-24 I hate YouTuber culture, amirite?

by AnyPollution9791 2 months ago

I regularly watch stuff on YouTube and I never heard about half of the people you are talking about and definitely never watched anything related to them, this is like saying I don't like movies because there are some movies that are trashy. There are aspects of YouTube that should be criticized, but you don't even do that.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

same can be said for whatever celebrity, but yeah, i too noticed (obviously, i'm not blind) that influencers are trash and as a personal note, we should blame the platforms more for this, cos the platforms know, the platforms decide

by Opposite-Degree-8848 2 months ago

You decide who is deserving? Why do you think actual celebrities are better than youtubers?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

They do bad things, people fall for it, not like others don't do bad things and it's exclusive to youtubers

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You don't think celebrities have done everything as despicable as Logan Paul?

by Anonymous 2 months ago