+35 People should take matters into their own hands, amirite?

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

I'd prefer we compel our governments to address these issues in earnest rather than empowering vigilantes. The average person cannot be trusted to dispense justice in an equitable manner, that's why we have a justice system in the first place.

by Ikoss 2 months ago

Having worked in the "justice system" I can tell you its anything but just and it does not work. It's currently very broken.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

So fix it? Why abandon it in favor of vigilantes who have no oversight or accountability?

by Ikoss 2 months ago

There's nothing we can fix. We need to start over; events then, I could argue that cops sometimes are not accountable or have adequate oversight. I'm beginning to see that everything is just a big illusion put on by our inept government. It's a myth, like Santa Claus but it works because most people still believe it. We, the people, give the government its legitimacy; the moment we collectively revoke that, it all goes down the drain.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

OK, you first

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I'm already noticing I'm doing things I shouldn't be doing. However, I don't think there is another way. I hope it won't end up badly. But again if these people don't want to respect the laws and get away with it, why should we still play fair??

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

Life will never be fair. Just don't cause other people problems or do illegal things that can hurt others and that's IT.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

Which is why I don't work for the government anymore. I now hold a very negative opinion of the government. People also just took a dump overall. No one cares about anything. No respect no decency no consideration no nothing.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

Yes I agree because we have the freedom now to speak up and criticise our way of life. When times are booming and everyone has food on the table, a roof over their heads and work that feels rewarding, they're happy, polite, law abiding citizens. These days, none of that is guaranteed and it makes people depressed, anxious and violent.

by No_Yam_6336 2 months ago

Society exists because it hurts other people millions of people are crushed under the heel of the corps that run our world.

by Extra-Boysenberry134 2 months ago

Agree. Corruption reigns.

by No_Yam_6336 2 months ago

If you have something to lose (I.e a family), you won't win.

by Abject-Shopping9607 2 months ago

Yes I understand this is the hurdle for most of us. We have too much to risk.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

So many similar issues also in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Manhattan, Philadelphia and many other big cities too it's only a matter of time before people take matters into their own hands

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Perhaps instead of the civilians fearing the criminals, the criminals should fear the civilians for a change.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This should be the goal. How can a few bad apples run the show?? Good, decent people should live life free and safe, and it is their right, too. But the government has neglected us far too long now and it will reach a boiling point soon.

by AnnualGood 2 months ago

The government has not neglected you if a criminal does something wrong. Your attempt at making a connection is laughable.

by Anonymous 2 months ago