+25 There are more Asians playing European musical instruments than there are Europeans playing Asian musical instruments. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You're underestimating weebs

by Eldora43 2 months ago

Yeah but I doubt they would know about Japanese instruments like kokyus

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You're underestimating our tiger parents. My mum thinks you can put piano test achievements on an engineering CV.

by Haneford 2 months ago

She is right... Achievements out of the field can be a good sign to potential employer that you are a "worker" and can reach goals.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

There are more Asians playing European musical instruments than there are Europeans playing Asian musical instruments. There are also more Asians playing European musical instruments than there are European playing European musical instruments. And there are more Asians playing Asian musical instruments than there are Europeans playing Asian musical instruments In short, there are more Asians than European.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Well… tbh what you're considering an European musical instrument probably has some multicultural roots from Northern Africa and Western Asia so don't rely too much on your theory.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Despite the influences of Greece and Rome, most musical instruments in Europe during the Middles Ages came from Asia. The lyre is the only musical instrument that may have been invented in Europe until this period. Source The European lute is markedly similar to the Arabic oud. Naturally, guitar came from the lute/oud. No one civilization can claim to have exclusively invented too many instruments.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Thanks! I've been mostly taught that violins, guitars,.. are European inventions.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

technically most instruments are asian as they are designed and manufactured there

by Plane_Moment 2 months ago