-34 Bands shouldn't be allow to call it a UK tour if they only visit England. amirite?

by MurkyEntrepreneur836 2 months ago

Wait until you see what they call a European Tour or a World Tour

by corneliusward 2 months ago

Cries in African cities.

by Lillianaoberbru 2 months ago

Johannesburg is not all of Africa?

by Substantial-Mess 2 months ago

Slightly feel your pain here in Ireland.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

If they tour more than one coutnry around the world then it can still be a world tour. If they tour more than one country in Europe then it can still be a European tour. They're just not very good ones for the name. If they only tour one country in the UK then it's not a UK tour. Same as it''s not a European tour or a world tour if they only do France.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Ergo, if you play two shows in England, then it's a UK tour. It's a tour, and it's in the UK. It's also an England tour. Playing two shows in England shouldn't be an England tour and a UK tour and a European tour and a world tour, that doesn't make much sense.

by AvailableDirector361 2 months ago

Na, a tour is about the place you're travelling, not where you're from. Taylor Swift is from the US but she still does US tours. If she went to China it would be a China tour. If she went to multiple Asian countries it would be an Asia Tour. I know a guy from the UK who was in a band that was really big in the 2000s, they're currently doing a UK tour because they're touring the UK.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

"a journey made by performers or a sports team, in which they perform or play in several different places" is the actual definition we're talking about here. What I meant was that you travel for a tour, I should've worded that better. I'm not seeing any rules about you having to play in multiple districts of the same area though. North America tours often don't include Canada. By your definition, playing a show on the US side of the border of Canada and then a show on the Canada side could be considered a world tour, because you're playing in multiple countries. Yet a tour of every major American city without any Canada dates wouldn't be a North America tour? You see the flaws of your definition, right? This is why I'm against hard fast rules with how you're allowed to name things.

by corneliusward 2 months ago

Fine, a world tour has to travel across more than one continent, otherwise it's just a tour of that continent.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

But now we're changing definitions. Isn't it easier just to admit that creating all these rules of what tours can be called what doesn't really solve anything? Seems easier to just let people name their tours what they want and just look at the dates to see if they're playing in the town you care about

by corneliusward 2 months ago

I haven't contradicted anything I previously said. "If they tour more than one coutnry around the world then it can still be a world tour. " "Fine, a world tour has to travel across more than one continent, otherwise it's just a tour of that continent." Feels like a contradiction to me

by corneliusward 2 months ago

To be fair to these "California West Coast" Tours, if they get up to Sacramento, that's roughly the half-way point of the West Coast.

by Chanelmacejkovi 2 months ago

Totally! You could say the same about England. You could cover half of the UK without leaving England.

by corneliusward 2 months ago

world tour in the us πŸ‘πŸ»

by haleyford 2 months ago

Same with world tour with only US, Canada, UK, Germany and sometimes Japan or Australia

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Don't forget the rare gift to eastern Europe of one concert in Prague.

by Various_Range 2 months ago

That's too bad too, yall got good venues in Ontario for sure

by JuniorOperation 2 months ago

Well, I live in Portugal, and near me will also be yours So, like, england and France are near me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I'm a dumb American so I had to look up how far apart these cities are. Looks to be about 7-8 hours? I'm driving from Boston, Massachusetts to Washinton DC and back this weekend this weekend which is pretty comparable. It's interesting to me how non-Americans don't drive longer distances.

by HourEvening38 2 months ago

I mean I would say most Americans wouldn't know the distance, I have no clue how far Boston and Washington are from. But also I think many people would drive that far, but not me, especially since I'm still in school. It definitely depends on the person. I have family about 11 hour drive and I'm fine doing that because I get to see them and am usually staying for around a week but I cba doing it for a weekend

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Hotel is good if you're drinking though

by Anonymous 2 months ago

hotel = expensive

by Anonymous 2 months ago

we also have "good" public transport per say. trains and coaches that are cheaper overall than running the car that long

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People do make trips like this in the UK - whether it's by car or train - but the difference is it's usually not necessary. It's a smaller country so people tend to not need to, so it seems a bit depressing to us to spend 15 hours driving over a single weekend. The main issue here is that there are two big, easily travelled to cities in Scotland (Glasgow and Edinburgh) that bands often skip out on when doing tours in the UK

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You might reconsider if gas cost $7/gallon like in the UK.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Half English, half Scottish. Definitely agree that it's a stupid thing to call it a UK tour if they're only dotting about England.

by jabariheidenrei 2 months ago

That's only a 7 hour drive according to Google.. I'd say that's pretty dang close, I drive further than that for a weekend hangout with my buddy one province over.

by Anonymous 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

Agreed. Can you really even call it a UK tour if you didn't hit a pub in Aberystwyth?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Taylor Swift is great and all, but could she do it on a cold Tuesday night in Stoke?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

hard agree. they do the same thing calling them β€˜north american tours' but visit 20 US cities, one in canada, and none in mexico, lmao.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's a lot more accurate than calling it a US tour.

by Beneficial-Oil-1169 2 months ago

not really when it's usually only one place in canada and it's just toronto

by Anonymous 2 months ago

A US tour that goes to Canada and Mexico makes no sense. What a weird hill to die on.

by Beneficial-Oil-1169 2 months ago

It's still a UK tour. England is part of the UK

by Anonymous 2 months ago

If they're in the UK they're touring in the UK, they don't have to go to every country

by Cassandra99 2 months ago

They're in England. There are three more countries that make up the UK.

by Key_Bat8391 2 months ago

England makes up 85% of the UK. Scots and Welsh people need to get over the fact they're small because they've been whining about it as long as I can remember.

by Greenholtlavern 2 months ago

Scotland is not that much smaller than England and, to be honest, I don't see how area has much to do with it. Yes, England is the largest with the biggest population, however the UK is still made out of three other countries, regardless how big or small. 84% in terms of population (a lot of it aren't even ethnic Europeans, never mind English), however just 53% of area.

by Key_Bat8391 2 months ago

Okay but area isn't relevant to this

by Greenholtlavern 2 months ago

Neither is population really. A popular band would still sell out a venue in Edinburgh despite Scotland only having 4.5m people.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It is relevant, it is more accessible for a lot more people if a band plays in Manchester instead of Edinburgh

by ShoddyCar558 2 months ago

What if they're an unpopular band?

by Both_Virus19 2 months ago

Oh yea, I always forget how y'all like to call your autonomous regions countries.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

These artists are just preparing for the inevitable breakup when the north of Ireland and Scotland finally break free.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My band's North American tour included Baltimore AND Philadelphia. Epic.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I mean they aren't wrong. Just a marketing strategy that's so common. There's bakeries that will say their goods are freshly baked but will come straight from Costco. It's still technically freshly baked.

by Necessary_Lab_9364 2 months ago

OP: crying in welsh

by Anonymous 2 months ago

World tour, visits only Japan USA and other major countries

by One-Perspective 2 months ago

It's their tour, they can call it what they want

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Marketing! *jazz hands*

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Wait until you see what a "North American" tour is to a lot of bands.

by Afraid_Possibility 2 months ago

England is like 85% of the UK so I think it counts

by Greenholtlavern 2 months ago

How many Canadian cities can you really sell out an arena in?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Me personally? Not many. But no one wants to see a boring 30 something year old sitting and playing video games mediocrely

by sjakubowski 2 months ago

WORLD TOUR!!! Canada waves "Hullo?!?"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

North American tour.....they do a single Canadian show in either Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's gotten to the point where I'm excited if I only have to drive 3 hours to Calgary to see a show.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Back when I was in a band in Manchester we did the USA tour - Urmston, Salford, Altrincham

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Just go to Manchester

by ShoddyCar558 2 months ago

Nowhere near as many though

by ShoddyCar558 2 months ago

While I do think it's still valid given how much of the UK is taken up by England, but as a Canadian near the border I do know the pain of being passed up when a band does a tour nearby. So I half-agree

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And they shouldn't be allowed to call it an England tour either when they only visit London, Birmingham and Manchester.

by ReasonableBike 2 months ago

They shouldn't be able to call it a Birmingham tour if they don't visit Handsworth

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yes more laws please! I need my hand held by the government to protect me from these atrocities! I am still pissed off that I went to The Monsters of Rock tour and there were zero Monsters. Not one!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

david brent life on the road

by beau48 2 months ago

Freelove on the freelove freeway 🎡🎡

by Free_Share 2 months ago

70 miles an hour but no more

by beau48 2 months ago


by Financial-Macaron 2 months ago

What a weird hill to die on :)

by Anonymous 2 months ago

London - Birmingham - Manchetser - Edinburgh Minimum 4 places to be called a UK tour. I'd love to add a Welsh or Northern Ireland city to the list but Wales is tiny and has a smaller econemy than my town, and N.I would require an extra flight so not practical.

by Alone_Possible3397 2 months ago

In the US, the UK is synonymous with England. It's not personal, I promise

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What's the difference? J/k

by davismarlee 2 months ago

Ireland isn't part of the UK πŸ™ˆ

by Anonymous 2 months ago