+49 Meeting celebrities shouldn't be emotional. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's a mix of the impact the celebrity has on that person's life and probably some parasocial relationship stuff.

by Dickenskayli 1 week ago

I've known people who react this way towards celebrities they previously didn't care very much about. I think it's a sense of fame-by-proxy or something that takes people over.

by enrico74 1 week ago

They break down and cry? That's surprising.

by Dickenskayli 1 week ago

Exaclty, OP saying "They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life" couldn't be farther from the truth.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Many people are overcome by being star struck and don't know how to respond outwardly. I am someone who laughs a lot when excited, but I know many people who cry and time they're overwhelmed.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This. My knee-jerk reaction is laughter. Doesn't always mean something is funny.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

🙋🏼‍♀️ crier here. It's so damn frustrating. I cry when I'm angry and do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously that you're mad when you're crying like a crazy person? I cry when I'm overwhelmed too. Don't even mean to, the tears just start flowing.

by fernando80 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. How do you know?

by bridiekerluke 1 week ago

Weird Al hasn't meaningfully impacted my life? GTFO....

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Did you see the movie with Daniel Radcliffe? Hilarious.

by bridiekerluke 1 week ago

Still can't believe Michael Jackson was parodying my mans songs....

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That whole plot line with Madonna chefs kiss

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My favorite was the pool party with all the celebrity "cameos". It was such a great love letter to the old Weird Al fans, I felt seen in such a way.

by bridiekerluke 1 week ago

One of my favorite artists had a song with the lyrics A punk rock song won't ever change the world, But I can tell you about a couple that changed me!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think they are doing something special, they touched us emotionally. In the end, actors and singers are contractors of emotion, they take us back to certain times and leave us with certain memories. I assume that's why people meet celebrities they get emotional

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hypothetically; say I'm depressed to the point of suicidal tendencies and music by a certain artists helps me through the dark hours, days and weeks until I see a little bit of light at the end of that dark ass tunnel. Then one day I get to meet that specific artist and upon meeting them and actually shaking their hand I break down in tears because of how difficult recent times have been and how it wouldn't have felt the same without their work. I'd say it's a pretty logical flow of consequences to get emotional in that situation. My point is, you don't know what people are going through and what the actual reason is for tears to show up. Don't judge too quickly.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I saw a small bluegrass band playing at a local event and they had me in tears when I went up to talk to them because they played some of the songs my pap used to listen to when I was a little kid. Sometimes music just hits you. They were super friendly when I talked to them and said they were glad they could bring back some good memories for me

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exactly but according to OP they should've given you money lol.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One of my favorite artists, Mandisa, was like this for me. She recently passed away and I cried so hard. I've never felt sad over a celeb death but that one got me. Her music helped me thru so many hard times 😢

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"I don't feel this way so no one else should" Lol what? I don't cry over celebs either but I'm not egotistical enough to think everyone should feel the same way as me for something so inconsequential

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It baffled me when Diana died.

by Jealous-Buy 1 week ago

Just because you're emotionless doesn't mean others must be. There are plenty of artists whose work has significantly impacted my life. Not sure I'd cry meeting them, but it'd be a special moment for sure.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life I've met a couple bands who definitely did change my life. The messages in their songs changed me as a person. Why would that not be a big deal for me?

by Motor_Reveal 1 week ago

Came here to say this. OP is in no position to say what effect anything has had on the life of anyone else.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, OP is in the 0'1% of the population that has never experienced any positive emotion from art. Like have your never felt cheered by listening to your favorite song, inspired by a movie, laughed at a comedian jokes?? In a more obviously beneficial example, I learned English by reading the books of an specific author. Without him and his books as a motivation my english would probably be much worse now, so if I ever met him I would feel a bit overwhelmed and really thankful.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think music is different. It's very impactful and lives have been saved by songs

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Don't discount pro athletes. Between female athletes turning up and showing out the last 18 months (Okay, they've ALWAYS been there, but people seeing them), and other athletes donating to charities, or starting their own foundations, there are a lot of kids out there being, or who have been, effected by the likes of Sinclair, Maher, Knight, Domi, and James.

by Durganava 1 week ago

You're crazy, man. Lol. "They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life." Not your life. You don't speak for everyone. Some people just aren't very much inspired by others. Nothing more nothing less.

by Key_Question_2785 1 week ago

I mean, you don't really know how much a certain person could impact somebody's life. a musician could have saved somebody's life with their music. an actor's performance could have been the reason somebody had smiled or laughed for the first time in a really long while. point is, you don't know the things somebody has done for someone else.

by Signal_Driver_8713 1 week ago

I'm trying to find a less combative way to say this so hear goes: You're falling for the same close-mindedness trap that alot of people fall for: "I personally dont value this thing so people do care about it have something wrong with them." People care about celebrities and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Obviously, it becomes wrong if their engagement with celebs becomes unhealthy but that's true about caring about literally anything. Some people care about anime alot more than others. It's totally fine that they as long ad their engagement is unhealthy. Some other people find anime cringeworthy and their perception of it motivates a belief that "caring alot about anime is weird/bad for you". The same thing goes for video games, where some people say they make you violent or rot your brain despite all data to the contrary. The same thing goes for shopping where some people think it makes you shallow and superficial despite the fact that there are obviously people who are into shopping without being those things. Tl;dr people can care about things that you dont care about without it being indicative of a major character flaw.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

i do think that as a society we don't really treat celebrities as real people like us and view them as a step above us. but i can see why someone would get emotional if they admire/look up to a celebrity or their work has made a big impact on them, such as they made a song that helped them through a hard time or they grew up watching their movies.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think it depends, most celebrities I wouldn't care too much but there are certain celebrities like artists who's music has really helped me get through some very tough times. I don't think I would cry or freak out if I met them but it would definitely be very special.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not sure I understand how the way someone reacts to meeting someone they admire affects you in the least.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You ever had a crush on someone? That's why.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

God forbid human beings have emotions.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would've expected the emotion would be greed. They walk into your body shop. How much to fix the car? You're that rich man in all those movies aren't you? It'll be about 7 times what it is for anyone else who asked. You're a special guy, you need the special parts. You can always roll it up 2 miles to my twin brothers shop if you don't like the estimate. I can save you some effort, I'm the nice one. Tell you little a story you need only believe it. He killed him a bear when he was only 3. Cold blooded murder at the zoo. He crawled off scot free due to his age.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No life of their so they try to live theirs through someone else?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

God forbid people enjoy something right?

by Kooky-Persimmon 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. how tf do you know lmao

by trippin 1 week ago

Because celebrity worship is a real thing. And it's weird.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I cry because I realise how broke I am

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I disagree about whether these people may have done something to meaningfully impact other lives. Music and entertainment can absolutely impact our lives, get us through difficult times, be something we share with loved ones or something that reminds us of people we've lost, etc.

by Mantekenyon 1 week ago

I think you would like to think there's nobody where you would also freak out - even if you met them by surprise - but I think in reality you would also. It's likely a mixture of knowing deep down that something like that may not happen again, and reconciling an entity through media as somebody in your own personal space.

by Bnolan 1 week ago


by lucie82 1 week ago

Pay attention to how celebrities react when fans do this in front of them. Those with even a little bit of soul left in their bodies react in a "wtf are you doing?" sort of way, while the f-ing narcissistic celebrities who don't have a soul react in a "yes, I know I made your day but don't worry I'll forget about you in 10 seconds" sort of way. It's kind of like when people faint when they meet the pope. They are in full denial the person they're meeting is basically a fake.

by Ok-Reputation 1 week ago

It's very common for those types of interactions to happen with celebrities that have created some form of art. Whether it's film, music, novelist, etc. Art in general is a very powerful thing and meeting the person who created something that may have resonated with you on such an emotional level can be overwhelming.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's very weird and unhealthy. It's one thing to love someone's music/movies but if someone gets emotional in their presence, that sounds like mental health issues they're projecting on that celebrity.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. You're kidding right? A musicians music can guide people through some crazy tough times in their life and even give them hope or keep them alive. you better believe that they have created something meaningful to change someone's life.

by North-Ad6124 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life How could you possible know that

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Some people are just like. Mythological. The most famous person I met is Muhammad Ali and in this age where so much is experienced secondhand-through screens, shaking the hand of someone like that is worth more than a "meh". Also I met him because he was raising funds for children fighting life threatening diseases and all of the families from the children's hospital where my brother was being treated for cancer were invited to be at the event. Sometimes celebrities are cool people that you'll remember forever even if you were just another face in the crowd.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The idea that people can't be meaningfully affected by art is bs

by Middle-Average 1 week ago

Wow I wish I was as mature and cool as OP, maybe someday

by Daisha67 1 week ago

Ya people go way overboard. Like sure if I met somebody I look up to id be excited, but it would be more of an admiration, rather than like a manic excitement. Idk how people can legit start crying when meeting another human. Like it's so odd.

by Toyshanie 1 week ago

Depends how much you like the celebrity. Being star struck is a mix of emotions about everything you know about them, as well as the quick human tendency to take in what you are seeing. (Look different in person than on TV so it's all just hitting you at once, the live-ness of the situation) If it's a celebrity you honestly like, it's hard not to be star struck. It's definitely weird when it's just some random celeb you happen to meet, my partner used to work at the city sports stadium and she has served players and stuff without being star struck, but she's not huge on sports. However I still think if she met Taylor Swift should would at least freeze with not wanting to be weird or anything because chances are she wouldn't know what to say or do.

by Both_Pin_3618 1 week ago

music is life and love for me. the lyrics, the story they tell, the way they can transform their pain into beauty, the way it feels like they're writing and performing it for people who've been there and/or get it. so yes. i get emotional when i meet my fave metal vocalists. they're all very supportive of anything mental health which means a lot to me and many others. they have no idea how their art saves people. thankfully, they're vocalists in a genre that isn't and will never be too popular (heavy metal, think deathcore and metalcore) so they're only "celebs" to a select few. nothing like Swift or anything.

by Heathcotechrist 1 week ago

I don't know if this is actually unpopular or not. But I agree. I don't understand why people "freak out" when they meet a celebrity. Like dude, they're just people. Just like you. Calm TF down and compose yourself, its embarrassing. A similar thing happens when people meet, like, the CEO of their company or something. I'm never going to pander to the CEO of my company or pretend like they're a celebrity. They are also, just people. They are not objectively better than you, they're just higher than you in one specific way.

by Ornery_Laugh4794 1 week ago

They're just humans like everyone else. It's pretty weird people put celebrities high on a pedestal. Autographs are weird too, why would I care if another human signed my shirt?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But if they've been very influential to you then it's normal to be emotional

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Art can be moving. I'd 100% cry and freak out a little bit if I met Prince.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

to many people those figures may have had a significant positive impact on their life in terms of inspiration or motivation so i don't find it strange to have an emotional reaction to finally meeting someone like that in person.

by Defiant_Problem 1 week ago

A friend of mine is a huge fan of TIX. She relates a lot to him and it gave her comfort during a hard time in her life. Of course she would get emotional if she met TIX.

by Itchy-Sail8232 1 week ago

Sometimes people turn to arts for either distractions from their problems or empathy with them. If you've ever had an extended hospital stay, a time of depression or great sadness, mental health issues, etc. you might listen to an album on repeat, or watch a movie because it makes you laugh. Yeah, it might be a silly piece of music or dumb movie. But the pain it helped you through was very real, and that means something. Sometimes people just get overwhelmed by celebrité, too. I did when meeting a famous person as a teenager. Now I just shake their hand and greet them politely, I'm less impressed. But that often comes with age.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have met a lot of celebrities and seen people meet them and it is generally not emotional unless that person has some really big connection to the celebrity.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok. Steve Irwin was a major impact on my love of animals (Despite going on to be a mechanical engineer, the interest has stayed). When he died, and granted I was 12, but it hit me hard (and a bad month in general). Or since I mentioned the engineer part, The Mythbusters team, or heck the freaking How it's Made narrator, were big parts of what got me interest. Star Wars has been a big influence on my life as well, so meeting anyone who's worked on it would be something. It's not that hard to find things people would likely get emotional about with stuff celebrities are involved in.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree for the most part, but singers specifically definitely can have a large impact on a persons life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think in many cases they do change peoples lives. A good example is the song Thank You by Logic where a chunk of his song is numerous callers/fans telling him how much his music has inspired them and kept their head up high during rough times ALL OVER the world. I get that sometimes if feels like people worship celebrities (which is kinda weird) but since celebrities are always on the media, its easy to be influenced by them, especially if their actions resonate or relate to you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Neal Brennan said during one of his shows that celebrities are starstruck when they meet other celebrities.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Does the concept of being moved by art confuse you? Art in all its forms can help us through our darkest times, enhance our most joyous, show us different perspectives, inspire us... I would love to meet the artists responsible for having that impact on my life. If you think art makes no difference then imagine the world with no media at all, how boring it would be.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

When my son died, I heard this song called "Oceans" by Emily Rowed. The lyrics are slow, methodical and beautiful. They remind me of the future I dreamed with my family. If I ever met Emily Rowed, I would lose my composure trying to best to express how much she helped me. Some artists and songs mean more than the artist or the song. We attach emotions and feelings to art that we deem as suitably expressing ourselves. Miss you, Ares. <3

by keanuoreilly 1 week ago

One of my bucket list items is to get into a Laery David sryke petty argument with a celeb so I can brag I met them without being starstruck and that they were an asshole

by boberbrunner 1 week ago

I think "should" is a logic word. You are using it to impose a logical framework on emotional reactions. Logic and emotions are usually enemies.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

(1) people cry when they're overwhelmed; and (2) it can be overwhelming to meet someone whose music or other works has helped you through a horrible situation.

by DepartureLow 1 week ago

Might sound weird to say but I listened to a lot of Nicki minaj when I was younger like ages 9-16 and her songs really built a lot of confidence in me growing up so if I saw her in person I wouldn't cry but I'd be super excited

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It depends. What is your definition of "celebrity"?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's so true. I just feel sorry for the really big celebs. You can't go anywhere without people constantly wanting to take pictures of you and touch you. Everytime you pick your nose there's like an 80% chance someone is filming it. Sounds miserable. I try to give a simple head nod and move on when I see famous people.

by Gulgowskinannie 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. Oh but sometimes they have. They may not have meant to or known that the audience would have that experience, but good art can change your life. I think this opinion says you just don't appreciate art very deeply.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's fine that you don't feel any celebrities that had "meanigfully change your life" however I have to say it's quite an experience that almost feel like winning the lottery (well except for the celebrities that you find out they're assholes in person but that's another story), I've shook hands with Chris Angel in Las Vegas 14 years ago, also met Sam Losco and Tyrone from Trailer Park Boys 6 years ago, quite an experience to remember and it also makes awesome stories to tell friends especially fans 😃

by webster63 1 week ago

My favorite artist passed of a drug overdose, at a music festival I was able to meet his sister that runs the foundation in his name for people over coming drug addiction. It made me burst into tears afterward like I almost couldn't help but let it out. It was a lot more meaningful for me because their foundation has just done so much.

by homenickaglae 1 week ago

I met my celebrity crush before and while it was really nice, I talked to her just like everyone else. We probably talked thirty minutes, took a picture together and we hugged when I said goodbye.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think the only celebrity I would have a very emotional reaction to meeting would be John Sterling. He was the voice of my summers all throughout my childhood and I fell asleep listening to him tell stories more times than I can count. He always felt like an honorary grandpa to me and listening to him was one of the things my dad and I always bonded over.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

there is no "should" with emotional responses

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean meeting certain celebrities who have excelled in their jobs gives you a very good feeling. Like I would be very happy if I meet Roger Waters or Dave Gilmour from Pink Floyd because they created some awesome music which moved me. But getting invested in their personal lives is pretty stupid and dumb. That's something people shouldn't be doing at all.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It really depends on how much this person has touched you. Dan from Four Year Strong had his brother die of leukemia when he was young. My brother died of cancer when I was young. Dan wrote a song called One Step At A Time which is about his brother dying at a young age and how it affected him. It really spoke to me and made me feel like someone gets the really unique unfortunate circumstances I experienced. I met him at warped tour in 2019(?) and did not expect to get emotional at all. I just told him I know his brother died from leukemia and my brother had died of cancer and how much the song meant, and the tears just started rolling. he gave me a really tight hug and said "it's tough huh?" Really special moment in my life and I don't feel silly at all for crying

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean does it matter just because it doesn't mean anything to you it could mean the world for them some people attach through certain characters the actor plays that resonates with them and are happy to meet the actor.

by Silver_Item 1 week ago

I've never met celebs irl, but I've seen a few singers in concerts. Obviously I was very happy to actually see them, but the only time I actually felt EMOTIONAL was Mylène Farmer last summer. I've known her and heard her voice since forever, and her songs are very important to me... I don't know if it was because she's a huge icon here in France or because of the shock of finally realizing that she is in fact a real person or if it was something else, but I started crying instantly when she appeared on stage and I cried throughout the entirety of the first few songs lol.

by New-Percentage 1 week ago

When the simp meets the target of their admiration, emotions run high.

by sipestre 1 week ago

Many of them HAVE influenced individuals lives, is the thing. Maybe it's a singer, who helped a kid get through a bad time. Or an actor, who made someone feel represented, or even an author who gave someone something to look forward to. Yes, they're just people, but to a lot of people they mean a lot.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Agreed. Actors are people. More importantly they are people who have chosen a career that thrives on receiving attention. It is very annoying to see their egos stroked at every turn. I don't want to hear their political views and I don't want to know about their families. They don't deserve special legal treatment and they don't warrant special privileges in public. Thank you for the platform to vent. 🙂

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Depends on why the celebrity is famous. Assuming they're an artist of some kind, art can evoke very strong emotional reactions from people, and so they begin to almost deify the artist.

by Susanabogan 1 week ago

Art is inherently emotional, so meeting the person who created art that you've connected with in a personal way can bring out those emotions.

by hammesisabelle 1 week ago

I really think it depends on the meaning you have placed on them (I'm talking about singers here). For example, if I met my dad's favorite artist, I'd maybe cry because my dad died & their music makes me think of him & memories I have with my dad. It really depends on the situation. Music is a form of therapy to many. If someone's music has an impact on you, it may be emotional when you finally meet the face behind something that has helped you heal

by Bogisichdon 1 week ago

If I met Slipknot I might be a little emotional. They are the first band I truly connected to. Their lyrics their personal stories. They helped me find my voice and stick up for myself. Yes I understand I'm the one who truly did it but who knows if I could've if it hadn't been for them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

When Chester Bennington was just 20 feet away from me, I was really trying hard to even breathe. I had such a rough childhood and listened to his music to be my escape which led me to put myself in a better situation. I saw him when I was working backstage at one of his shows in 2016 as stage crew. I didnt talk to him but he did yell out a thanks to all the staff for putting the show together. I can't say if it should/shouldn't be emotional but it happened to me and listening to his music did change my life. Maybe it can for can too if you ever come across someone you look up to, doesnt even have to be a celebrity.

by Oral39 1 week ago

Some of it is weird but undoubtedly art can have an incredible impact on people's life. To say it's always weird to get emotional if say they met an actor who was in a movie that made them pick a certain career path, or a musician who made an album that helped them get through a tumultuous time in their life. I think if I were to have met Mac Miller I probably would have been a little bit emotional with how much his work always meant to me.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because of how I used to live I've met a lot of musicians and at first it was 'wow, you're actually real and not just sounds coming from your speaker or a guy in a video'. I also met an at the time A list actor (he's still big but slowed down a lot) just walking on the street like NBD. That kind of took me by surprise but I said hi and we chatted a bit. It's more about the idea of someone that's more of a part of your life than you think suddenly appearing and actually playing a part in it.

by Emanuel06 1 week ago

One could argue they haven't done anything meaningful at all

by levireichel 1 week ago

Eh, if it's someone special that you watched or looked up to since childhood, it's a bit emotional not because of the celebrity as a person but because they represent a special time in your life. Other than that, you're right.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm a huge fan of a specific female singer and several years ago won a charity auction to have lunch with her. At first it felt emotional but once we started talking she went from being someone who pulls music from the heavens by magic to a very hard working musician who supports an entire mini-economy (band members, tour members, assistant, scheduler, accountant, agent, etc.). The entertainment business works very hard to build a fantasy but the reality is we, the audience, only see an hour of two of the finished product, not the hundreds of hours of work that go into making that product. I still like the singer, still enjoy the music, but the "magic" is gone. Kind of like being an adult and having fun getting Christmas presents vs. being a kid and thinking Santa brought them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree in the way that I truly have not been impacted by a celebrity of musician personally. I'm impacted by people I actually know, that's who is changing my life. I don't know the people I'm watching through a screen or listening to. Movies and music have not changed my life, they've made me feel certain ways, but have not had a meaningful impact on my actual life. To me they're all just characters. I know they're real, but they are all playing roles, we don't really know them, just like they don't know us. My life is still the same, whether I listen to a song or watch a tv show. I enjoy those things, but I don't find them life changing on a personal level. Other people definitely do though, which is why you have a bunch of people upset in here. I don't understand what it's like, but there certainly are artists/celebrities who people feel have changed their lives through their work. I can definitely see how a certain song, movie, or tv show that helped someone get through a tough time can be very special to them, and would make them hold the musician(s) or actor(s) in high regard or think of them as special, despite not knowing them personally. I don't know what that feels like, but understand that people can and do feel that way!

by amaliagraham 1 week ago

be sure to pick up the clown mask before you leave OP

by anjalilueilwitz 1 week ago

I disagree. I don't think it necessarily should be emotional, but whether you like it or not, many people's lives revolve around media. I mean isn't there a specific show, movie, song, etc. that brings you back to a really happy time? My friends and I were huge Jonas Brothers fans when we were preteens. I don't think I'd be emotional if I met them, but obviously seeing them or hearing a song is going to bring me back to those great times as a kid, hanging out with my best friends, having some of the best years and moments of my life. But I am also someone who cries when I don't know what to do. Lol. So I can cry very randomly. It's just another sometimes involuntary action that humans do. Some people laugh when uncomfortable, some people cry, some people go emotionless.

by qheathcote 1 week ago

"They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life" this is so not true it's crazy. I've heard almost everyone I know cite a piece of music as life changing. Often times in a very literal sense. I don't think I would cry if I meant my any of my heroes per se, but I don't think it's unreasonable to allow people some emotional leeway when they meet someone who might have helped them through a hard time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You don't know that they haven't done anything meaningful to change their life

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I remember seeing videos from Michael Jackson concerts where young girls are screaming and crying so hard they faint

by Margretwolff 1 week ago

I disagree that a celebrity who you've never met can't have a big impact on your life. And that that impact isn't necessarily unhealthy. For example, if a particular band or artist's music helped you get through tough times and their songs made you feel better you can have a strong emotional connection. And feel fairly emotional if you met them and they don't even know you. But like. Holding them up as a god that can do no wrong is a parasocial mess.

by welchike 1 week ago

I would never ask anyone for a picture, I would just wave and walk away. Probably gets tiring to deal with.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They have done stuff meaningful to change their life though to gain a reaction like that. Just because you don't know them personally doesn't mean they don't affect you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What? Some musicians have kept me going in life with their music. I don't know if I'd cry but I'd definitely have an emotional reaction to meeting some of them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I work with many pop stars behind the scenes. See many meet and greets. They helped fans through a lot of the worst moments of their lives.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The pedestal celebrities are put on in the US is insane. I don't knock people for feeling that way when they meet some because it is a product of the environment we live in and most people are very susceptible to group think and suggestion.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'd say it depends. I've run into and met celebrities and it was novel at first, but no emotional reaction....but if I were to meet Messi (I'm soccer obsessed), I might cry.

by No_Aside 1 week ago

I think They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. is where you're massively wrong; I'd assume you just have no personal experience with that. I mean I think it's weird that people freak out, but I think I understand it. And IDK how I would react personally...although I realize it's weird to react in such a frantic way to a person. If you react that way to EVERY Celebrity, you're a weirdo.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think it's the unlikeliness and ephemerality of the event that can create a surreal emotional experience. You might spend a significant amount of time watching or to listening to that celebrity, from a distance, and for a brief moment they're physically present and aware that you exist. Instead of just existing in your head, they're actually in front of you in real life. It's almost like having an imaginary friend appear or a doll come to life. You suddenly have the opportunity to connect with someone important to you that may never happen again.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Your third sentence is demonstrably wrong in many cases. Therefore, your entire logical foundation is worthless.

by fleuschke 1 week ago

Except sometimes a lot of ppls fav artist have had a meaningful change in their life lol. That's the reason they're crying. Music can create a connection and relatability between the artist and the listener

by Substantial_Age 1 week ago

You're right, but that's not how it works. Celebrities are projections of people's selves. That's why emotions will always play a role.

by One_Strain_2398 1 week ago

Just let people enjoy things and stfu

by myriam92 1 week ago

People who love juice world would disagree probably lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Why does anyone feel the need to tell people how they should or shouldn't react? We're all so different, and we all live different lives. Something that's meaningful to me might not be meaningful to others, and that's just how life is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Awe isn't an emotion?

by Lianametz 1 week ago

I never get emotional about this stuff, but who am I to tell other people how to feel

by Cristobalbuckri 1 week ago

I am older and I wont cry pretty much anyone, but there are some people, primarily musicians, who have had a major impact on my life, who were a part of my growing up and made an impact on me. Would I cry, I dont know, but I would be emotional for sure.

by Alone_Lion_8859 1 week ago

I'm not sure you understand how emotions work

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It shouldn't be, but it's be.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Art can absolutely change your life in a meaningful way

by Anonymous 1 week ago

sometimes they have done something meaningful to change your life. music has gotten me through some tough times man...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Some celebrities are amazing talented people who impact a lot of others

by OkPresence 1 week ago

I think crying might be a bit much but being excited is perfectly fine. If I met like a childhood youtube(DanTDM) and I like got excited that'd be normal cause that man influenced my childhood

by hvonrueden 1 week ago

Well, in many cases, it's the celebrities art that has impacted the person so much. And art can evoke great emotion, carry deep nostalgia, be tied to cherished memories and inspire change in our lives.

by freddie92 1 week ago

What you mean is people should be such weak-minded manipulable pathetic lemmings.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I guess someone else's emotional reaction, as long as it doesn't pose any harm to you or others, should not really be any of your business. Everyone reacts differently and different people ascribe different meaning to it. It's like berating and criticizing a kid for desperately wanting to see their favorite football player.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The way our culture worships celebrity is so weird.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I quite literally would not be the same person that I am without the music that I love so this is cap. Definitely an unpopular opinion though so good job I guess.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. They're just doing what they do best and you are one of many meeting them. The second part is true, the first one is debatable. To some people, celebrities actually played a role in their life. Be it helping them through difficult times with their skills/job, or simply be providing entertainment, good memories and so on. I haven't met many major celebrities, but I'm not the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve, so I always tend to keep my emotions in check and surely I'm not the guy making a scene or bursting into tears. When I met a few of my favourite musicians and a bunch of soccer players and other athletes, I simply shook their hand, thanked them for their art and that was it. Surely a fond memory but indeed the "is this REALLY _____?" feeling kinda overrode the sheer fandom and "mark out moment" (to borrow wrestling lingo). That being said, the list of people who could have probably made me overreact was pretty short, and most of them are gone or gone-ish.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

OP has never been touched by art

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Disagree. When I was going thru some seriously messed up stuff - started when I was around 10 - I started listening to Marc Bolan from T.Rex in particular The Slider album specifically Mystic Lady. Lyrics: " Oh the people in your life are cruel, keep on riding that hard road " Well, that line really spoke to me. So when I was sad and depressed, I'd go to my room, put on my headphones and listen to this song. A lot. I mean A LOT. Instead of drinking or doing drugs, I'd go to my room and put on my headphones and listen to his music. To this day, I've never drank. No drugs. All bc his music took me to a better place in my head. I'll always be grateful for his music. It changed my life. He was killed in 1977 never a chance to meet him but if I had, I'd probably cried or something.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A lot of people have a cry reaction when experiencing any sort of overwhelming emotion. Even excitement can be overwhelming enough to trigger a cry reaction. its not necesarily taht they are obsessed with whatever celeb, but that the excitement of randomly meeting them overwhelms our emotions and ends up comiong out in the form of tears. its a lot like people who cry when they get really pissed. Your body has no way of processing such a strong emotion and so it basically goes "UHH>>> THERES A LOT OF EMOTION HAPPENING>>> WHAT DO???? UH CRY I GUESSS?"

by Kamronharvey 1 week ago

to be honest. it may seem a little ridiculous. but i know for a fact i would be sobbing, or just incredibly awkward if i met a favourite singer ir actor of mine. probably due to the overwhelmsion, i get that a lot.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yep living in LA really made me desensitized to the hype of celebs, rarely was I impressed by them as a human outside of their talent

by Alvis73 1 week ago

Idk about you, but some songs actually do have impact on my life. There are songs that got me through some of the darkest days of my life and if I could meet the person who sung them I'd likely cry and thank them for what they do because their music helped save me.

by fernando80 1 week ago

I don't get starstruck or overwhelmed around celebrities, but I don't blame anyone who does. You've never been affected by a song or a film or a piece of art? Never wanted to thank the person who made it? Never wanted to try to explain to someone, famous or not, what something they did meant to you and found yourself a little at a loss for words? These are all natural, normal feelings to have. Imagine you only have 30 seconds or whatever to tell someone important to you what their work did for you. You might not be quite as cool as you think you would be.

by Uriel81 1 week ago

I got pretty emotional when I met Veronica Taylor and Linda young. Why? Because they were a huge part of my childhood, as well as the memories I had with my departed mother.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think you're just coming off the superior idea that just because personally meeting a celebrity will not affect you means you're better off than the rest. A lot of celebrity are actually people that impacted the world and a lot of other people's life in the process. Come off your high horses

by fconroy 1 week ago

some people are so insecure, they'll get attached to people they've never even met.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm sorry that art has never had an impact on your life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago