but it isnt. You make the most of it. Since everyone was so driven about going there you might as well enjoy what you can. I have actually had unsurprisngly fun when things didnt turned out as planned. Like going on an unplanned trip during a vaccation because we couldnt go to the beach when it rained. It also makes for great memories, since unexpected things could be more exciting. When one door closes another one opens sort of thing

by Rubye42 1 week ago

I find life is a lot less full of disappointments if I just don't expect much out of anyone because every time I rely on others, it always yields disappointing results.

by ComprehensiveSink426 1 week ago

Marcus Aurelius likes it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Gramsci advocated Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will, which I think is a powerful framing

by Key-Eye 1 week ago

I think it's more you should choose to master your circumstance as much as possible. Sometimes you'll be at a crossroads where you can't be optimistic. If I have a loved one diagnosed with something terminal, I'm not going to kid myself being optimistic that they'll magically heal. Instead I'd take advantage of knowing to spend meaningful time with them. You can't always choose to ignore sadness or just will it away; but you can always choose to control what you do with your current surroundings as best as you can.

by morissettepiper 1 week ago

I always veer towards optimism And am a much happier person now for it. Negativity will drag your life down

by Own_Market 1 week ago

It's kinda sad that being optimistic is considered unpopular.

by nmosciski 1 week ago

Why not realism though?

by Inner_Schedule 1 week ago

But by being a pessimist, I'm always either right or pleasantly surprised. There's no downside. With optimism, you're either right or disappointed

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Optimism can be toxic. Sometimes you have to accept reality, sometimes reality sucks. Acknowledging that can help you maintain motivation to make changes.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Congrats, true unpopular opinion here.

by runolfssonmarga 1 week ago

You should choose realism and stoicism for adversities.

by Current_Cat_944 1 week ago

Yes, but you should also remember that it can always get worse

by Direct_Language2238 1 week ago

I spent the first five years of my adult life focusing on the negative and the following five years thinking of positives. Guess which ones I enjoyed more.

by nicklausmohr 1 week ago

I chose Verizon, optimism internet was too slow

by Ill-Use5144 1 week ago

We will see if you still feel this way after the climate change driven famine and war breaks out

by Both-Cranberry 1 week ago

Easy for you to say.

by Suitable-Cicada 1 week ago

"I'd rather be Pessimistic, and be pleasantly surprised, than be Optimistic, and be unpleasantly surprised."

by Alexandra27 1 week ago

Positivity is much harder but also very much worth it. I know the argument is you'll fail more time than achieve but with a positive mindset that low isn't so low.

by Apprehensive_Home434 1 week ago

Agreed, this is only unpopular within the doomersphere

by ReadySignature 1 week ago

Optimism is not a specific action, it is a sense of trust that this conflict will come to a good end some day. To present you specific preferred resolution as 'the good end' seems a bit inaccurate

by Anonymous 1 week ago