+35 Opinionated people are likely not smart, amirite?

by Darien01 2 months ago

I kind of agree with you, but it depends what you mean by smart. I've met people with PhDs who have very high IQs and a ton of knowledge in one specific field, but because of that they decide they must be a genius at everything and have some ridiculously unhinged opinions. I've also met plenty of people with learning disabilities who are wise enough to admit what they don't know. So I think it might have more to do with wisdom or self awareness than IQ anyway.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah, I think OP doesn't understand the difference between having an opinion and thinking you know all the answers.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I agree. But I do get frustrated with people who argue a point when they clearly do not know what they're talking about. Like flat earthers or election deniers...you can't argue with stupid.

by Few_Degree_3022 2 months ago

It is absolutely wild that people like you denied the 2016 election and then say stuff like this about the 2020 election. It's a complete disconnect from reality.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I've never denied any official election results. Not quite sure what you're talking about.

by Few_Degree_3022 2 months ago

Do you have strong feelings about it that you express it at the slightest of opportunities??

by Darien01 2 months ago

Good luck passing school without writing opinionated papers.

by Signal_Buffalo 2 months ago

The title doesn't correspond to the body text. One can totally be opinionated with educated opinions.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Possibly, i am not sure why society celebrates opinions so much? The media keeps encouraging opinions of public figures on matters they'd probably never be able to understand even if they spent the next decade reading about it.

by Darien01 2 months ago

We tend to equate freedom of speech with the RIGHT to express our opinions as facts, at least in the US.

by Few_Degree_3022 2 months ago

Either dumb, or just arrogant. There are tons of above average intelligent people who still have opinions on many things because as they are smarter they assume they are also generally better.

by No_Wish 2 months ago

I have no opinion on the issue!

by Anonymous 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

That's quite a strong opinion you have there, I think....

by Anonymous 2 months ago

By this logic, are people who DON'T have opinions even dumber since they don't understand things well enough to have opinions? And by comparison, wouldn't opinionated people then be smart? 🤔🤔🤔

by Anonymous 2 months ago