+31 'Vacuum' feels like a word with 2 Cs and not 2 Us. amirite?

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago

I always put two cs and two us then have to decide which to remove.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Lol, and I always decide u is the one to go before fixing it.

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago

Saying vac-you-umm helps

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Why would I say this, though? Everyone pronounces it vac-yoom, not va-coom or vac-you-umm.

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago

Vacuum is such a strange word because some how it really highlights english accents. For me it's vac-que-mm definitely a double consonant in there.

by Apprehensive-Bug5568 2 months ago

As a pneumonic to remember how to spell it?

by Anonymous 2 months ago


by Zestyclose-Sky 2 months ago

Great now I need a M-nem-onic

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Mnemonics all the way down

by Zestyclose-Sky 2 months ago

Pneumatic mnemonic.

by gglover 2 months ago

Like saying Wed-nes-day

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Or B-E-A-utiful

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Nah Big Ears And Ugly Teeth I Find Utterly Lovely is the way to go

by Corkeryelissa 2 months ago

Dash in a real rush, hurry (or) else accident Stoopid Brtsh spelling

by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago

Feb ru ary.

by gglover 2 months ago

Spelling doesn't damage the lungs thankfully

by Krystelwolff 2 months ago

In English what everyone is doing is correct, unlike in some languages.

by britneyhettinge 2 months ago

The British do "vac-you-umm". But then again, they do "Al-you-minium and Ghjag-you-are". 😘

by gglover 2 months ago

Um, no. Jaguar yes, but it's vac-yoom and al-uh-min-yum. Nobody says vac-you-um except for maybe some hundred year old latin professor tucked away in the basement of a university. You can't even claim jag-war is "correct" because it comes from yaguara

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I don't appreciate you being correct. It kind of stifles my rant.

by gglover 2 months ago

Just specify Victorian-era British and you're still good.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I pronounce it "con science" in my head because for some reason my brain refuses to remember how to spell conscience. I literally just did it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I dont even remove any i just send it lmfao

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Tomorrow tommorow tommorrow tomorow

by vzieme 2 months ago

read this through without realising they are spelt different only the last one looks weird, but hes trying hes just a little short

by Anonymous 2 months ago

To-morrow Not Tom-morrow, tom-morow I guess to-morow may be able to sneak in

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My nemonic deceive is that it is "Tom" "or" "row."

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The first 3 look correct to me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

To the last syllable of recorded time...

by Responsible_Log 2 months ago

Yeah, it kinda sucks you in.

by hackettvernon 2 months ago

Hi dad

by xmueller 2 months ago

Ah, so that's where you get to.

by hackettvernon 2 months ago

where are you getting the second c?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

from the fact it's pronounced "Vak-kyoom"?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

from the general English rule of "short vowel is followed by two consonants"

by Curtissatterfie 2 months ago

There are many exeptions: famine, relative, sun, salad, many, ... Rather the rule is the other way round: Double consonant implies short vowel.

by Far-Conference 2 months ago

That is what I meant and I don't see much difference between the two lol

by Curtissatterfie 2 months ago

English is a train wreck. 😁

by gglover 2 months ago

There isn't - but for some inexplicable reason it seems there is.

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago

No it doesn't.

by Fostermayert 2 months ago

it's because not many words have a w in them

by OutrageousTone3911 2 months ago

I just spell it 'vacwm'

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Found the Welshman

by Kschoen 2 months ago

that's just because people refuse to say the word correctly in english (the 2 Us are seperate syllables)

by Adamore 2 months ago

isn't that what i said?

by Adamore 2 months ago

well it's not an english word and in other languages people usually correctly pronounce the double U as 2 syllables

by Adamore 2 months ago

It is also a word in English, where it has 2 common pronunciations

by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago

British people when other accents exist:

by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago

i'm german

by Adamore 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure I spelled Vaccuum into my teens and perhaps on occasion still.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Vacuum - where the spelling seems to suck more than the appliance itself!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Same with how it feels like ‘Resurrection' should have 2 Ss

by Emardfernando 2 months ago

Res ah rec shun.

by Kweber 2 months ago

Res u rec shun

by Kweber 2 months ago


by Intelligent-Oil 2 months ago

"Resurerection". Source - South Park.

by gglover 2 months ago

Hmmmm vack cyoom. Yup.

by ProfessionOk 2 months ago

Thank you! This is exactly how I think of this word!!

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago

Vacuum? Vaccum? vak-yoom , English cheat of sounding it out does not work

by Anxious_Head 2 months ago

Yes it does. Vac-you-um vs vackum or vaxum (double c as in accident). One of these pronunciations sounds closer to the word....

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I spell vaquum with a Q U

by rosamond30 2 months ago

why do you do that

by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago


by gglover 2 months ago

No because then the u would be short

by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago

Totally. "Banana " is another one on those words.

by gglover 2 months ago

I used it write in short like this: "yqm".

by Born_Delivery 2 months ago

I think you're just nispronouncing it

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Great point. It looks like it should be pronounced "vakoom"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Do natural English speakers not pronounce it "Vac-you-umm"?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

But it's pronounced vac-you-um, why would you need two c?

by Alexis30 2 months ago

Idk, I always pronounce it as "vuhkuum"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I always want to put one c and a double s on "occasionally."

by Anonymous 2 months ago

When deciding, I always follow the "long vowel rule". Long vowels need something to make them long. In English this is usually an e at the end of the word. Vacuum doesn't have an e at the end, so only one u would make it "vak come".

by Anonymous 2 months ago

my personal nemesis in the english language are words that double up on some, but not all, consonants. Looking at you, neccessarry.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I have spelled it wrong many a time and done this

by shanahanskylar 2 months ago

How do you feel about 'continuum' ?

by hgraham 2 months ago

That is a pretty clear-cut word w.r.t pronunciation, innit? Con-tin-you-umm.

by StraightSwing4722 2 months ago


by Desperate-Winter 2 months ago

Not really.. sounds about right to me..

by yhand 2 months ago

Only if you mispronounce it

by Anonymous 2 months ago

How are you prouning vacuum then? /ˈvæ.kjuːm/ or /ˈvæ.kjuː.əm/ I don't see how you would get there with two cs and one u

by Germanfritsch 2 months ago