+46 Big streamers should give small streamers a chance. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Why would someone try to help their competitors?

by Automatic_Claim 8 months ago

If they've already made their money and are set for the rest of their life, why wouldn't they help the little guy?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Set for the rest of their lives isn't enough, you can always have more.

by lakintyson 8 months ago

At that point it's called selfishness. I don't need a boat or a fancy house, I just need enough to live comfortably.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Because they don't want to lose their position.

by Automatic_Claim 8 months ago

What do you mean by position?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Their spot on the hierarchy of popularity.

by Automatic_Claim 8 months ago

Oh well I guess if they care about that then that's their choice.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Being a big streamer is about having a brand that you have to protect. Vetting people takes a lot of time and it isn't a guaranteed method of finding out who that person really is and who they will be when they are put on the spotlight. It is a risk that offers no reward. I respect big streamers that do it, but I completely understand why a lot of them don't.

by Legitimate-Drive-939 8 months ago

Right, I'm not saying it's something they should do if they're not 100% where they want to be financially, but if they've had their fun and they're ready to give back, why not spread the success?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So should Microsoft run an ad every now and then to shout out apple ?

by Luciousziemann 8 months ago