+34 Polygamy should be legal. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It is legal. Go for it bro!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It is legal, why don't you go to a country where it's permitted and practice it?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

it is legal, the only thing that's protected is the institution of marriage, but there's nothing preventing you from having multiple partners.

by Leschward 2 months ago

It is legal.

by Marcos48 2 months ago

Umm… there's no law against it, at least in the US. If you're talking marriage.. that's a different issue.

by Dickibarton 2 months ago

It's legal to have open relationship. I think it's funny people would laugh at men who are in open relations and slut shaming on women.

by kunzetyrique 2 months ago

In most countries its legal as long as you don't get married.

by Anonymous 2 months ago